S23 (SARM) has significantly reduced my hairloss


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Right now I'm taking 20mg of S23 every day for the past month. My hair loss has decreased from 40-50 hairs in the shower to 5-10 (I have a hair catcher). S23 is a SARM that is very suppressive and the first week I took it, it shut me down hard, but my hair loss was reduced immediately. I am taking 150mg of Test-E per week as a test base to maintain estrogen levels and libido. I'm stronger and more ripped than I was naturally. I bought 0.06% estrogel to see if increasing estrogen with estrogel instead of Test-E will help reduce hairloss further since the Test-E converts to DHT. The estrogel will arrive in a few weeks. An alternative to taking S23 is to run a deca-only cycle because Deca is less androgenic than Test. The link below is of a guy who talks about his experience running a deca-only to save his hair.



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Right now I'm taking 20mg of S23 every day for the past month. My hair loss has decreased from 40-50 hairs in the shower to 5-10 (I have a hair catcher). S23 is a SARM that is very suppressive and the first week I took it, it shut me down hard, but my hair loss was reduced immediately. I am taking 150mg of Test-E per week as a test base to maintain estrogen levels and libido. I'm stronger and more ripped than I was naturally. I bought 0.06% estrogel to see if increasing estrogen with estrogel instead of Test-E will help reduce hairloss further since the Test-E converts to DHT. The estrogel will arrive in a few weeks. An alternative to taking S23 is to run a deca-only cycle because Deca is less androgenic than Test. The link below is of a guy who talks about his experience running a deca-only to save his hair.

So you took S23 got sides and stopped?


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Shut you down, meaning you had to get off it due to sides?
I'm still taking the S23 but I wasn't expecting it to shut me down as fast as it did. I ran a few RAD140 cycles and it takes at least 6 weeks to feel shut down, but with S23 it only took a week. Sorry for the confusion. 150mg of test per week increases my e2 so i don't feel shut down.


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I'm not familiar with S23 but I would think something that binds to ARs to activate muscle gain would also increase hair loss, not reduce it. I can see how a Deca only cycle could help hair, but Deca will pretty much kill libido and give you Deca dick.


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I'm not familiar with S23 but I would think something that binds to ARs to activate muscle gain would also increase hair loss, not reduce it. I can see how a Deca only cycle could help hair, but Deca will pretty much kill libido and give you Deca dick.
Yeah that's what I thought too. I was surprised that it didn't and thus the reason I created this thread. The S23 is probably less androgenic than test/dht, which is why it reduced my hairloss. Deca dick is prevented by using a test base.


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I don’t understand how S23 help for hair loss, its seems that it increase testosterone.
And what is Deca?

Mr. Slap Head

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Well yeah we know that SARMS and some steroids can reduce hair loss especially if you’re on 5ARIs and other treatments. A lot of them are less androgenic than T, certainly less than DHT the most androgenic substance in existence. Problem is you probably shouldn’t be taking this stuff for very long. It’s good to know what drugs and dosages are relatively hair-safe though. Could possibly cycle it every so often and then try to maintain the gains.


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Well yeah we know that SARMS and some steroids can reduce hair loss especially if you’re on 5ARIs and other treatments. A lot of them are less androgenic than T, certainly less than DHT the most androgenic substance in existence. Problem is you probably shouldn’t be taking this stuff for very long. It’s good to know what drugs and dosages are relatively hair-safe though. Could possibly cycle it every so often and then try to maintain the gains.
Totally agree with you. S23 and other sarms need to be cycled because of the effects they have on organs, the liver in particular. My plan is to run S23 until mid Aug cause I have a wedding to go to. I may bump up the dose to 40mg the last few weeks.

Mr. Slap Head

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Totally agree with you. S23 and other sarms need to be cycled because of the effects they have on organs, the liver in particular. My plan is to run S23 until mid Aug cause I have a wedding to go to. I may bump up the dose to 40mg the last few weeks.
Are you the guy who got regrowth on Anavar?


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SARMs are quite an interesting group of substances. It was originally developed as a treatment for sore muscles and bones, but further research has shown that it has great potential for development. Today, the most popular SARM drugs are those that help build muscle mass. I, too, bought a few packs of SARM relatively recently from https://purerawz.co/. In the last two months, I have gained six pounds. I have been working out a lot in the gym, and all the weight has gone into muscle growth. I do not see any negative effects on my body, so it is safer than steroids.