rogaine 2%


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i just purchased 2% rogaine brand from the pharmacy. I got the idea that although 5% may work better it causes a bigger shed. Is anyone else using 2% with any results? thanks.


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hmmm i really wudnt worry bout the shed, cz it seems from what people have sed, thicker hair comes thru. its just a natural process and im sure alot of people imagine ther shedding more than they normally do.

i personally wuda got the 5%. use up ur 2% then get on 5%.


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i think applying more 2% is equivalent to apllying 5%


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So I'm getting the same benifit as those Xandrox people because I apply 4mL of 5% to my entire head twice a day?


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collegechemistrystudent said:
So I'm getting the same benifit as those Xandrox people because I apply 4mL of 5% to my entire head twice a day?

No, i think it only related to the 2% and 5%.
Bryan recently discussed your qn, i will look for his response now


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The 2% and 5% versions of Rogaine are essentially the same thing, because once the alcohol starts to evaporate after you put them on your scalp, they both end up as concentrated solutions of minoxidil in propylene glycol. I'd probably just use whichever is cheaper per gram of minoxidil, which is almost always the 5% version.

Having said all that, I suppose it's conceivable that the 2% version of Rogaine might actually be slightly more effective than the 5% version (with the dosage adjusted to provide the same amount of minoxidil, of course), because it's been documented that higher levels of alcohol in a vehicle result in better penetration of minoxidil, at least in the mouse-skin model that was tested. The 2% version of Rogaine is 60% alcohol, while the 5% version is only 30%, if I remember correctly.



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What you're saying is true, if alcohol had no rule in penatrating the skin. If all the alcohol evaporates then you might be right. But some alcohol penatrates through the skin and "carries" the disolved minoxidil with it. If we assume that the skin permits a certain amount of alcohol to penetrate with each application, that is, if you apply one ml or 5 ml the amount of alcohol enetring the system won't differ dramatically, we get to the conclusion that 5% delivers more minoxidil to the hair.
What do you think?