Scalp Problems + Systems - Advice & Experiences


My Regimen
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I suffer from mild seborrheic dermatitis. This is, essentially, dandruff 2.0. It's a result of me having what my girlfriend calls 'combination skin' - i.e oily and dry simultaneously.
Now, at present, this isn't a major issue; I cycle between Nizoral and coal-tar based shampoos, rendering the condition relatively manageable.

However, as someone intending on venturing into the world of systems, I'm very concerned as to how the above will impact my ability to wear one. Obviously I wouldn't be shampooing a system every day and I don't particularly like the idea of having to reattach every morning. Furthermore, I imagine the glues / tapes could exacerbate my condition.

Has anyone else got a similar condition? I'd really appreciate some advice on this as it's a major concern - I don't want to take the plunge and find that the system is unwearable, and then have to head into work with an inexplicably shaved head, one which fails to regrow the glorious head of hair I had the day before. As mentioned in previous posts, I'm (relatively) early on in my hairloss adventure and have been hoping to make the transition to a system reasonably undectable.
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Established Member
My Regimen
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Good question, but since no one else is weighing in I will give my opinion. You could do a test run for a few times at home. Or on vacation or something. See if it makes a difference


Established Member
My Regimen
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I had some issues at first wearing a hair system. I've more often than not had dandruff issues my entire life.

My last salon has a nasty habit of using dish soap on your scalp and hair to make clean up quicker. It was extra bad for me and I was getting red splotches all over. And huge dandruff flakes that came off along with hair (my hair)

Now I've calmed it down by using nizoral every time it's off (once very 2 weeks) all over, and using a shower cap to protect my hair system and using nizoral on my own hair as much as I can every other week.

I noticed last time I had some dry skin on my scalp so this is something I'll have to monitor and think about a bit.

You should be using nizoral more than twice a week, and for me once is enough. Just try to follow this sort of routine and see how you fare.


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I don't have this issue, but I would have thought this is a situation where a scalp protector ought to help. As you probably know, it is a liquid which you apply onto your scalp before the adhesive. It dries to form an invisible barrier. It is designed to prevent your adhesives irritating your scalp, and your body oil/sweat interfering with your bond. It is readily available on Amazon and Hair Direct.