Red pimples on the back of the head


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I've been suffering from bimples on the back of my head for many years, sometimes stronger, sometimes less. On some occasions I have them on the crown as well.

Anyone had similar red pimples? Any solution?


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Yeah I get little pimple/sore spots around my crown, but I never use to get them until I started treatment.

When I was in high school I hardly ever shampoo'd/conditioned my hair and I never have any problems, now that I use Nizoral and other type of hair washes I get these spots.

I don't use Minoxidil on my crown, so it has to be attributed to either Propecia or Nizoral. They piss me off, but nothing to major.


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I always had them.... Interesting subject, I'd like to find out what everyone thinks.

I know for a fact minoxidil gives me spots.

here is the thing... I haven't applied minoxidil for some time, and I ran out of nizoral 10 days ago. So, I haven't used neither minoxidil nor nizoral for 10 days, and I had lots of spots....

I don't think nizoral gives me spots. I was thinking exactly the opposite. I was thinking that I should go to my local boots tomorrow morning and buy a new bottle so that I can clear my scalp of all those spots.

Maybe scalp irritation has something to do with hairloss?


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I'm not using Nizoral at the moment.

The thing is, i don't want to lose my donor hair for possible hair transplant's in the future. I feel like the bimples contribute to loss in that area.


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I never had them before i started finasteride, when i started finasteride i was getting them, not all the time but when i did it would be around the frontal part of the hair and the crown but at the most i'll only have up to 3 at one time on my saclp, i'm starting to get worried in thinking that their causing more hairloss and the reason i've got them is from a over production in sebum caused by hyperandrogenicity. I'm also looking for help on the matter.


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I attached a picture.

As you can see, i seem to have less hair in that area. It looks like i have a scar there. It really sucks because it's right at the palce where hair transplant-surgeons usually get the hair from.


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Couple things I've noticed...

1. I've been going out on the weekends for the last few weeks, and I'm pretty sure it's the toxins of the alcohol that gave me some pimples. I usually get spots on my scalp and back, and I've noticed more of them after I had a bit to drink.

2. Since my last message in this thread, I got nizoral and my scalp feels much healthier.

I guess we all respond differently to nizoral. I hated finasteride, but nizoral is something I really like.


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I used to have some too and it itched like hell , i found something effective to treat them it's called Septivon it's a liquid antibacterial soap and can be found in any pharmacy but in france.

May be you could find the same thing in your location as well,there's an other product like this one named Cyteal.Otherwise just look for an antibacterial soap i guess it'll do the job.

Aloe vera gel and tea tree oil can quiet the itchiness and pain associated but just not as effective in my case....


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Hm, i'm not sure if its a folliculitis or a excema.


Damn, it gets annoying that i get more f*****g problems every day.


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Hm, i'm not sure if its a folliculitis or a excema

I can't help that much you it's hard to tell and could be seb derm .I have a sebohrreic dermatitis and it gave me red pimples and oily scalp and had a lot more of these when i shaved.

If your scalp is oily i think it might rather be a case of sebohrreic dermatitis;oiliness may promote acne .The dermatologists i saw made this particular difference btw seb derm and psoriasis:the first is more often oily and the scales are rather yellowish though inexistent in my case and as for the latter the scales are usually white and scalp is dry .

I guess you already use nizoral , does it help?I also use zinc supplement for mild acne and it seems to help.

May be a visit to a derm would lead you to a better treatment