Rogaine hairs


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After using Rogaine for about a month I'm started to feel short hairs growing on my scalp. About half a month later it seems like these hairs are the same lenght.

Is it possible to be growing hairs that are actually normal thickness but can't grow any greater then 1-2cm or am i imagining this and its possible that im feeling new hairs growing instead?


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hairforce9 said:
After using Rogaine for about a month I'm started to feel short hairs growing on my scalp. About half a month later it seems like these hairs are the same lenght.

Is it possible to be growing hairs that are actually normal thickness but can't grow any greater then 1-2cm or am i imagining this and its possible that im feeling new hairs growing instead?

these hair will shed and come back stronger.

the minoxidil hair looks just like your real hair. The only difference is it will be gone couple months after you stop applying minoxidil completely.