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In fact do a search on Rogers, I am sure he went before the GMC for professional misconduct, not sure what the outcome was


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hell bells :(

Am i facing a losing battle trying to find a decent hair transplant surgeon in UK????


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Honestly Scoob, Rogers is probably the only clinic where the results are barely acceptable, but you will get less grafts for your £, and the result will not be as good as what you can get overseas for less, that is the top and bottom of it all.

I would avoid all UK clinics, that includes Rogers, Farjo, and especially The Hospital Group, Norton and Transform.


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Honestly scoob this has been covered many times before and there is no shortage of butchered UK patients who will testify this. If you are going to go down this route you're going to need to get on a plane (I've done it twice compared to the whole hair transplant experience its just a small part of it), this is your head we're talking about you cant afford to settle for sloppy results.

Hans Gruber

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scoob said:
hell bells :(

Am i facing a losing battle trying to find a decent hair transplant surgeon in UK????

canada or america,only places worth considering :)

Hans Gruber

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silksplint said:
Have you tried Farjo Clinic In Manchester?

dont even consider it

anyone who seeks advice on this forum then decides to have a hair transplant in the uk is beyond help,go to america or canada and get the best!!

Hans Gruber

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scoob,i dont think ya really listening to anyone here

if you want a good hair transplant with minimum risk by a professional doctor who has an extensive back catalogue of patients with excellent results then you NEED to go to america or canada.This isnt something where you just take the easiest option because its close or the cheapest.


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there's a good transplant surgeon on Ireland ,blackrock clinic you should google it. the surgeon won some interntional hair transplant surgeon of the month towards the end of last year and will show you previos clients he has worked on etc. wont do it if your not a suiable candidate which often suggests that a surgeon is quite good .Anyway worth a look, would save money on going to the US altough i think its cheaper over there so may be worth your while anyway.


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heretohelp said:
there's a good transplant surgeon on Ireland ,blackrock clinic you should google it. the surgeon won some interntional hair transplant surgeon of the month towards the end of last year and will show you previos clients he has worked on etc. wont do it if your not a suiable candidate which often suggests that a surgeon is quite good .Anyway worth a look, would save money on going to the US altough i think its cheaper over there so may be worth your while anyway.

Ugh! Forget it its one of those multi procedure cosmetic firms who try everything and specialise in nothing I looked on their site and could'nt even find anything about hair transplant's, but I have heard of them before.
They probably just employ one of the UK butchers to come over a few times a year whenever they get a patient asking for a hair transplant. You probably wont even meet the guy until you go in for surgery. Dont be fooled by how great they tell you they are, listen to the reviews from actual patients on here and the fact that no one on here has been to this guy or even knows who he is speaks for itself.


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rogers is ok, not the worlds most amazing surgeon, and expensive, but he is in the UK and his work is easily good enough.

So, If you want to stay in the UK, rogers is a perfectly reasonable option.

the reason i know, is that i've had two procedures with him. Im satisfied, i can see that other people have better results, but my results were good enough for what i wanted. I could stay in the UK and it was all done and dusted in a day.

So my opinion of Dr. Rogers is exactly that - he's expensive, and not the best in the world.. but easily good enough if you dont want the stress of having to leave the UK.

my opinion is that he gets alot of unfair bad press in here, and its often made to seem as if his results were poor. They aren't, they are perfectly aceptable.. they just aren't perhaps quite as good as the super doctors in the USA and Canada.


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Dr ******** in Belgium is meant to be good, with reasonable prices.


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I second what Vega has posted, I simply could not be happier with the procedure I had there and am probably going to be visiting him again in the not too distant future.

That said, it's always good to do your home work and even though I'm extremely happy with Dr. Rogers work I'll be checking out all the options before booking. There is no harm in shopping around and weighing up all the advice, just be wary of some of the more "excitable" posters.


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IBM said:
Feller and Wong.

I've heard they are very good, but when I've had such a good experience with a clinic practically on my door step it's a bit of a gamble to go somewhere new.