Revita ingredients-for CCS and other Chemistry minded ind.'s


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I used Revita pretty regular for about 6 months, and got a nasty shed, and not much else to show for my troubles. The list of ingredients sounds promising, but really, is any of the stuff, beside Keto, really going to help? I'm just asking, as I am wondering if making a mix of some of the other stuff would help? You know, take the Caffine, and other stuff and toss it into my Nano or Ginger shampoo. I also wonder if the sum of all those ingredients may sound good on paper, but mixing them together might make some other, acidic chemical. Right now, I just used the Revita twice a week, and the rest of the week I use Nano and Pre-wash with the ginger shampoo. I use Tricomin after and douse on a little prox-n at night. Can't use minoxidil, and haven't really bothered with the internals, especially if I could keep my hair now, or at least for a long while, i would be fine. So really, I'm looking for maintenance.


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Revita is just a bunch of proven hair loss ingredients thrown together in one. Could be counter productive ...who knows....all I've heard from revita users is shedding, shedding, and more shedding. I think revita should've made a complimentary leave-in treatment to go along w/ their shampoo. Maybe results would've been better. I don't think you should try and add more ingredients to your nano shampoo. It won't make much of a difference. I've heard better results from nano users than revita users though.


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I just read the title. My chemistry knowledge has nothing to do with my ingredients knowledge. I only use chemistry for pH, solubility, and concentration calculations. Everything I know about hair loss comes from studies, not chemistry class.

And I don't know about revita. It does have have some good ingredients in it, but I don't know any more about it. I'd think their chemists could stabilize the ingredients.


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Thanks for the reply.I suppose I'm asking what out of the revita, that I'm not getting, would be worth trying to dump into a concoction? You know, the MSM, Grapeseed, Apple Poly's, and how would one go about doing it. You can just post a link. It would be greatly appreciated.


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Grapeseed extract is good and bad. It slows the production of estrogen from testosterone, which is bad. But it's powerful anti-oxidant effects counter the damage that DHT does, and protect NO. Overall, it grows hair. But I would stay with GTE or applepoly.

I see no reason to use topical MSN or topical biotin when it is well known that taking them orally is good enough, and also helps the rest of your body. It is the anti-oxidants that need to be applied topically.

Don't dump them into Nizoral. Dump them into a cheap shampoo, and rotate that with nizoral. If you are rich, you can sacrifice a nizoral bottle, put anti-oxidants in it, and rotate that with a pure nizoral bottle. Most likely both will be good, but you need the rotation just incase the concoction ruins the one nizoral bottle.


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and put tricomin on your head after the shower. It dries so fast it won't mess up your hair. Much better than putting it in your shampoo. So don't bother with CP's in your shampoo.


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Ripple Effect -

I've been using Revita since it came out, and I've only improved since day 1.

Of course, it could be that it's the foam and finasteride counteracting whatever loss would happen with the Revita, but I doubt it. I like the way it smells, and it definitely leaves my hair looking cosmetically thicker than most "thickening" shampoos.


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I think I have a strong reaction to the Keto in Revita, as I did with Nizoral. Right now, I just use the Revita twice a week, and once it runs out, I may switch back to Nizoral. The sad thing for me is that I can get Revita over the counter at GNC, so I don't have to hassle with mail order, etc.

CCS- I do use the Tricominright after the shower, and I'll try some of the advice you gave me. Much appreciated.


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towel off the standing water, but apply it while the scalp is still moist.