Salicylic Acid before Keto or on Keto off-days?


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I'm trying to decide whether I should start using the Sal. acid shampoo as a Nizoral prep or whether to keep using it on Nizoral off days.

What do you all think?


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Cassin said:
Thats a bit much for one day. Two fairly harsh shampoos and you don't want to overdo your scalp.

Thanks for the tip. I agree, why try to fix it if it ain't broken? I tested it out today and while it got rid of the minoxidil residue, I didn't have that refreshed scalp feeling I get when I use the T-Sal alone.


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Cassin said:
Thats a bit much for one day. Two fairly harsh shampoos and you don't want to overdo your scalp.

So using JTT before nizoral is a bad plan? What should I use w/ sal acid before nizoral?

Can I still use the JTT conditioner after nizoral


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I think it'd be best using a moisturizing shampoo before nizoral, and using a conditioner, avoiding the scalp is possible afterwards to make the hair more manageable, as nizoral seems to leave my hair feeling dry and nasty >_<

Leaving nizoral on my head for 3-5 minutes irritates my scalp quite a bit really.. using something like T/Sal before would make this even worse.

Use JTT on a separate day. imo