Renee's Story


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Hello All,
I had posted a few times on but I've really enjoyed the atmosphere while lurking over here. I'll copy and paste a little of my history from one of my posts...

I've always had fine/straight hair and during my 20s and 30s got perms to compensate and they always worked. In my mid-30s I started noticing that I had a lot of breakage from my perms (though it could be that it was happening all along and I never noticed). The hair always grew back and hair loss after a perm was pretty typical - even where it would clog up my sink (after a period of time). In November of last year, I noticed my perm wasn't doing the trick as well. I had been on thyroid medication (not due to low levels but due to symptoms) - Armour Thyroid to be exact - since the prior February. It really helped the fatigue and depression like no anti-depressant ever did so I thought I had my answer. I switched insurance due to work and went on an HMO with a different doctor. I went in for a refill of thyroid meds with original blood test in hand. He looked at it and said I shouldn't have been on it to begin with and ordered a blood test. In two weeks or so I went back and he said my thyroid was low due to the medication I was on and recommended I go off the meds. Worried that I might have been causing myself more harm than good, I went right off the meds (January) and by April had very noticeable hair loss (but normal thyroid levels) enough to where it frightened me to go in and see the doctor again who said it was probably genetic (my dad has male pattern baldness) and that women get FPB and that Rogaine might help. (In other words, I'm to accept it and move on). He said the hair loss probably wasn't due to the fact that he'd pulled me off thyroid meds cold turkey. I thought hormones might be playing a role in it so he ordered blood test for FSH and it came back normal (as a matter of fact - all my levels are "normal"). Of course, being an HMO it's like pulling teeth to get a referral so going to a derm for this (through HMO) is going to be a hopeless case. As of today I'm completely off ALL meds. I just found out two other medications I’d been taking fairly consistently (at the same time all of this was going on) "could" cause hair loss as a rare side effect.

Back in August I had my haircut and colored to give it body and it worked. My hair was thin all over then with a little more thinning at my top hairline in front. I considered using Rogaine but was frightened about the shedding and I thought I'd give it a while to see if it was the medications - maybe my hair would grow back. Fat chance. I went in mid November to get my hair colored and cut again (coloring helped very little) and this time - increased thinning. Still all over but now a lot more on the top in front to mid scalp. Devastation is the only thing that comes to mind.

I am using Rogaine and Tricomin (will post again in the treatment folder some day soon) and am really hoping this helps regrow or at least curbs the hair loss. I can't lose any more or it's time for a wig.

I've been reading and researching online at night way into the morning hours, unable to sleep, hoping I can find help or answers or something. Looks like I'm one of the many that have this condition though I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I've had some rough things happen in the past but this has to be one of the most devastating. I’ve never cried so much on a daily basis. I feel bad for feeling so devastated but I have learned that this is the way it affects many women so my guilt has been lifted a degree or two. I do have wonderful things in life - a terrific son and a wonderful husband, etc. My hubby has male pattern baldness and says we can grow bald together. He's full of sweetness and love. I'm so lucky… I get teary every time I think about him saying that.

Anyway, I just wanted to join in and introduce myself. Thanks for being here.


Established Member
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Welcome to the board, Renee.


Hi Renee!

Welcome to the board, sorry you are dealing with this :(

You are lucky to have such a sweet and supporting husband!

Hope you will join us in further discussions :)

Happy holidays!

