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so the biggest atleast cosmetic side effect of steroids is hair loss. But I have been thinking a lot and if I doooo go completly bald and yeah im only 21 but why not just make my body something to brag about so that I am not completely emotionally destroyed? anyone else ever think about that?


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you dont need roids for that you just need to workout and eat right
it wiull take you longer and it will be harder ,but its very possible and steroids have many side effects so what for ?


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if your avatar is your hair, i wouldn't move on the "if i'm going to go bald, i might as well get buff" theory until your hair actually starts to look really bad (it looks pretty good at the moment dude)

But yeah, if i wasn't worried about hairloss, i'd be doing a mild cycle of steroids once or twice a year - not to get huge, but it certainly helps you look good if its done right.

P.S. Don't buy into the "you'll turn into bloated, freakish ape with rope-like veins, acne etc etc" argument. Just do TOO MUCH (as in heaps and heaps) research before you decide to take the step. People recommend much higher doses these days than they used to, so be careful.


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Relient2 said:
so the biggest atleast cosmetic side effect of steroids is hair loss. But I have been thinking a lot and if I doooo go completly bald and yeah im only 21 but why not just make my body something to brag about so that I am not completely emotionally destroyed? anyone else ever think about that?

Before you jump, you need to do a lot of research. And when you think you know a lot about it, research some more. Plus, at 21, I'd still wait. If your avitar is a pic of your hair, I'd definitely wait. See what your hair looks like in a few years, then decide.

Besides, since you're only 21, your still produce loads of testosterone, so why would you want to do steroids? Once you've been lifting for a year or two, then sure, start considering steroids.


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Whats wrong with your hair? looks great to me. :eek:


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What about DHEA? Does that give a small testosterone boost? I'm 27, and I take 25mg (the smallest dose) every other day before my upper body workout.


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Relient2 said:
so the biggest atleast cosmetic side effect of steroids is hair loss. But I have been thinking a lot and if I doooo go completly bald and yeah im only 21 but why not just make my body something to brag about so that I am not completely emotionally destroyed? anyone else ever think about that?

DON'T take steroids. "to make my body something to brag about". you lazy sack of sh*t get in the gym. your body should already be something to brag about if you're getting on steroids. you need to know what you're doing. taking steroids and working out, is much more effort than not taking steroids and working out, if you want to do it properly.

if you don't want to do it properly, yer really stupid.


Roids suck,

when I started working out it was clear that I would never do such sh*t even if it means that I will never reach my goals. It is not only because of the hair (looks like it can´t be saved anyways) but mainly because I consider it to be poison. It probably isn´t healthy when you mix Roids with finasteride and ADs.....


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how can roids be poison if many of them are just synthetic versions of hormones we already produce...? Steroid use is not necessarily evil, but steroid abuse - well that's not something i would ever endorse but each to their own.


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Steroids = poison? You had better cut off your testicles because they creat testosterone, which produces more muscle than a woman has...So testosterone must be poison.

All steroids do two things.
1. They bind to protein receptors in your body, which help them make new protein in the cells. Your body already does this naturally, but not on the scale that steroids can give. So, in a sense, steroids just make your body more efficient at creating muscle.
2. Steroids increase nitrogen retention, which is also needed for building muscle tissue.

Yes, there are side effects, but they are managable and to most, aren't a big deal as long as you know what you're doing. There are side effects with every single drug there is from Asprin to Cyclosporone.


Are you guys on roids? I have just read about the side effects and it was clear to me that I never wanted to do something like that.


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Taug are you aiming to be a 290lb pro bodybuilder?
If not then you dont need steroids to achieve your goals.


Never! I don´t like to be huge, it is ugly to me. Many girls think the same btw. I don´t know how much is possible without steroids, just started diving into the topic. If I could look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club ( :inlove: ) or Justin Timberlake then I would be fine.


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this one guy that's been working out at the same gym as me for about 2 years now, started off very small and thin. much smaller than me. he always brought his powerlifting belt and obviously tried hard to life lots of weight. it took about 6 months for him to get bigger than me, which was unreal. then in another 6 months he was about 40lbs more than me. today i weigh 190lbs, he weighs about 280lbs. he's got muscles and lifts alot of weight, but hes a fat f****r with acne all over his shoulders, red rash all over the back of his arms and always has the most flushed red face i have ever seen.

he looks terrible. i hope his only goal in life was to be heavy.

people get on steroids thinking they can stick a needle in their *** cheek once a day and get awesome results. well it's not like that. you'll need at least 4 other supplements with your steroids to avoid all the side effects.


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1st - No, I'm not on AAS. I have contemplated them in the past, but it's stupid to start them without lifting consistently and getting your diet down for a few years.

Dietcola - What 4 supplements are these? Most people stick with Testosterone as their base, so the only "supps" they may need to take while on cycle is Nolvadex, if they start to get gyno, finasteride and liver support.

Think of all the $$ most people spend on retarded supplements trying to get that little extra in the gym. Most, if not all, of them don't work. Steroids do in fact work, and work well.

As for Brad Pitt, he maybe weighed 155ish (read that somewhere) for Fight Club. And guess what - you can use steroids to get that body too. There are bulking steroids and cutting steroids. Cutting steroids allow you to maintain your muscle mass even on a very calorie restricted diet...Plus, you can still gain muscle with them too.


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it is probably imposible to get roids and know they are pure and real. I'm sure their are cops out there trying to sting every site that sells them, and countless other sites that sell fakes, and competitive guys who don't want to compete with you who wont say where to get the real ones. If you can find the real stuff, so can the cops. Good luck.


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Harie said:
Dietcola - What 4 supplements are these? Most people stick with Testosterone as their base, so the only "supps" they may need to take while on cycle is Nolvadex, if they start to get gyno, finasteride and liver support.

Think of all the $$ most people spend on retarded supplements trying to get that little extra in the gym. Most, if not all, of them don't work. Steroids do in fact work, and work well.

As for Brad Pitt, he maybe weighed 155ish (read that somewhere) for Fight Club. And guess what - you can use steroids to get that body too. There are bulking steroids and cutting steroids. Cutting steroids allow you to maintain your muscle mass even on a very calorie restricted diet...Plus, you can still gain muscle with them too.

i don't support spending lots of money on stupid supplements either. i'm an all natural guy, and i believe in steroid use for the right individuals. i'm not sure why anyone would take steroids to accomplish a goal that could be done without.

if you're gonna use stroids to get somewhere, plan on using them again to stay there or keep going.

anyone that uses steroids to look like brad pitt is lazy or misinformed.


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dietcola said:
anyone that uses steroids to look like brad pitt is lazy or misinformed.

I simply meant my comment to say that steroids aren't just used for getting huge, which is a common misconception.


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Harie said:
dietcola said:
anyone that uses steroids to look like brad pitt is lazy or misinformed.

I simply meant my comment to say that steroids aren't just used for getting huge, which is a common misconception.

ya i hear ya.

alot of people are ignorant about steroids like a young person starting to receed might be ignorant about a hair transplant, thinking it will be a permanent solution to his worries. like taking steroids is just going to make you huge end of story. it's not like that at all. with a hair transplant especially at a young age you will probably need more down the road, and drugs to keep you going the whole time. steroids are like that, too.


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It takes less work to maintain that it does to get to a certain size, and it takes a lot of advanced tricks to get through plateaus after the beginner stange. As long as someone only uses roids after the beginner stage to skip past the plateaus and get to their optimal size they could have got to naturally, they should be able to maintain it naturally. Now if they go too far and get bigger than they could have naturally, then they will need the roids to maintain. Either way, it still is a lot of work. Roids is probably more work, but also more recovery. Natural builders have to hold back so they can recover. But then tendons need time to build up too.