rogain foam,,,,does not melt in your hands


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I put a tad on my fingers and rub in innnnnnnnnn for
at least 30-40 seconds.(no useing a cap}
I just see foam,NO melting in the 1 1/2 years I have been using it....
I think it will melt if you leave it on your fingers for Mins....
Just put it on you hand and run it in.....................
I buy mine on ebay at $60 for 6 bottles with shipping,,,,a great deal I would think.....JT


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Nope its the real thing..................
I keep wondering why put the foam in the cap???
Its more easy to put a tad in your hand and rub it in......
I never seen the foam melt........
But then again once I put a tad on my hand,it does not have time to melt.
But many times I get the white foam on different parts of my head lol.....JT


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Hey I've been using the foam for about 4 months. It seems to matter the temp of the environment your in. In the summer it seemed like it would melt in my hand but now that is has cooled off it stays "foamier" in the fingers. Hope it helps! Good Luck.


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Ville80 said:
Hey I've been using the foam for about 4 months. It seems to matter the temp of the environment your in. In the summer it seemed like it would melt in my hand but now that is has cooled off it stays "foamier" in the fingers. Hope it helps! Good Luck.

exactly what he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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Thought that what I also said.....
It does not melt right away....
If you leave it on your fingers for a min or longer I would think like most would
say that it will melt.....
But why leave it in your hands,
Put a tad on your fingers and rub it in.....After 30 or 40 seconds of rubbing I still see a tad
of form on the back of my hand....Its not melted......JT


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Very dependent on the storage temperature. Winter no probs here in Oz, but when it reaches 30 deg Celcius it liquifies, and we haven't hit summer yet. If too hot, stick it in the fridge for 5 min.

Hans Gruber

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johnnytuinals said:
rogain foam,,,,does not melt in your hands

youre thinking of M and M's :)