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For the last couple weeks I've been thinking ALOT about things; about my entire life and everything that goes with it. I usually end up with streaming tears after a few minutes because I know my fate all too well, and no matter who I go to for support, nobody can help, or understand just exactly what's going on in my head. Everything was going great in my life, sortof. I've had my pitfalls but who hasn't? In the past year I've lost a total of 5 friends and family members, from heart attacks to heroin overdoses. My pops passed when I was 17; came home from school to find him. That was awesome, lemme tell you. Not that people don't have problems, but WTF!!? Aside from that, and some gf issues everything seemed like it was gonna pan out for me. In comes the hairloss at 20.....obvious recession at temple. JUST WHAT I NEEDED!!!! Considering NOBODY in the family on either side lost any hair. Mad at the world, and desperate, I sought out "help" for this. I can wish till I'm blue in the face, but what's done is done. Some might say an good ethical Doctor would turn me down at 21, mainly because he knows its a temporary "fix" to my desperate situation. But I was a great canditate apparently. I didn't know sh*t about techniques, reputable dosc, or this website at the time. Why would I? I never did this before. I was sold on the pictures, the promices, and the credentials to make an "informed decision". Now, two years after my first of two transplants, I am at an all time low. I hate myself and think about my mistake 24/7. I know my life is ruined now. I'm done with transplants, so my options are to either shave my head("which i would give a nut to do without scars again) or have implanted hairs at the temples as my natural hair goes, and rocking the horseshoe look in my mid 20s. Well, I'm not a fan of either. I refuse to keep the hair I have when I am losing so quickly. It looks like sh*t. But looking like a goddamn freak isn't much better. Having bumps and scars on a shaved head doesn't really help to get ahead in life. I know I cant go back, no matter how bad I wish I could, but at the same time, I know that the future is grim for me. I have never felt so shitty and hopeless in all my life. This is not something I should be worrying about at my age. It's not normal, but a reality. I am afraid, but I'd rather die than live life like a charred up freak. I don't want to die, but I see no other option. I am fucked, and no amount of money or hope or pills can help me. I hate myself for doing it, but how many would do the same thing? Exactly.... Im scared but hopeless.........................dont know why this happened to me


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You've taken some hard knocks man.

My advice to you is, square your shoulders and set your jaw.

Follow the Tao of determination. Determination to positivley affect a life, be it your's or someone else's.

It's tricky most of the time, but, foster somewhere inside yourself the belief that the world still has amazing things to offer you.


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You are not alone! Most people go to a doctor expecting to be helped. Most are butchered. Some even physically damaged for life. I will talk to you if you like. I want you to report the ba$tard to the medical board in your area.

michael barry

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Youngndumb wrote:

" But I was a great canditate apparently. I didn't know $#iT about techniques, reputable dosc, or this website at the time. Why would I? I never did this before. I was sold on the pictures, the promices, and the credentials to make an "informed decision". Now, two years after my first of two transplants, I am at an all time low. I hate myself and think about my mistake 24/7. I know my life is ruined now. I'm done with transplants, so my options are to either shave my head("which i would give a nut to do without scars again) or have implanted hairs at the temples as my natural hair goes, and rocking the horseshoe look in my mid 20s. Well, I'm not a fan of either. I refuse to keep the hair I have when I am losing so quickly. It looks like $#iT. But looking like a goddamn freak isn't much better. Having bumps and scars on a shaved head doesn't really help to get ahead in life "

"I was a great candidate apparently"----my friend, at 21, nobody is a great candidate. Losing that early usually means genetically one is likely to go very bald.

However, that isnt always the case. Some men have early temporal recession and a "v" shaped hairline for a long time. You havent stated how many plugs that you have. Dermabrasion can smooth the bumps out to an extent, but it takes a good while.

If you could post a picture of your head (doesnt have to include your face), some of the guys here could offer suggestions. Im sure Mahair has seen alot in his time on this subject. Heliboy, whose had alot of body hair work, literally had an utter disaster. If you go either the "more transplants from a GOOD Doctor" or the "taking them out (electrolysis)" routes, both will proboably include perhaps wearing a toupee' for a year or so (I wouldnt do it at hairclub if I were you). This will allow you to fix things without a horrible appearance during this time.

What doctor did you use? Some go into the biz with minimal training and really aren't quite good and think "there cant be much to it", but apparently there is.

I know youre extremely frustrated. While you address this, and choose whatever cosmetic strategy, you might take a time off from dating and focus on becoming an expert in this area by reading everything you can and writing it down so whatever your next desicion is, its a good one. There are docs who are very good at repair work, but not seeing your potential donor area/scarring extent/how much youve lost/whether you can fill in donor scars with body hair, etc. wouldn't allow me to suggest anything. A "densometer" is a device that docs can run through your head like a comb and assess how much hair you do have. If you elect to get more work, obviously, I'd suggest opting for a high hairline.

As Ive stated before, perhaps just plucking the first row or two of implants on one side can let you see "the lay of the land" dermatologcially up there and whether you think dermabrasion, skin-colored tatooing can be of help.

Ive seen some guys who looked extremely rough up there, get work done and look pretty fair, and have read of some on that got the plugs litereally surgically excised and had cosmetic surgery on their scalps and with the aid of a little make-up, shave their heads.......

Your observation that you "just wish you could shave your head" is one Ive seen on MANY hairloss sites concerning men who got transplant surgery, even if it wasn't noticeable. Having to do the "big 3" out of necessity is psychologically differnent than just doing it to keep your hair. Its a must if youve had work in the front. God bless, I hope and pray you get out of this jam. Speak to some good doctors and your state medical board if you can.


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im going to see the Doctor that did this to me tomorrow, and tell him how he literally ruined my life. i dont think it matters, but maybe karma will step in somewhere. i still have this consistent "sick" feeling in my stomach every waking hour. it's a feeling of hopelessness. i feel like such a fool, and don't want to tell anyone why i'm so depressed, because they just wouldn't understand unless they did the same thing, which not many people did. i was just stupid to think i can make myself look like i used to in high school. christ. anyway, like ive said, i can either try to move on with life, but i need to get this fixed the best i can so i can do that, or i can check out. that answer was in my head all day today. i just didnt want to get out of bed. its painful to live life like this, and i cant do it much longer. well, i dont know exactly how many grafts i got, but i will find out tomorrow when i speak with him. im going to measure the scars tonight also. i would live to post pics, but i am not sure how. if someone could help me with that i see what i can do. like i said, there is definitely bumpiness where the transplants are, but this isnt my primary concern. when my hair does recede past the grafts, ill deal with that matter. no, the biggest concern to me and apparently others are the 2 strip scars covering my dome. even if i only got one procedure, id shave it and come up with an excuse for it. but i have two, one thin one(first one)goes from left ear to a little past the center of my head, and a second larger scar that starts on an angle abouve the original and goes to the other ear. anyone have any excuses i could use for there scars? i doubt it. my dumbass had to actually listen to a board certified physician around the one year mark and get more. oh but dont worry, he butchered my scalp the second time free of charge. whats anyones suggestion so i can shave down to a number one at the very minimum? and does anyone know of anyone that can currently do this without being gawked at like a troll? how does body hair look in a scar? FUE causes scars, so it wouldnt make sense to use the hair on my head would it? also what about permenant make up? anyone have any input? i need to do something.

not me!

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youngndumb said:
im going to see the Doctor that did this to me tomorrow, and tell him how he literally ruined my life. i dont think it matters, but maybe karma will step in somewhere.

I know that you are really down right now but don't get back in the chair with this hack. He did bad work twice, what's to stop him from doing bad work on you a third time? If I were you I would cancel. I can't think of anything positive that would happen from going back to this guy.


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not me! said:
I know that you are really down right now but don't get back in the chair with this hack. He did bad work twice, what's to stop him from doing bad work on you a third time? If I were you I would cancel. I can't think of anything positive that would happen from going back to this guy.

I second this advice. Steer clear and concentrate on getting your thinking back on track. Once you've done that, you'll be better prepared to make rational decisions that aren't based on emotion.

Just know that there's light at the end of the tunnel - you'll get all of this sorted out - just learn from the past and avoid impulsive maneuvers at all costs.

not me!

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He said that he was going today so our advice may have gone unread. I just sincerely hope this guy isn't f**ked over a third time.


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I think he meant he was going to see him to give him a piece of his mind, not for another operation.


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supernova said:
I think he meant he was going to see him to give him a piece of his mind, not for another operation.

If that makes him feel better, fine...but it will not contribute to a solution. He needs to open a new chapter and think about the "now" and the future. I understand being angry - I'd certainly be livid - but what's done is done. No amount of complaint is going to remove the scars. Learn from it, don't repeat, and move forward in finding a solution. All is not lost.

not me!

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supernova said:
I think he meant he was going to see him to give him a piece of his mind, not for another operation.

Physicians that operate at less-than-par skill levels usually try to appease the abused patient by offering to repair their work, only making it worse much of the time. This can very well what may be happening.

But I guess we shouldn't speculate. I wish youngndumb would log on and tell us how he is doing and what happened.


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guys, nobody currently understands my current situation except some people here that have been through/are going through it. i at this point have two options:commit suicide if i cannot change this, or someone please tell me what could possible be done in order to shave my head without looking like a freak. yes, i made a stupid decision and would do anything to have not done this to myself if i could go back, but i cannot. tha's why i feel so utterly hopeless.i am trying to see a light at the end of the tunnel but it looks all to dark. please someone tell me my options in dealing with these scars. they are literally ruining my life, appearance, self image and not to mention make me feel like a fcking monster. i never wouldve thought id actually try to be bald. this surgery has ruined me and i need to do something fast. since i am losing hair, i must keep it short. any input would be helpful. also if someone would how me how to upload pics, please do so i can let u know what im dealing with. thanks everyone


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Young and dumb- First and foremost, you did not do this to yourself. A doctor did. Someone we are conditioned to trust. Unfortunately 99% of hair transplant doctors are bottom of the barrel sociopaths that would have been rejected in a concentration camp. Atre you reporting the quack that screwed up your life? Want to know how? Do not despare hair transplants suck for 90% of the patients. The rest sell them to the unsuspecting - SIAD GILLENATOR. AS you notice he eats cheese with anyone who had an okay result. Stay strong its not your fault.


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youngndumb said:
guys, nobody currently understands my current situation except some people here that have been through/are going through it. i at this point have two options:commit suicide if i cannot change this, or someone please tell me what could possible be done in order to shave my head without looking like a freak. yes, i made a stupid decision and would do anything to have not done this to myself if i could go back, but i cannot. tha's why i feel so utterly hopeless.i am trying to see a light at the end of the tunnel but it looks all to dark. please someone tell me my options in dealing with these scars. they are literally ruining my life, appearance, self image and not to mention make me feel like a fcking monster. i never wouldve thought id actually try to be bald. this surgery has ruined me and i need to do something fast. since i am losing hair, i must keep it short. any input would be helpful. also if someone would how me how to upload pics, please do so i can let u know what im dealing with. thanks everyone

Dismiss the suicide talk immediately. Not an option, period. You're feeling like crap, which is understandable - but your problem is a temporary one so hard-code that into your head right now. There may be some time before things are as you wish, so know that now and prepare to take your time researching. There's no immediate gratification here - as there shouldn't be when talking about surgical procedures. Do not rush things - do not make an emotional decision because you're feeling desperate. Doing so will compound your problems exponentially. Your situation WILL be resolved. You just need to do your part - which means not jumping at the first thing that comes along.

We all have made decisions that in hindsight we'd like to take back. There's not a person on here who hasn't. Maybe it's not the same exact thing you cite, but in many cases it's something of similar or greater magnitude. Some things can not be undone. Your situation can probably get pretty close. No matter how badly it feels to you, your situation is far from unique.

Peeps are here for you...just keep your head up and you'll weather this episode.

not me!

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youngndumb said:
guys, nobody currently understands my current situation except some people here that have been through/are going through it. i at this point have two options:commit suicide if i cannot change this, or someone please tell me what could possible be done in order to shave my head without looking like a freak. yes, i made a stupid decision and would do anything to have not done this to myself if i could go back, but i cannot. tha's why i feel so utterly hopeless.i am trying to see a light at the end of the tunnel but it looks all to dark. please someone tell me my options in dealing with these scars. they are literally ruining my life, appearance, self image and not to mention make me feel like a fcking monster. i never wouldve thought id actually try to be bald. this surgery has ruined me and i need to do something fast. since i am losing hair, i must keep it short. any input would be helpful. also if someone would how me how to upload pics, please do so i can let u know what im dealing with. thanks everyone

I've said quite a few times that you should look into trychophitic closure tecniques for your scars. I have no doubt that you will benefit greatly.

I don't have to tell you that suicide is not the answer here.

PM me if you want a list of doctors that I strongly believe would be able to help you immensely.


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3 things: Hair manipulation will be available in the short future, FUE and BHT transplants are an option as a filler for the scars and as a donor. Scar revision using the tri-closure is also an option you need to look at.

You need to copy and paste your story at, in the hair transplant forum. Heliboy among others who were in a similar situation will share their success stories and the docs who helped them. These guys had the worst scarring I've seen and now show no signs of them....Your depression is blinding you from the light at the end of the tunnel, so let others help you see.

This is the best advice i have to offer for you...You really need to talk to Heliboy and he spends time at the site above. If the link doesnt work, just do a google search for hairsite.

You made a mistake, but it IS fixable!!!..


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No its not that fixable. The "doctor" did you undoable irreversable harm. You need to get counceling for the disfigurement ASAP.Then you need to come to acceptance of your disfigurement.( I'm working on that one now) I can only say that you can be thankful that you where only aestheticly harmed. I have severe nerve damage from this benign procedure. I also want your story on my website. I want to know who your doctor was so I can put him on my "hit" list. When I go off its gonna be a great time. Have you reported him to your local medical board yet. I am sure confronting the sociopath did nothing for you . THese guys learn how to twist things and manipulate more than how to do the job.


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Mahair, you and i can agree to disagree then..Im the optimist and I've seen cases like this reversed. In addition, I haven't seen much in your replies that contribute to a solution, just revenge. The guy didn't come on here asking how to noose the doctor did he. He wants to know how to fix the prob. You haven't even seen his pics, yet your convinced the damage is irreversable...I don't disagree with your agenda, the butcher deserves to be carved but lets stick to HIS issue....You wanna argue, PM me!!!



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Sun- I would rather have him angry proactive and lathered up than suicidal. I was there.


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I too went through the same thing. After seven strip surgeries that left huge scars from ear to ear and virtually no yield - I ended up a Norwood 6 with nothing but scars to show for it. I too thought many times that suicide would end my misery . Body hair transplants came about and I was fortunate to find 1 M.D that actually had compassion for my situation because he too had been through a strip surgery and had a huge scar wrapped around his head. He later went and had FUE into the scar and now it isnt seen anymore. Most M.D's have no clue what it is like to live like this. Dr Umar has now transplanted 3000 grafts into my scars and I will be returning in September to have another 1000 into my right side scar. He is dense packing the scars just as he does on top for excellent coverage. I feel that I have been down the same road but finally found a light at the end of the tunnel. I will be glad to answer any questions that you might have because I know exactly what you are going through .

An answer to your questions FUE does not show scars when the follicle is removed. After having over 13,000 grafts taken from my body you would never be able to detect extraction. I can only say this about my experience with Dr Umar . I am not familiar with other M.D's extraction procedures and their are differences .

Dr Umar - 13,866 BHT grafts (September/November 2005)(April 2006)