Results 6 Months On finasteride 1.25mg, And minoxidil 5% , With Pics


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Hi guys, I have been running finasteride (5mg tablets divided into 4 aka 1.25 mg a day) and Recrea Forte 2 times a day now for 6 months exactly. Here are some pictures from the beginning, the one with shorter hair is from 3 months in, and last 3 ones taken today. Can you see it? HATE Imgur. Is there s a way to direct link to an image?

I think I have had a pretty good regrowth, hope it lasts!
I had extremely thick hair in my youth up to 21, when my girlfriend broke up with me, and I went into a deep depression. That was 20 years ago. I still remember standing in the shower and my hands were covered with hair .... hu!
In any case, the hair never recovered again, and I started to lose more and more towards the end so I thought f*** it, I have nothing to lose, and got a prescription by the online doctor. Recrea Forte is available from online pharmacies for Usd 20 for a 3-month supply. I have also started with ketoconazole 2% shampoo last month, 2 times a week, so do not know if it helps yet.

I did not get any shedding at all until about 2 months ago, then it was noticeable, but it seems to have subsided now. The hair that i do shed is thick and dark, not sure what that means. I only wash my hair 2 times a week, and recently have been geting an itchy scalp, probably from the minoxidil. Its not foam. Do you guys who use minoxidil wash your hair with shampoo every day, to start with a "clean slate" so to speak?

Diet wise I´m OMAD Low kcal LCHF, Im around 1200-1500 kcal a day, 75% F, 20% P and 5%C with a max of 20g a day.

I'm a bit of a special case, because I was diagnosed with Adrenocortical Carcinoma in December, and had surgery for it at the end of March. It was an active tumour and I got Cushing's syndrome. Normal cortisol levels are between 30 and 170, I was at 6900, and of course it affects the hair, it is the fight/flight hormone. Strangely I experienced that I got thicker hair then, I also got more facial and back hair, but lost ALL hair on my legs, they were completely bald. Now after the operation, my cortisol levels are zero, because I´m on chemo (Lysodren) and then eat hydrocortisone.(50mg a day) my specific chemo is not something that causes you to lose hair from, however. My back hair is more normal, the extra facial hair disappeared and the hair on my legs has grown back. However, chemo can affect Finasteride, so we'll see. Something about androgen and how it metabolises in the liver.
No gyno so far, no titty tenderness ,and I hope it stays like that. A side-effect that affects 50% of males who take Lysodren is Gyno, so I guess im SOOL in any case. Bring on the bazoombas! xD

I have not received any side effects from fine I think, maybe less sex drive but it's ok. I will evaluate in a year.

Anything else I could be doing?

Greateful for your input!
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Established Member
My Regimen
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Looks like really nice progress. Well done. Wish you all the best for all the other stuff you are going trough as well.


Senior Member
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Awesome results man.


Established Member
My Regimen
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Nice dude, great progress, it's alot thicker and darker.... and I can only see it getting better for you in the future. Also hope all else goes well too. Good luck man.


New Member
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Nice dude, great progress, it's alot thicker and darker.... and I can only see it getting better for you in the future. Also hope all else goes well too. Good luck man.

Thanks guys, Im a bit worried that the hydrocortisone will interact with the Finasteride, so I have upped my dose to 2.5 mg a day. It says here that the "The metabolism of Finasteride can be decreased when combined with Hydrocortisone." :mad: just my god damn luck, I manage to get some hair back and then its taken from me again!