RU Side Effects


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depends you could get them as soon as you start or a few weeks in.

how sensitve are you to an AA??

the only side effects i get are a headache/brain fog and that is if i rub it in to much or if i apply say 150mg when i have short hair which i have at the moment.

the side effects go after a day though so its not like propcia and propicia ruined me proper so RU is my choice.


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Today was my 9th application. I didn't notice anything until yesterday or maybe the day before. It could just be stress from starting a second job and stuff. Also the last few nights I have been drinking a lot and getting very little sleep. I am only using 40mg at the moment in about 3 ml of PG and Everclear. I mix 1ml of PG and 2 mg of everclear usually. I was using 4ml at about 1.5 PG and 2.5 everclear.


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brandnew said:
I mix 1ml of PG and 2 mg of everclear usually.

Only 2 milligrams of Everclear?? That's not very much! :)


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i acuelly had nasty sites on ru only on 20mgs a day.
which is allmost nothing. after 1 month the went away. slowly.
today im using 100mgs. dont give up. give it some time. im myself very sensitive to AA.


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so they went away after about 30 days? are you seeing results? also do you apply to a wet or dry scalp?


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May as well use low dose oral spironolactone. RU clearly gets into the blood stream. spironolactone, cheaper and does the same thing in a pill.


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so many ru haters around here. thats just sick. but back to the topic.
for me they went away. about the hair reasults.
im regrowing over a year and even the hairline is getting better from month to month. ru is good and his working and dont let any one tell u otherwise. if you want to have chanse for full head of hair without sides, ru will do that.
ive seen it all already since im using it 1year atm. sometimes u may think it doesnt work cause you shed a little but overall its very good.
its kinda stupid that i didnt took before photos since i was lazy and sceptical about it.
as el_dutarino said before:
if u had sucsses on finasteride most likely ull have on ru.
apply only on dry scalpt. i also rub it in very hard. since i saw its more effective for me.


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I'm sure it works fine. I heard el duterino is back on finasteride LOL?


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dunno. i saw comment of him and his signature still says hes only using ru. but leave el duterino alone i know many others who do just fine on ru.


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El dutasteride said on HLH that he has dropped finasteride due to sides and is back on RU only now.


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Wonder why el dutasteride went back to finasteride? Maybe cuz his hair was falling out?


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I had been applying on a damp scalp and was getting some mild sides. I applied on a dry scalp yesterday and didn't experience any.

Jonathan123- are you using minoxidil too? I am using minoxidil foam once a day. I lowered it down from twice a day February 14th and saw a shed. If you are using minx how long are you waiting to apply it after the ru?


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im using minoxidil right after. the whole buissness takes like 30mins.
im realy trying to rub both of them in hard and cover the whole scalpt.
i think it worths it..
the whole rutine is:
minoxidil at the morning.
than a shower with nizoral day on and day off.
after the hair drys i first apply ru and than minoxidil.
i even tried topical spironolactone but it did nothing, and its very hard to aplly all over when you have longer hair.