Revita is a pretty darn good shampoo



I got my Revita in on thursday and used it yesterday and today. We know that the ingredients list is exception but it seems there's been some mixed reviews on its effects as a shampoo itself. (Note: I purchased it from the vendor in my BEST PRICE thread that should be listed on page 1 or 2 of this forum)

If simply tossed out the hair growth benefits of the ingredients and compared it one to one, lets say, to a Jason's Thin To Thick it is certainly AS good if not better.

I try to squeeze out a very small amount of shampoo but both times I'm using TOO MUCH because this stuff lathers up very good. I don't want a ton of lather because I'm wasting the shampoo with all of it sitting in my hair rather than on the surface area of my scalp. I DO use a pre-wash first with a different shampoo (sometimes Jason's sometimes Suave, whatever).

The stuff smells nice and my hair looks as good afterwards as any other thickening shampoo as well, maybe with the exception of the older formulation of Jason TTT.

So I'm dumbfounded by the posts of people who have BOUGHT this stuff and then have shelved it afterwards, or those who are reluctant to buy it because of some of these reports. We know the ingredients are desireable, and as a shampoo it is also great. The way you open the bottle is pretty novel too as I've never seen a shampoo bottle open that way. Plus in the end it's only about $15 MORE than a Jason TTT or a Nizoral considering you'd be spending $10 anyways for these shampoos, so for the extra $15 you get to have this one which is one of a kind in the ingredients list.

So in conclusion I think this stuff has certainly lived up to its hype at least as a shampoo, the ingredients speak for themself and it will be hard to gauge how well they work since it's an addition to the rest of my regimen. My only complaint is that the bottle is HUGE for being less than 8oz. Due to the size of the bottle I'd rate this 9/10. I think the price is actually inexpensive considering what you're getting.


Comments? What about you Jm, any questions? :) Are you still using the Revita?


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yes actually i am. even though if I use it 6-7 times a week my scalp gets really dry. So i cut down to 3-4 times then like 2 times a week with a regular shampoo like AC Peppermint Cleanse. Even though it has SLS in it. (I dont believe the hype with people saying that its so bad)

Even though since ive been on this my temple region looks worse. im sure its just in my mind or even temporary. thats where my spironolactone comes into play.

Overall. good shampoo. Lathers up well. Just havent been on it long enough to see if ALL these ingrediants mesh well and work!


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They use big words like "most powerful hair growth stimulating shampoo" and talk about "DS laboratories" and "research," but at the end of the day they're just whacked a whole load of token ingredients together. It's clearly made to sell. I mean take this...

"Revita uses very costly and exotic ingredients. How can you possibly afford to offer it at such a low price? "

At the end of the day, as the original poster implied, it's use as a shampoo is what you buy it for. If it makes the hair look better, then I'd use it.

It's effectiveness as a hair loss treatment is something I would not put money on. There are two issues only I would take into account here
1) The ketocozanole. If this is 1 or 2% like Nizoral, it should presumably have the same effect. I couldnt find this percentage on the site.
2) The lack of SLS. This might be a factor in hair loss.

Who knows what all those different ingredients do together? We know what nizoral does, according to studies. But if it thickens my hair nicely, makes it look better than nizoral, I'd stick with it.



That's pretty much how I wanted to rate the shampoo, simply as a shampoo. I really won't know its effect on hair regrowth since I'm using it in addition to the Big 3.

I still do not like this unfair picture being painted of some crackpot amateur scientist sitting in his basement "lab" and just TOSSING in a bunch of concoctions into some cauldron and coming up with REVITA SHAMPOO.

I'm sure DS Labs has PhD's, M.D.'s, engineers, etc. working at their company and they are not the first ones to come up with a product that has a mixture of ingredients in it so why do they get the unfair shake that it's simply tossing together a bunch of ingredients?

If you look at all of the ingredients individually, they have a background of helping hairloss. This isn't "eye of newt" in here too. The shampoo has Copper Peptides, Apple Poly, Spin Traps, EMU Oil, MSM, etc.! As a tea drinker I know healthy Rooibos is too and questioned it's possible effect on hair loss before I ever even knew about Revita and it's in this shampoo as an extract (don't have to dump Rooibos on my head anymore!! :)).

Bottom line is that it's a good shampoo and only about $15 more than Nizoral that we'd buy anyways. But if we're using this simply as a shampoo than it's ridiculous to spend $26 on something that makes your hair look and feel good. I also think it's completely unfair to suggest NO research went into this shampoo. If you look at you'll see that Revita was listed on their website a few years back so obviously there's been a number of years of research that has went into the making of this shampoo before it's been released.

If people want to question the efficacy of the ingredients being combined, why doesn't anybody CONTACT ds labs about this?!


Revita makes my hair look pretty damned thin by washing all the sh*t out of it, but I guess that's okay. It looks pretty clean after


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JayMan said:
Revita makes my hair look pretty damned thin by washing all the $#iT out of it, but I guess that's okay. It looks pretty clean after

Same thing happened to me after using American Crew shampoo with copper peptides. I dropped it. No use if it makes my hair look thin, even if it is healthier.


JayMan said:
Revita makes my hair look pretty damned thin by washing all the $#iT out of it, but I guess that's okay. It looks pretty clean after

What type of conditioner do you use? So you think Revita's effect on your hair looks the same as NANO's?!?!

I tried it without conditioner today and it didn't look good. I normally just Jason Thin to Thick conditioner after Revita and my hair looks the same way it does after using any other shampoo (including the Jason TTT shampoo).

I wonder why the consistency of the Revita is so much thicker than that of the NANO though, which is very watery. I'm still amazed how a very small amount of Revita goes a long way to build up a nice lather. This bottle should last me a good while. Well worth it for $25 IMHO.


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I think my hair washed with Revita looks about the same as it does washed with Jason.

Now, if you want to see something cool, wash with Revita and then a little L'Oreal Vive... My hair was super thick. I'll have to try this a few more times to make sure it's consistent.


klink said:
I think my hair washed with Revita looks about the same as it does washed with Jason.

Now, if you want to see something cool, wash with Revita and then a little L'Oreal Vive... My hair was super thick. I'll have to try this a few more times to make sure it's consistent.

Do you mean you wash with L'Oreal Vive AFTER using Revita? I don't think this is a good idea. There was another topic about using a thickening shampoo AFTER a medicated shampoo and it was advised against doing so by Bryan and some other experts. Makes sense to me too, you could just as well use the thickening shampoo BEFORE the Revita as a pre-wash. That's what I do with the TTT.


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"I'm sure DS labs has it's share of M.D's, phDs..."

But FairTaxNow, you can't go assume these things. This is an industry of snake oil salesman. They want you to buy the product, so they make you think what they're selling is the real deal, in any way possible.

You can tell by the advertising style that every positive aspect or potential positive aspect will be milked for all it's worth in the advertisement.

You should be very skeptical about what they actually are saying, you most definately should not make positive assumptions regarding things they don't even mention.

Old Baldy

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A little off-topic but I just found this at Pubmed: (This study has finally been published at Pubmed.)

Follicular Penetration of Topically Applied Caffeine via a Shampoo Formulation.Otberg N, Teichmann A, Rasuljev U, Sinkgraven R, Sterry W, Lademann J.
Center of Experimental and Applied Cutaneous Physiology, Department of Dermatology, Charite-Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Aims: Follicular drug delivery is the prerequisite for an effective treatment of androgenetic alopecia or other reasons of premature hair loss. Methods: The follicular penetration of caffeine, applied topically in a shampoo formulation for 2 min, was measured with highly sensitive surface ionization in combination with mass spectroscopy, a selective method for the detection of very small quantities of transcutaneously absorbed substances in the blood. An experimental protocol, developed to selectively block the follicular pathway within the test area, was used. Based on this principle, a clear distinction between interfollicular and follicular penetration of topically applied caffeine was feasible. Results: After 2 min, caffeine penetrated via the hair follicles and stratum corneum. Conclusion: It was found that the penetration via hair follicles was faster and higher compared with the interfollicular route and that hair follicles are the only pathway for fast caffeine absorption during the first 20 min after application. Copyright (c) March 29, 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.

PMID: 17396054 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher.


FairTaxNow said:
JayMan said:
Revita makes my hair look pretty damned thin by washing all the $#iT out of it, but I guess that's okay. It looks pretty clean after

What type of conditioner do you use? So you think Revita's effect on your hair looks the same as NANO's?!?!

I tried it without conditioner today and it didn't look good. I normally just Jason Thin to Thick conditioner after Revita and my hair looks the same way it does after using any other shampoo (including the Jason TTT shampoo).

I wonder why the consistency of the Revita is so much thicker than that of the NANO though, which is very watery. I'm still amazed how a very small amount of Revita goes a long way to build up a nice lather. This bottle should last me a good while. Well worth it for $25 IMHO.

I use a Redken conditioner. Why?


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Interesting on the Caffeine. Well, at least that's two ingredients in Revita that we know can be delivered in a shampoo.


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interesting, would have been fun to se a testgroup only on revita for a yar or 2.. to se what the shampo alone can do.


Jojje said:
interesting, would have been fun to se a testgroup only on revita for a yar or 2.. to se what the shampo alone can do.

I'm sure there will come the individual here who would NOT want to use finasteride and NOT minoxidil so we could simply point them towards Revita, and see how that alone works on them! :D I probably would've done this before back when I was ignorant, uneducated, and still scared of The Big 2. Sorta like how most Americans are of limited Constitution government and Ron Paul :lol: