Revita Shampoo questions


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Is the Revita shampoo from DS labs been updated since last year I tried it back then and it caused some shedding after 2 weeks so droped it.

Just wondering if any of you guys with the recent stuff have a bad shed or is it better formular?

:punk: :punk:


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Don't have a clue , the results have been mixed on it though , favouring the positive side. Actually I just ordered some last night , I don't see how it can be much different to Nizoral shedding-wise... Looking forward to using it.


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I've used it for a month or so. Leaves my hair feeling nice. Shedding decreased after a week or so than what it was before I started using it. Seems to of gone back to normal shedding this week. (Although I am under enormous pressure and stress at the moment which may have an influence?).

Either way, until I hear a bunch of horror stories lol I like it.


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A little update for those interested....

I've been using Revita for almost 2 months now I think. A few weeks ago I noticed some tiny, shiney white hairs at the hairline, and I'm sure now they've increased in number - In an area where there previously wasn't any hair.

I'm not getting too excited, they're almost invisible to the naked eye, and could maybe just be the remains of old minaturised hair which despite checking my hair everyday, I hadn't noticed before.

Either way, it's not done me any harm so I'm glad I'm using this shampoo.


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I think it's a good shampoo...

Initially I didn't think it was doing anything for me, but after 4 months of use my hair is better than before... I'll keep using it for the time being until a better alternative comes along...

I'd like to try that new Nivea recharge thing, but it's not available in the UK yet.


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ali777 said:
I think it's a good shampoo...

Initially I didn't think it was doing anything for me, but after 4 months of use my hair is better than before... I'll keep using it for the time being until a better alternative comes along...

I'd like to try that new Nivea recharge thing, but it's not available in the UK yet.

Where's the cheapest and most reliable place to get it from in UK?

I brought it online for something like GBP 16 from Mankind and it came very quickly, is there anyhere better though?


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lookmantastic is cheaper if you use a free dev code I think CSSC1 still works.


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I get mine from a place called feelunique . com

£15 with free p&p...


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I just got some its changed from a year ago smaller bottle etc and a simlar smell to old but with a hint of chemicle apple smell now.

Will give it ago but if I start going bald again im going to drop it straight away like befor!


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aibo82 said:
I just got some its changed from a year ago smaller bottle etc and a simlar smell to old but with a hint of chemicle apple smell now.

Will give it ago but if I start going bald again im going to drop it straight away like befor!

They did change the formula.

I thought I shed a lot during the first two washes, however the first my hair had been gelled all day so trapped all the hairs from the entire day. - I was also enormously stressed out at the time which may have contributed.

Now shedding has decreased compared to the amount I shed per day before starting Revita, others I've spoken to have also had positive results. I don't know if there's any improvement but it's at least maintained so far, which to me s success in itself. I'd say at least give it a few months before you make your mind up on it.


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Nothing to get excited about but I think the number of tiny, almost invisible white hairs is increasing in an area where there was previously no hair.

Also, I'm tracking a fine hair which is about 1-2mm more forward than the rest of my hairline. It's very weak, I expected it to have dropped out by now having noticed it about 2 months ago but it's still there and possible looks slightly thicker at the base. So I do believe if anything, this shampoo is helping me maintain.


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Just started using it, and I definitely noticed an uptick in shedding. Nothing major, but like 10 or so hairs in my hands after lathering, and I wasn't seeing any before. I've also cut back on my dutasteride a little bit, from 2x/week to 1x/5days, so it's possible that the revita isn't responsible, but I doubt it.


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"uptick"...? Anyways, Yeah I've been using it for 2 weeks now and I've noticed a big shed , but I'm nearly sure that this isn't from Revita , I expect it is just the November shed and my 2-3month Finasteride shed. It has a great lathering effect and doesn't dry out your hair like Nizoral does. I don't think its as effective in combating inflammation like the 2% Keto in Nizoral. I still get an itch on my crown.


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Uptick -- yeah, everyone always sheds a little. My two (female) flatmates pull hairballs out of the drain every time they take a shower...

But it does seem to have subsided for now. Maybe it just knocked out all the weak hairs. Guess we'll see


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One wierd thing is my pubic hair has grown longer and 'bushier' since starting Revita. :woot:

I guess as it's washed out of my head it covers my body and seems to have had an effect there.


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i wish all of you people using revita the best of luck.
a word to the wise, the search option can be quite useful for finding old posts about revita.
majority of people using it experienced massive sheds and quit.

revita sounds ridiculous to me...all they did was take every ingredient they can possibly fathom and mix it all together. who knows how all these things even interact with each other..i guarantee some things are cancelling out others in terms of effectiveness


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Fair warning - But they've changed the formula since then so I think any old posts would be largely irrevelent.

I did shed a lot for the first two washes, but since then I sometimes don't see a single hair in the shower (Rare) but often less than 4.


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BlahBlah12 said:
i wish all of you people using revita the best of luck.
a word to the wise, the search option can be quite useful for finding old posts about revita.
majority of people using it experienced massive sheds and quit.

revita sounds ridiculous to me...all they did was take every ingredient they can possibly fathom and mix it all together. who knows how all these things even interact with each other..i guarantee some things are cancelling out others in terms of effectiveness

If revita was such an effective shampoo, they would have run a few tests and publish the results. We all know they have absolutely no proof that it regrows hair, otherwise it would be selling like crazy.

However, I've been using it for close to 5 months now and I like it. I wouldn't claim it's regrown anything because I don't know if it has, but it's a good shampoo. My hair is stronger and healthier with minimal shed.