Saw A Picture Of Jeff Bezos The Other Day


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He's the billionaire (as in, 127.8 Billion. Or 40 Billion dollars richer than the 2nd richest man in the world!) Founder of Amazon, for those who don't know him. Anyway, a couple of things struck me about the picture.
1)He's bald as a cue ball. The richest man in the world doesn't need a Hair Transplant apparently. But can he not put a bunch of money into research for curing baldness?!?!
2)He was walking with a fully automated, robotic dog. The sobering fact this presents addresses my 1st point...He has enough money to fund some great baldness research, with self-interest involved. Obviously this presupposes that he even cares that he's bald, because I don't know if I would if I were worth 127 Billion. But this also highlights the frustration of bald/balding folks...They can create robotic dogs, but a cure for baldness? No, much too hard. Just struck me as ironic somewhat...but that's how guys and gals with our affliction think!


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Those guys ($$$) are typically involved in saving the human race. I don’t think that funding baldness will put him in a good spotlight. The dog probably helps the blind or something like that.


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He probably doesn't care about it because he is so rich and he probably thinks he looks like Jason Statham or something (LOL)!


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Yeah, the good thing about being rich is that you can rest assured that friends and women will come with fairly reliable ease.