S5 spironolactone cream, how much exactly?


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hello, I've been using S5 for a month and I'm still not sure what's the right dose, the website says "a small quantity" which doesn't mean much... it would be helpful to see a picture of the right amount on a finger... and how much the 2 boxes (day, night) are supposed to last?

many thanks!


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One jar of the stuff is supposed to last right around 1.5ish months... I don't know if you bought 3 jars of each or just the 1 bedtime and 1 daytime pack. You can do the math!


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I was using it for about 2 months, it didn't seem like it was doing much for me so I stopped. Plus the greasiness as well as the smell of it was very very annoying. On top of it, I think it was the reason I was getting so many bug bites while I was using it(mosquitos are attracted to certain scents) and when I stopped so did the bites.


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Ya so far , after a month, I can't tell it is doing any good to my hair as well... the website suggests you need to be patient and wait at least 6 months... I don't know, that sounds a bit tricky.
On the contrary I was reading about that azelaic based creams being better DHT inhibitors than spironolactone, as the azelaic actually kills DHT while spironolactone neutralizes them... don't know the exact science behind it but this is what I understood. I guess I'll give it a try with azelaic acid as well. Skinoren cream for example, I know it's specific for acne but I can give it a try.