revita shampoo


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Alright guys, right now I am using nizoral 2% and was wondering about this revita stuff. Is the ketanzcole(sp?) in this product equivalent to the 2% shampoo?? Also, do you guys think this is better to take in place of nizoral?? Thanks.


Yep, better. But read the technical section of their website and you'll be able to make a decision on what's best for you.


Jojje said:
its 1 % keto in revita

i've heard 1% and 2% each mentioned numerous times on this forum. Do we know for sure which? I thought 2% is prescription only in the US so I don't understand how the Revita could be 2%.


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I've contacted DS Labs trying to pin down some information about the product, including the concentration of keto and the type and concentration of copper peptides. We'll see whether I get an answer.


I don't think it's 1% if they recommend 5x/week usage. They would probably list it as 1% if so right? They only list caffeine at 4%


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JayMan said:
Jojje said:
its 1 % keto in revita

i've heard 1% and 2% each mentioned numerous times on this forum. Do we know for sure which? I thought 2% is prescription only in the US so I don't understand how the Revita could be 2%.

Early on - I copied the ingredients list directly from their website and it specified 2%. Now it only reads ket w/ no % following it.

So they were advertising 2% once upon a time - but not now.

(I thought 1% made more sense too due to the prescription issue in the US.)


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This should put it to rest . . .


Revita® high-performance hair growth stimulating shampoo

DS Laboratories has developed a revolutionary shampoo designed to control hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Revita® will go on sale in stores this November in North America and will hit stores internationally by the end of the year.

Primary ingredients:

Apple Polyphenol
Copper Peptides
Spin Traps
Ketoconazole 1%
Caffeine 4%
Emu Oil
Rooibos Tea
Carnitine Tartrate
Amino Acids: Ornitine, Taurine, Cysteine,

Revita®, the most efficient hair growth stimulating shampoo available on the market is the final result of DS Laboratories efforts on cutting edge research. Revita® is a powerful and unique combination of active ingredients specially designed to maintain scalp vitality and act on follicle dysfunctions in order to achieve the best results in short periods of time.


Revita® is the only shampoo product that combines specific anti-DHT action with antioxidant and antiflamatory effects. Revita® associates hair growth stimulating effect with powerful moisturizing properties, and provides basic amino acid supply offering significant tensile benefits to the hair shaft. This complete mechanism of action of Revita® offers unique and powerful results on scalp vitality and hair growth stimulation. Revita® increases the diameter of the hair strand while gently cleansing the scalp, leaving the hair soft with a pleasant smell. Revita® acts since the beginning, before the problem appears, until later phases of hair loss.



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I got a reply back from DS Labs that included the line,

As for your second inquiry, Revita Shampoo contains 1% of Ketoconazole.

My other questions have apparently been "forwarded to the R&D Department."

So there it is -- 1%


Established Member
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sounds like good you think this will eventually eliminate nizoral? Im thinking about ordering some should I use it in rotation with nizoral or what? Any one try this stuff yet?

Also...I came across this when searching through Amazon. There was listed The regular...and high performance...and the high performance is cheaper.....why? Take a look at #1 and #4 following the link ... .y=0&Go=Go