Regimen help w/ pics


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Hey there,first post and all. I'm 21 and first noticed my hair thinning at the front at about 19 so after a while I finally went on generic propecia and that was eight months ago. The good thing is that i havent lost anymore and it seems to be keeping what I have, so basically i'm asking for regimen tips, a la The big three to grow back what i lost

I use Finpecia 1 mg and am wondering what doseage of rogaine foam and nizoral I need to be using?

I've added some pics so you can tell me if you think itll help out

thanks guys








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Mate,first of all you look great with the buzzed look[no-gay] :) You are the sorta guy that would totally rock with the shaved look a la Jason statham and Bruce Willis . :punk:
Anyway you have caught it early and it looks like you can regrow a majority of it back if you get on the big3.Since you have your hair buzzed,you can apply Minoxidil 5% twice and continue with Propecia.Applying Nizoral once in every 3-4 days would be beneficial as well.Good luck!!


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Thanks buddy,dont suppose you could also recommend any supplements?

tea, etc


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I take Green tea once in a while especially when I'm tired.There are some people here who believe that the Green tea extract helps in the inhibition of DHT more and therefore would be a better option than the tea.Supplements containing Horsetail extract,saw palmetto,Omega-3,6 & 9 fatty acids,wheat germ oil,Biotin,MSM,Vitamin B and E,Zinc and amino acids like Cysteine,Methionine and Lysine are know to be some of the essential nutrients that can help your hair.

I have been taking these supplements for a while and they seem to help improve your hair's health,growth and adds shine to them as well.So cosmetically yes they help but only if your body is in need of them,so I suggest you take them in moderation after a few months.Natural DHT inhibitors are pretty mild when compared to Finasteride so they may not work for everybody.


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Cool man,I also use biotin, as well as a mega vitamin, cod liver oil and zinc

another question if possible- my hair's a little longer now,those pics are 3ish months old so does that mean the rogaine can still be used twice a day? Or is it meant for shaved heads preferrably


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You can still use it twice a day but with a shaved head,absorption can be made better.Using the foam would be a good choice too as it absorbs faster,dries faster and hence styling your hair is easier than using the solution.I bet you will have excellent results in the next few months with rogaine.Make sure to follow these instructions:
1.Shake the can well before using it
2.Using your finger tips gently massage it to the thinning areas and regions where you have lost hair
3.Wash your hands thoroughly after applying the foam .


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No it isn't.....I have some decent regrowth in my temples and hairline[Hope they turn terminal soon] and many here have had excellent results using Rogaine on the hairline.It basically should work on any part of the body where there are follicles.Generally follicles in the front tend to be a little sensitive to DHT but you are young and on propecia as well,so you can expect to regrow quite a bit there.

They cannot advertise it for frontal baldness as it wasn't tested there.Just take a look at some of the success stories here and you will find lots of dudes who have grown a decent amount of hair using rogaine in the front.


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If you're already on finasteride, minoxidil, and nizoral then any additional supps will have only marginal benefits. You could lob in spironolactone or fluridil if you really wanted to.

Incidentally, you look fantastic with the buzzed look.


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Thanks guys

the mega vitamin, cod liver oil,etc are more for general health

yet another question- whats the best thickening shampoo,i've been hearing about this l'oreal pro vive stuff

any reviews?

Mr. P

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Why would you use if you're in the States? A three-month supply of the foam is no more than $50 at every store I've been to. Why would you pay that much PLUS shipping?


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So ive been taking the rogaine foam for almost two weeks now,definitely seeing how it's easier to apply when you have a shaved head

also been using the nizoral on Saturdays and wednesdays, it says on the back I should switch to once a week after a month- should I just continue every three to four days?

Also can anyone,from experience, suggest how long it will take to see some regrowth? Along with propecia which ive been taking for almost a yr now I should see some good results


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hey guys

so its what? 11 months since i made this topic

and well basically,and this is essentially the important part to me, i have had no more hair loss at all and while it is still debatable whether i have had any extra growth is up in the air. but im going to keep on taking the rogaine foam for 6 months maybe a year longer. but the propecia- a keeper!! and really i do like keeping my hair buzzed anyway and its the easiest way to make it look like you are not balding, so I guess this look will stay

update picture


comments,advise welcome- other than to stop posing like a rehtard


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Still looking good man. Have you tried growing it out a bit to see if it grew in more than you thought? You're blond so maybe you wouldn't notice as much with it buzzed.