rogaine is ineffective in areas other than the crown?


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I've read in several places (including the side of a Rogaine box), that Minoxidil does little for people with receding hairlines - i.e. it's only effective for hair loss around the crown.

Is this true?


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no. rogaine works everywhere. it is illegal for upjohn to advertise that it works everywhere because they only tested the crown. propecia used to only claim the crown after doing their first trial two trials, but they later tested the top center of the scalp as well. why they would waste money by not testing both at the same time does not make sense.

I'd say they would publically test the area that works best just for sales, and do other tests behind closed doors to decide which tests to show publically and which not to do. but if this were the case, it does not explain why they did one trial and later the next, which costs more money.
could someone tell me if i have my facts straight that they did two separate big trials?

both work better in the crown, but do work everywhere. I guess the hairs in the crown produce more DHT and the others? or do so sooner? i never saw trials comparing dht in many parts at different ages. they all just said that balding scalp has an average of twice the DHT of non-balding scalp, and there is a big range in each.

maybe there are other factors too. minoxidil supposedly slows para follicular fibrosis (scarring) and other problems. so it is good to use even if it only maintains.