Rogaine Dry Skin..


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So after using rogaine after 3 weeks I had to stop, one day I woke up and could barely open my eye. I had dry skin that whole week but didn't think much of it. I stopped using it and after a week of my skin peeling off my face i'm mostly better now.
So am I allergic? Should I try using it only 1 time a day, or is that not affective? Anyone else with this problem? Thanks guys


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yes it sounds like you are allergic to some of ingredients in Rogaine. Apply it once a day and see what happens (it's still better than nothing) or try different brands.


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try the foam. you could be allergic to the propylene glycol in liquid minoxidil. i had horrible rash and pimples on my scalp from liquid minoxidil. i switched to the foam and now everything is good.


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Good to know, I'm actually on the foam. So maybe try the liquid??? It was an awful week I aged like 10 years.


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if you had a bad reaction to the foam i don't see how the liquid is gonna be any different. if anything, it will probably be worse. usually people who can't handle the liquid switch to the foam because it's easier on the scalp ( less irritation and itch because its free of propylene glycol). it seems you could be allergic to the minoxidil, which would suck because that means that you probably can't use minoxidil in any form.


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Well that does suck!
I'm going to try going back on it soon and just using it once a day and not using so much. Hopefully that doesn't cause irritation.