Report: Indisputable Proof That Finasteride Causes Sexual Side Effects In Forum Users

Have you experienced negative finasteride related sexual side effects?

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You reached out to me via PM for help regarding your finasteride side effect. I asked you in retunto not be so hostile when it comes to the finasteride topic because you are actively contributing to people not taking finasteride side effects and PFS victims serious. You are putting your own need to offend people that do not agree with you above the interests of all of us.


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This forum might be the worst community on the whole internet. Just a bunch of depressed, insecure balding retards.
Just take the pill, if you encounter sides get off and you will be fine....


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My understanding of finasteride sides is that those who have are more sensitive to slight changes in their bloodstream are more likely to experience sides.

Similar to how some guys can have a couple pints of beer and barely feel it, wheras some will be buzzing off of just one. Sensitivty to the alcohol content in their blood.

Still waiting on my Hasson and Wong topical finasteride order, but interested to see how I respond to it. (I quit oral finasteride 1mg after 3 weeks due to no longer having morning wood, which I get regularly.)


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Um... I might have Post-Nizoral Syndrome :oops: I have severe gynecomastia, my wiener has shrunk to around 1.5CM (2CM on a good day) and my testicles have turned blue... It has also turned me straight


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personally i think(im drunk and very high) pigeon should cut his balls off. like, lets have the arguments, what difference does it really make in terms of his masculinity? like nothing right= so thats the thing. I think no balls is better than spamming this sub with anti finasteride propaganda. tbh i haven't had sex in 5 years but its not due to low iq(<95) people like pigeon, in fact my iq is 135, that told me i should not take finasteride obviously. I don't think "men"(its not exactly clear) like pigeon get a lot of action. its actually really sad and im almost crying for him

but honestly id rather be impotent than a bald f*** at 23. baling is like having a grave disease and pigeon i think has a much much greater disease than that. a mental disorder in fact that evolved over tens of years. its actually really sad and i pray for him everyday(after i pray for myself oc course) lol.

ok lets go, lets talk about this dead horse that is finasteride sides lol

Most people think this, until they do experience impotence and realise what’s usually more psychologically damaging.

This isn’t a criticism btw, but just saying unless you’ve actually experienced something do not be so quick to judge. Imagining how you’d feel in a situation and how you feel when that situation actually occurs are two completely different things.

Humans are notorious for underestimating an individuals situation, until it actually happens to them.



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what you can suck my gland mate, a deteriorating appearance is much mcc muuuuch more damaging than finasteride side.
also why don't you talk about death guys= after all your chance of dying young is about as high as getting sides on finasteride. i may be drunk but i still understand why this is just ridiculous. finasteride is a very very safe drug. if you got sides it suck but vilifying finasteride makes you an actual terroris and i think interpol should track down anti finasteride protagonists. finasteride is bea

Bro, you need help. Everything you’ve said in your last two posts screams “I have issues”.

How the f*** could a chance (and nothing more than a chance) of preserving some hair on your head be worth intentionally giving yourself impotence or some other health issue?

I am not at all against finasteride, I tried it and I recommend everyone try it. For me, it didn’t work out. I lost libido within 3 weeks and had to quit. Within 3-5 days of quitting I regained full libido. I am sure that post finasteride syndrome is blown a little out of proportion. However, the potential side effects of messing with the hormone levels in your blood are very real.

To even suggest that taking finasteride if you’re going to get sides is somehow worth it, is ridiculous.
Your health is more important than hair man.


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what you can suck my gland mate, a deteriorating appearance is much mcc muuuuch more damaging than finasteride side.
also why don't you talk about death guys= after all your chance of dying young is about as high as getting sides on finasteride. i may be drunk but i still understand why this is just ridiculous. finasteride is a very very safe drug. if you got sides it suck but vilifying finasteride makes you an actual terroris and i think interpol should track down anti finasteride protagonists. finasteride is bea

I would advise you to get some sleep as you’re not portraying yourself well at all while also further damaging your credibility on this site.

P.S I never got serious side effects on Finasteride



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Bro, you need help. Everything you’ve said in your last two posts screams “I have issues”.

How the f*** could a chance (and nothing more than a chance) of preserving some hair on your head be worth intentionally giving yourself impotence or some other health issue?

I am not at all against finasteride, I tried it and I recommend everyone try it. For me, it didn’t work out. I lost libido within 3 weeks and had to quit. Within 3-5 days of quitting I regained full libido. I am sure that post finasteride syndrome is blown a little out of proportion. However, the potential side effects of messing with the hormone levels in your blood are very real.

To even suggest that taking finasteride if you’re going to get sides is somehow worth it, is ridiculous.
Your health is more important than hair man.

That individual just told me to suck his glans and then in the same sentence gave out medical advice on the safety of Finasteride.

Imagine going to a doctor and asking about side effects from a drug and the doctor responding “suck my glans, this drug is very safe”.
You’d be running out of there immediately.

This forum while being incredibly
depressing at times has some golden moments. I feel bad for an individual whose high and drunk that still comes on to spread hate. I’m
Guessing he must not have much else going on in his life.



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That individual just told me to suck his glans and then in the same sentence gave out medical advice on the safety of Finasteride.

Imagine going to a doctor and asking about side effects from a drug and the doctor responding “suck my glans, this drug is very safe”.
You’d be running out of there immediately.

This forum while being incredibly
depressing at times has some golden moments. I feel bad for an individual whose high and drunk that still comes on to spread hate. I’m
Guessing he must not have much else going on in his life.


As much as hairloss sucks, it’s nice to see some other men here hanging on to their morals and sanity.

What makes a man is how you respond to adversity.


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what? transient libodo loss is widely reported but is subsides within time. i definitely have grace issues but it would be comical to assume that not almost everybody on this forum has some serious psychological issue. at least i will admit it(other guy like pigeon with squirrel like IQ won't ever do that). i suffered tremendously under my appearance and no ED or loss of libido could possibly as severe. health is more important but lets be honest, the chance of dying in a car crash is higher than getting persistent sides on finasteride. thats why this conversation is os chemical and why pigeon is such a devastating loser
There is not enough data supporting that claim that would convince me to gamble with my ability to get a boner. Going to try the topical solution and see what happens.

Bro I would be willing to bet that if you got SMP and got yourself in shape (and maybe grow a beard if you could) you would look great and be able to charm a lady.

Holywood and mainstream media would have you believe that success is dependant upon your looks but I think the smartest of men would say otherwise. I hope just as much as the next person that we get a good treatment/cure in the next 10 years but for now we have to work with what we’ve got and accept our situation, even if it does feel like a nightmare.


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Hahaha, thanks for the laugh bro. You have issues my friend, you and Ikarus need to see a shrink.

Unfortunately that individual Ikarus definitely has issues. He literally goes around “disliking” whatever post I make. The more he does it, the more I genuinely feel pity for him. I also know he’s done this with other members.

That being said this is the internet, and you do unfortunately get people like this. it’s also easy to hurl insults and be aggressive hiding behind a computer screen.

His behaviour and things he’s admitted are very telling of an individual who sadly doesn’t have much of a life outside of these forums.



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Can we just end this thread and say that some get sides and some don’t, everybody is free to try finas and let’s wish everybody good luck with their treatment?