Regimen Suggestions -- Open to anything


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I'm 22 years old, been (noticeably) diffuse thinning for about two years. I first noticed my thinning when I contracted pneumonia that, due to a misdiagnosis, plagued me for 10 weeks before I finally saw a doctor who knew what he was talking about. At first I thought that my hair loss might have been induced by the shock and stress to my system, but it's continued progression far past my renewed good health debunked that theory. Also, my grandfather on my mom's side had significant hairloss, and my brother, 6 years older than me, was a diffuse thinner who is now completely bald up top.

I immediately went on Propecia, which I took for 10 months, but quit because I didn't see any improvement, I continued to shed just as before, and, perhaps most startling, I experienced significant "brain fog" -- I found it difficult to concentrate, my memory suffered, I'd read paragraphs and then realize I had retained nothing, etc. These symptoms all appeared shortly after taking the drug, and tapered off when I ceased treatment.

After getting off propecia my hairloss predictably continued, until I was forced to shave my head because the thinning was so noticeable. About two months ago I decided to go on propecia again, this time using Minoxidil as well, but the "brain fog" symptoms reappeared just as before.

I've recently been reading about the effect of DHT on the brain, and these studies seem to provide a possible explanation for my adverse reaction to propecia. So now I'm left wondering what's next.

Assuming I continue to use Minoxidil, what else can I add to my regimen that can possibly be as effective as Propecia? Dutasteride is out of the question, as the symptoms I experience on Propecia would probably increase exponentially. I'm not an impatient person, and I'm willing to give treatments a year or more to see results, provided there is sound science behind them, but prescription treatments would be difficult for me to obtain due to the fact that I am set to embark shortly on a year-long adventure around the world.


Can't take propecia/dutasteride. Need advice on what to take next for regrowth/maintenance. Already using minoxidil.


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Things I'm considering:

Prox-n -- Is this something that can maintain current hair and promote new growth?

Nano shampoo?


Experienced Member
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Hey man,
sorry to hear about your exp with Propecia, too bad, it really helps combat male pattern baldness.
You can look into minoxidil with Retin A, the retin A increases the absorption of the minoxidil. I had success with maintaing my hair and improving the existing hair I have.

Dr Lees has a wide variety of topicals.

Be careful with some of these backyard pharmicists on these boards and their own concoctions. They may not be safe and are not tested by a regualting body.