Ripped FUEL!!!


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What UP Brother!

I'm 5'11" with no shoes on :D

My c*** is....opppppsss... Im a medium build on the small side. Its funny cause right now I'm close to benching 200, but my muscle mass isnt huge. I really do think its my diet i.e. not enough protein and perhaps too much sugar at times. If I can lose the love handles and gut, I would be perfect as my frame would look quite nice. So we will seeeeeee...

Its so funny you mention the calories per serving. A package may say 200, but the serving size is 3 per. So if you motor through the whole thing, that is 600 calories right there!!! CRAZY TIME!

Any who, thanks a lot for all the advice!

Your hairlosstalk brother!



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At your service. :)

I've got faith that you can do it, it'll just take some discipline. Another thing that really helps is eating salads before your meals. They help fill you up so you don't overeat. Just remember to check the calories on the dressing package.

Also, drink TONS of water. Drink two HUGE (16+ oz.) glasses of water BEFORE you eat. This will help fill you up so you don't overeat as well. I recommend filtered (bottled) water. If you live in the states, Wal-Mart has GALLON jug refills of Culligan for just 33¢ in my area.

And remember to write down the calories to EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. This is the only way you can ensure that you are calculating everything correctly. I carry a little notepad with me everywhere I go. Whatever you do, don't cheat! Discipline is the key.

The next time you're at a bookstore (some grocery stores may have them as well) pick up this book:

It's a lifesaver. Beware of oils used for cooking as well. If preparing your own food (not prepackaged) use calorie-free cooking spray.

All of this may seem like overkill, but trust me, when you're geneticlly predisposed to hording fat around your midsection, you have to go all out to get rid of it. It can be quite a challenge.

Good luck and if you have any more questions feel free to ask.


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Hey Brother,

Just got back from my weekend in Vegas!!!

Thanks for the reply and all the help, I really appreciate it!!!



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hmm i dont know what these guys are telling you but you have to eat more often to lose weight!

eat something every 2-3 hours but don't eat as heavily as you would with a normal 3 course diet. also, eat breakfast... VERy important. so basically eat 3 main meals... (ie breakfast lunch dinner) in smaller proportions, then eat around 3 fill-in meals (meals to deal with your cravings) something like a bowl of cereal, fruit, or vegetables.

also try focusing more on ab exercises. doing them will tone up your abs and while this may not burn off your love handles, it will make it look better.

and honestly that whole carb atkins diet sh*t is a damn gimmick. people look at carbs and think of it as the devil or some sh*t. you NEED carbs for energy! eat a lot of grain and whole wheat instead of white bread. also eat honey nut cherios theyre low in fat, healthy, and helps your craving when you get those times where you just get hungry in between or after meals.

i have went from 134 to 140 lbs.

but my bench has increased from struggling with 135 on the first set to repping 165 and maxing out at 195.

hey brasileirao how old are you? 200lb rep bench thats where i wanna be at by the end of this year.


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pleasehelpme said:
hmm i dont know what these guys are telling you but you have to eat more to lose weight!

eat something every 2-3 hours but don't eat as heavily as you would with a normal 3 course diet. also, eat breakfast... VERy important. so basically eat 3 main meals... (ie breakfast lunch dinner) in smaller proportions, then eat around 3 fill-in meals (meals to deal with your cravings) something like a bowl of cereal, fruit, or vegetables.

also try focusing more on ab exercises. doing them will tone up your abs and while this may not burn off your love handles, it will make it look better.

and honestly that whole carb atkins diet sh*t is a damn gimmick. people look at carbs and think of it as the devil or some sh*t. you NEED carbs for energy! eat a lot of grain and whole wheat instead of white bread. also eat honey nut cherios theyre low in fat, healthy, and helps your craving when you get those times where you just get hungry in between or after meals.

i have went from 134 to 140 lbs.

but my bench has increased from struggling with 135 on the first set to repping 165 and maxing out at 195.

hey brasileirao how old are you? 200lb rep bench thats where i wanna be at by the end of this year.

Hey Brother,

Thanks for the additional info, I surelly will take all the info on this thread and see what fits me best.

As far as my age, I'm 24 and work out hard, when i do manage to go to the gym. The weather is getting much nicer, FINALLLY!, so that means more motivation.


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to lose weight, i skip breakfast and replace it with a protein drink (just one scoop with milk),..i eat a normal meal at lunch. then in the afternoon i make a salad out of vegetables (i buy bag of vegetables) and add tuna or salmon. later i eat fruit if i'm hungry and drink another protein drink. i lost a shitload of weight doing this while also going to the gym. what they say about eating little won't work is bullshit if you're not weak minded. the reason people say that is because people who do that usually go on binges because they starve by the end of the day. but the way i do it, i'm never hungry. but you have to get used to it. it's hard the first few days but your body gets used to it. eat desserts only once or twice a week. and f*** what people say,..not everyone's routine works for quit reading books by people. i work every muscle 5 times a week and i'm cut and very muscular. it works for me. when i did just one or two body parts for a year..i saw sh*t results as compared to 3 months of working a full body schedule. i leave two days to rest and it works fine for me. of course i have a brandon lee like muscular body although my arms and chest are bigger than his. this won't work if you're trying to be big. being big is stupid have to go to the gym always or you'll eventually be flabby. safe way is to just be lean and cut


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one more thing,.. ever notice people in the gym who never look any different? it's because they just go to the gym and don't have a good diet. if you don't do both,..going to the gym is useless if you want to change what your body looks like after a certain point of going to the gym


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pleasehelpme said:
hmm i dont know what these guys are telling you but you have to eat more to lose weight!

If you mean eat MORE OFTEN to lose weight then I would agree. But eating more calories will not make you lose weight. That's ridiculous.

Also, I was not suggesting a low-carb diet. I recommended a BALANCED carb diet. Too much of anything is a bad thing (except pussy).

ix actually gave some good tips and made some good points.

not me!

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Wow. After reading this I feel fat (even though I have a six-pack). I am 5'7" and 165 lbs. and I would still like to gain a few lbs of muscle. Anyway, best of luck to you and remember, weight-training + cardio + diet is the way to go to get rid of unwanted pounds. Don't depend to omuch on Ripped Fuel or anything else like that. It's ok to use in moderation but let it help you, not do all the work for you.


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ix is my Prag said:
pleasehelpme said:
hmm i dont know what these guys are telling you but you have to eat more to lose weight!

If you mean eat MORE OFTEN to lose weight then I would agree. But eating more calories will not make you lose weight. That's ridiculous.

Also, I was not suggesting a low-carb diet. I recommended a BALANCED carb diet. Too much of anything is a bad thing (except pussy).

ix actually gave some good tips and made some good points.

oops thats what i meant... fixed it.. thanks


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hmm i have a question... if you were going for both fat burn and muscle growth/toning

if you ran after weight lifting, would that like burn some of the muscle that was supposed to be developed in addition to some fat?


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Brasileirao said:
I'm 5'11" with no shoes on :D
6'3" in his favourite heels.

Innuendo bastards talking about exercise are making me feel lazy. So I'm off for half an hour of intense rowing machine action to burn-off this morning's Pepsi and cake breakfast.


not me!

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pleasehelpme said:
hmm i have a question... if you were going for both fat burn and muscle growth/toning

if you ran after weight lifting, would that like burn some of the muscle that was supposed to be developed in addition to some fat?

it all depends on the intensity of your workout and run and the quality of your pre-meal snack.


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It really depends on how long you are running, for example if you are doing interval training with a lot of sprints, then if done right you will not really much muscle. I can not recall where I had heard this but if you keep your cardio under 20 you will be fine. A clear cut example of how springint differes, is by looking at a marathon runner or long distance runner as compared to a sprinters body. So sprints or interval training can burn fat without hurting you in the muscle area too bad.


Tony, If you ate less so that your stomach shrinks then I'm sure those love handles would shrink. But please post a picture of your small *** dick so we can all piss ourselves.


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You crazzzzzzzzzze FOCKERSSS!!!!!!!!!!

Any who, the past week or so I have been eating less, but more frequent. I have also cut down on the sugar and started doing 20 minutes MAX of cardio. I have started doing more sets of major muscle groups and less of the minor muscle groups. Example:

Mondays - Back 6 sets - Legs 3 sets Running: 20 minutes

Wednesday - Chest 5 sets - Bi's 4 Sets

Fridays - Sholders 5 sets - Tri's 4 sets

Feeling GOOOODDD!!!



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This is just my suggestion Tony, but I would not run and do legs on the same day, the legs are the building blocks for the rest of your body, it is actually easier to create muscle in the rest of your body by making sure you work your legs as stated by Mens Health and numerous other publications, probably the most neglected body part at least at my gym. But when you run and do your legs in the same day you are in essence burning up energy that your legs need to recover after an intense workout by running afterwards, this has a lot to do with glycogen and other stuff that is somewhat beyond me as far as the science aspect goes. Anyway thats my 2.