RU vs Proxiphen


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many people come onhere and are wondering about he best topical options and the answer is usually "you should definitely add finasteride"...which is probably true.
but i would like to stick with topical options for now. i have been using 5% minoxidil, and i think i need to adda bit more. i am considering RU or Dr. Proctor's stuff...I have gotten some pretty good advice from a couple of you, but i thought i'd do one last general inquirey before i makea final decision.
my question is have some of you used either Dr Proctor's stuff or RU? and if so, what do you think? is one more effective than the other/easier to use/etc.
Would a combo of them be rediculous?
Anyway, these seem to be two of thw best topical options so thought i's see what you all think.

ps--i am a diffuse thinner, about 30, started losing hair about 1-2 years ago, full coverage (no recession)--but thinner all over the top (maybe 25% total loss), and i do shed a LOT of hair (100-200 a day) so overall it is progressing faster than i'd like.


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My friend, although I've never used either of those treatments, I'll give you my opinion, for what it's worth.

I really think you should avoid the RU antiandrogen.

I would definitely go with Dr. Proctor's products over the RU.


RU is a VERY expensive drug, and you can only import it from China. Furthermore, it comes in batches varying in "freshness." The fresher the batch, the better it works. You never know what you're getting.

Plus, you have to make it in a solution, and then apply it, which is very messy.

As far as Proctor's products go, I would go with Proxiphen or Prox-N. The products have a lot of backing, and a lot of support from many forum posters.

Aside from the price value, I think that Proctor's products are kind of a 1-in-all deal. They have SOD's, antiandrogens, regrowth stimulants, anti-inflammatories, etc.'

Order from .

That's just my opinion.

Goodluck with whatever your choice may be.


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Aplunk1 said:
My friend, although I've never used either of those treatments, I'll give you my opinion, for what it's worth.

I really think you should avoid the RU antiandrogen.

I would definitely go with Dr. Proctor's products over the RU.


RU is a VERY expensive drug, and you can only import it from China. Furthermore, it comes in batches varying in "freshness." The fresher the batch, the better it works. You never know what you're getting.

Well, RU is about the same price as Proctor's proxiphen, however thats if you use 2ml of RU a day apparently, and i certainly wouldn't need more than 1 ml. However i use half the recommended dose of proxiphen as well.

Aplunk1 said:
Aside from the price value, I think that Proctor's products are kind of a 1-in-all deal. They have SOD's, antiandrogens, regrowth stimulants, anti-inflammatories, etc.'

Well that's just proxiphen. Prox-n has no antiandrogens in it. However i like prox-n, for the price, more than proxiphen.

Anyway i think Aplunk's advice is pretty sound, so listen to that. My personal opinion - definately add a prox-n, or proxiphen if you feel like spending dosh. You can get a "lite version" of prox-n for about half the price at

But on top of that, consider the RU, or at least some other antiandrogen. The 2% spironolactone in proxiphen, applied once a day, probably won't cut it for you as an antiandrogen in my opinion.


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from what you said (30, started 1-2 years ago, diffuse, no ressession) you are a perfect candidate for topicals and drugs. Do not get a hair transplant. You can easily fight this.


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I bought a 4 month supply from dr proctor, and I got two bottles. Is one bottle supposed to last 2 months, or was there a shipping error?

As for making it last more than 2 months, each dose is 5-10 drops. If in drop is 0.05mL, that means if I use 1 bottle in two months I would use 20 drops per day. I hope the stuff diffuses out because I don't know how I can spread that over enough area.


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A bottle of prox-N costs $59, and is half the size and cost of the proxiphen. So the proxiphen should last twice as long. So for the time used, it is the same price. So people might as well get the spironolactone too. A minoxidil dropper gives 36 drops, so each drop is probably close to 0.03 mL.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
A bottle of prox-N costs $59, and is half the size and cost of the proxiphen. So the proxiphen should last twice as long.

What are you basing this on? Actually, proxiphen cream is half the size of prox-n. If you get the liquid, which is supposed to be used twice a day, it's the same size as prox-n. Either way, prox-n lasts longer unless you use it twice a day.


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i looked at the picture with all the products next to each other. the shortest bottle is prox-N, and i think the tallest one is the one with the spironolactone in it. from the picture, it looked like it is twice the volume of the prox-N.

i looked at the site again. it says 'two month supply'', not two bottles, for 59$. they is no option for a one month supply, so clearly each 2oz bottle is intended to last 2 months. minoxidil bottles are also two ounces. So that means if i use prox-n once a day, i may use 1ml per day and last two months. many people easily cover their scalp with 1ml of minoxidil, but for some reason I usually need at least 3ml. maybe I should buzz my hair very short for better application? or just put the drops far apart and depend on diffusion under the skin?


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collegechemistrystudent said:
i looked at the picture with all the products next to each other. the shortest bottle is prox-N, and i think the tallest one is the one with the spironolactone in it. from the picture, it looked like it is twice the volume of the prox-N.

i looked at the site again. it says 'two month supply'', not two bottles, for 59$. they is no option for a one month supply, so clearly each 2oz bottle is intended to last 2 months. minoxidil bottles are also two ounces. So that means if i use prox-n once a day, i may use 1ml per day and last two months. many people easily cover their scalp with 1ml of minoxidil, but for some reason I usually need at least 3ml. maybe I should buzz my hair very short for better application? or just put the drops far apart and depend on diffusion under the skin?

Hahaha mystery solved. You are looking at the 8oz bottle of NANO shampoo. The proxiphen vial is tiny, only 5cm high.

each bottle is intended for 2 months, yes. 2 months if you apply 1ml once a day. However, it is probably the most penetrating and best spreading topical there is (dr proctor is a pro at this) so the recommended amount is only 8-10 drops. However this isn't for your entire scalp, you are only supposed to apply it to your thinning areas. If you apply it to a wet scalp (as reommended) it spreads even more.

But yes, i'd like to be able to use prox-n all over my scalp, as I believe in it. I am considering getting the "lite version" and using that all over my scalp. If you stick to the recommended amount, however, the "4 month supply" should last you around a year i'd guess.


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yes, definitely no transplant for me now...

thanks for the info so far, of course more is welcome...

1. do most of you agree that an additional spironolactone or RU is a good idea with proctor's stuff?
2. for people using the proctor products, how hard are they to spread through a full but diffused head of hair?

thanks again


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Ok, well that eliminates proxiphen cream.

You simply wont be able to apply proxiphen cream all over your scalp... unless you feel like using more than the recommended amount... and i for one want to use less because of the price. The liquid, perhaps.

However I have used both proxiphen and prox-n, and have never been able to apply them to my entire scalp. Thats just me, however, and I might do it with prox-n if I start using more...


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while i'm asking questions...i had another thought, but am not sure it would really work.

is dissolving a propecia tablet into some 5% minoxidil a good idea? i mean, will it cut the dht the way spironolactone or RU does...if so maybe this is an option for diffuse thinners like me?

otherwise it seems like some combo of RU AND proctors stuff (if i can figure out how to spread it around my head) is what folks are recommending?


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chew said:
otherwise it seems like some combo of RU AND proctors stuff (if i can figure out how to spread it around my head) is what folks are recommending?

Im recommending proctor's stuff, plus some method of combating DHT such as a 5AR inhibitor or antiandrogens.


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you'd have to grind up the tablet, and the powder will sit at the bottom and the finasteride would go in solution. There is much debate about which "vehicle" will cause finasteride to work. The wrong vehicle could cause finasteride to sit on the surface of the skin and do nothing, or it could send all the finasteride into the blood fast so that it goes systemic and the follicle primarily gets systemic finasteride, wasting most of the pill and giving side effects to people who get side effects from finasteride. If you use the right vehicle, topical finasteride could be very good. None of us know what it is, though. I put dutasteride in my minoxidil, but I have to stop that for a while because I'm getting a DHT test.