Regarding pilofocus


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I have seen so many people here downplaying this, yes regeneration is a long shot, I say unlikely but having no scars and HIGHER YIELD (and consistent) is great, if indeed they manage to pull this.

I have been looking forward for this, but not sure how fast this will go, this is the email I got from them 3 months ago or so:

It will still be a few more months until we can even begin to use the piloscope for very small sessions (50-100 grafts) during the upcoming clinical trial. He anticipates FDA clearance for the device at some point early next year. At that point, he will perform small sessions (50-100 grafts at most) to analyze the growth of transplanted hair and the possible regeneration in the donor area.

You will likely require a much larger number of grafts for effective treatment. Full-sized piloscopic sessions (over 1000 grafts) are most likely going to be possible in about 18 months (the year 2015).


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...yep...he's being very, very careful...but again, it's misleading advertising that is pissing me off...


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I have seen so many people here downplaying this, yes regeneration is a long shot, I say unlikely but having no scars and HIGHER YIELD (and consistent) is great, if indeed they manage to pull this.

I have been looking forward for this, but not sure how fast this will go, this is the email I got from them 3 months ago or so:

It will still be a few more months until we can even begin to use the piloscope for very small sessions (50-100 grafts) during the upcoming clinical trial. He anticipates FDA clearance for the device at some point early next year. At that point, he will perform small sessions (50-100 grafts at most) to analyze the growth of transplanted hair and the possible regeneration in the donor area.

You will likely require a much larger number of grafts for effective treatment. Full-sized piloscopic sessions (over 1000 grafts) are most likely going to be possible in about 18 months (the year 2015).

That's garbage.


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Garbage? Let's say in 2 years people have the choice between FUE and Pilo, second having higher density and no scarring, I don't call this garbage...

I just hope they manage to stick to the plan... this is VERY recent, it is not like this guy has been talking about it for years...


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Garbage? Let's say in 2 years people have the choice between FUE and Pilo, second having higher density and no scarring, I don't call this garbage...

I just hope they manage to stick to the plan... this is VERY recent, it is not like this guy has been talking about it for years...

It's been in the work for years.

Let's put it this way: every day you see me on, my hair is worse than the day prior and because of that my psychological state is worse as well. Essentially, each new day is more or less the worst day of my life... so yeah, TODAY is the worst day of my life. And this isn't far off for others with hair loss.

So whats so great about another ridiculous '2 year' delay in another treatment? What are you going to say when it become THREE years? Because you know, its not like hair loss sufferers haven't been fvcked before with timelines...?



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at this point, it's traditional FUE or a person needs to go to a therapist if it bothers them that much..

..for me, I am having concerning health issues that trump any worries about this point, I don't give a crap about my hair as long as I can start to feel normal life's been a nightmare with these health issues...hairloss is in your mind...

...if you think having hair will get you a hot chick, then think again....if you're worried about hairloss because people laugh at you, then thing again...nobody cares , nobody makes fun of you...if you can't get past it, then you need to go to a therapist

- - - Updated - - -

...on the positive side, this gives a person another year and a half to save up for the big hair this fall we'll know whether PiloFocus is going to be what it says it will be....that's supposedly when this first phase of "operational" testing is done and he'll know whether this thing is going to be viable, given the effort and cost...and that's the way I believe this is shaking down -- right now he's doing a Proof-Of-Concept when it comes to actually having people in the chair for a real-world simulation of what a customer can expect, and what the doctor can deliver...

...this all revolves around the $$$ ...this new procedure will take a while to get used to for surgeon's and we all know they don't sneeze for anything under $10K


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Again, these assholes with their time delays. Always delaying every single extra day they can possibly get. If hairloss doesn't bother some of you then get lost, our situation is always relative and I don't have cancer or some other disease in my mind.


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this web-board doesn't give you priority or exclusivity --- especially when you're venting and talking crap about things you have NO control don't tell me to get lost...


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44 not until 2016 can we HOPE for this to be in production offering FU's over 2000...

...that pretty much seals it in terms of any recovery options for me...standard FUE or nothing until I'm 46. the final nail is here and time to move on with life...kinda relieved things can change in a couple of years and there's still hope for my late 40's...but in the meantime, gotta live life the best one can


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With regeneration it would be a game changer, even as it is if you can harvest more hairs the better. I would just be happy with a good topical and the possibility to just get a fue and not worry about losing future hair to male pattern baldness.