Researchers Develop First Cloned Hair.


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Holy something! O_O
hope they are legit.

(sounds like the thing Follica working on... correct me if im wrong here )


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Not to rain, but the acell route did not work miracles in other trials.
lListening to the Kobren interview via the link even Doctor Cooley doesn't sound as off-the-hook excited as the newsie headline (go to 12:25 in the interview). Another piece of the puzzle, yes.


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I don't understand this obsession with "the cure" anymore. Even if you're NW7, if you go to one of the best hair transplant surgeons you'll be able to get at least okay coverage - to a point people wouldn't call you "bald". You can do that now. Today.

I believe this research may bear fruit, but I would be surprised if it becomes commercially available before 2020.


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This does sound promising. I just wonder why this hasn't been talked about on television, like the wounding and application of WNT inhibitors on the scalp being researched by Dr. Cotsarelis was covered in an interview on the Today Show. Also, I bought Spencer Kobren's book The Bald Truth when I noticed my hair was thinning 7 years ago. Damn, time flies.

This sounds a lot like what Follica Inc is researching, except that the WNT inhibiting solution is substituted by this MicroMatrix from ACell Inc. If the claims are true, I'm guessing the doctors that discovered this will initiate a clinical trial of some sort. That's the news I am waiting to hear.

uncomfortable man

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Nevis said:
Not to rain, but the acell route did not work miracles in other trials.
lListening to the Kobren interview via the link even Doctor Cooley doesn't sound as off-the-hook excited as the newsie headline (go to 12:25 in the interview). Another piece of the puzzle, yes.
The headlines in the op sound promising but the proof is in the pudding as they say and the above link by nevis proves that it can't even grow hair on a scar. Do they wound your scalp then apply the powder? Do they put donor cells into that mix? I guess I'm unclear on how it's supposed to work. Right now it doesn't look like it does.


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I don't think so. I've seen plenty of pictures from reputable surgeons where NW7's have got to NW3, and with enough coverage to look convincing. It's not perfect, but it's enough for people to stop calling you "baldy" if that's what you're looking for. A lot of guys head towards NW3 as they get older anyway, so it begins to look even more inconspicuous.

somone uk

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sounds like an accidental discovery, what people neglect to remember is like most medical innovations are mistakes but i am still wanting to take this with a pinch of salt
the fact is all over the body the skin has hair follicles and male pattern baldness does make the hair irreversibly inactive (or "dead") so i'll at least say it's plausible but until a decent trail comes it's just words on a page


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^ I guess you make a fair point. Not only have I not seen these guys in person, but I have really only seen the photos publicized on the hair transplant surgeons' websites.

One thing I will say is that, having viewed some hair transplant websites, I have to agree with you in a way. Some of these sites actually struck me as reverse versions of slybaldguys. Many of these chaps post their hair transplant stories and, even with a good hairline, something looks fake about it. And yet, universally, everyone praises the results as perfectly natural.

So I suppose my original post was given with a high-dose of wishful thinking, probably stemming from the fact that I myself was thinking about the hair transplant route down the line. All things considered, I think you're probably in the righ on this.


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I am a twin. I wear a hairpiece, and my brother transplants. About 50,000 dollars later for him - he is all scarred up - but - not a bad result. Certainly looks better than me without my hair, but, the texture of the scalp looks irritated, blotchy - and this is by one of the best hair transplant doctors in the US - (I'll keep the name anonymous). Hairpieces are a pain in the *** and if you can't get the blend right, color right and maintain - it's a give away on top of being a pain in the *** - plus it's never comfortable after day one when applying tape or glue because of the melting factor. The big "BUT" is - when it's all right - it's like you never lost your hair - full coverage and the end point is achieved (look like I never lost my hair).

My philosophy is this - the goal is to look "real". To have a wig on or a hair transplant that looks stupid - is defeating the purpose of looking good. Some people should just shave - others should get a HP, and others a transplant. You have to know what works best and looks best. A military haircut is always in style and that's an option that could work.

A Norwood 7 and a hair transplant is "what's the point". I don't get that. Better off military cut or do the full wig. Honestly, Shatner's piece looks incredible in the sense that it looks real, it's not obsene. Sure, it doesn't blow in the wind, it's the same style - but it looks fine.

I'm in Norwood 5ish area. I could go either way. In hair - I pass for my 20's (I'm in my 40's) and without it - I look like I'm in my 30's (baby face) - but - chicks aren't looking to have me in their beds without the hair. Yeah, some don't care - but there is more to attraction then hair - it's the confidence, the body and the life. So......

The point of all ths is - figure out what will make you look best. Just having hair on the head doesn't qualify how good you look. Kevin Costner still gets laid I'm sure. Probably more than Walter Matthow (spelling?) and he had a crap load of hair. A marine will usually always get tail. So.....

somone uk

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the idea is to use these strips on the donor area after a transplant but i was thinking

thick NW1 - about 120,000 hairs
nw7 - about 20,000 hairs

total grafts = 100,000
dr willam rassman --> $410,000
and that assumes 1 session and the strip would be free (and the strip is perfect)
(£256,530.58 for us Brits)

i think it'll be some time before this is operational, maybe viable when we have hair transplant robots