receding hairline..


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ive noticed my receding hairline 2 years 24 now and on minoxidil for past 6 ve remained the same since im considering getting a hair transplant i do to which Norwood scale i belong to and how many grafts i need.....
here are the pics


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thnks manu......havnt thought of finasteride yet....aktualy im worried of side effects......have u tried it???ny idea of side effects?


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I have similar (very little) recession at the corners of my hairline. It's been a slow moving backwards over these past few years (I'm 27 now). I wanted to nip it in the bud so I started on Rogaine Foam (5%) and finasteride about 7 months ago. I also tried 1% Nizoral, but found that it irritated my scalp far too much due to my generally sensitive skin.

My dermatologist prescribed me the finasteride and briefly mentioned that only a very slight percentage of men experienced some sexual side effects while on it. I didn't really give it much thought at the time because she made it sound so uncommon, plus I'm a young healthy person and hadn't ever dealt with any side effects while on any other type of medication.

Well, I can now say that I definitely experienced those side effects. At first, there was the slight testicular discomfort. Next, after about 2 months on the drug, I started noticing that my morning erections were gone. Also, my ejaculate had become more watery and overall there was just less of it. I've never had ANY sort of problem with being aroused before, so this started to concern me.

Over the next few months, I made sure to keep a close eye on these symptoms. I can honestly say I don't think there was any paranoia involved. I simply wanted to make sure this medication wasn't negatively affecting my ability to perform sexually. After the 5-month mark, I did notice that while I was able to still become aroused, I didn't have much of a sex drive the way I had in the past. I went through the breakup of a long-term relationship a few months before I started finasteride and didn't have a sexual partner over these months, but I noticed that my urge/desire to masturbate had also become nearly non-existent. Also, my erections weren't as firm and stable as they always had been.

It was at that point that I decided that it wasn't worth the risk and came off the drug. Thankfully, I have a ton of hair at the top and crown of my head now anyway. There is only some slight recession at the temples at this point. It's actually hardly noticeable anyway due to how I style my hair.

I've stuck with Rogaine and started applying topical spironolactone from this site as well over the past few months. I know it's a long shot for it to have much of an effect, but I'm glad that I'm at least fighting DHT in some form, even if it's not the most ideal way (finasteride). I don't think my recession in these areas has continued, but I also haven't really seen any regrowth either.

I'm not sharing this story to scare anyone out of trying finasteride, but I thought I'd share my experiences because everyone should know that the side effects of this drug can be very real and you shouldn't take the decision of starting to take finasteride lightly. I've read other research and am starting to think that the side effects are much more common than the "1-2%" figure that propecia throws out there.


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been on finasteride for over a month now....initially felt better.....but now its getting worse....intense shedding on it normal while on finasteride???????ive heard it sheds first and then strengthens...........


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Ben said:
Ive been on it for nearly five years. Ive not gotten any noticable sides. finasteride should be the first thing people like yourself should be on before even looking at an hair transplant. An hair transplant should be the last option, not the first.

Side effects are blown way out of propotion, Theres around 2% of the thousands upon thousands (if not millions) of people who are on finasteride who get side effects.

If I had got onto finasteride when I first noticed my hairloss i probably would not have needed an hair transplant.

side effects are blown way out of proportion?

how is this for side effects are blown way out of proportion.. i took propecia at age 19, got testicle pain, got off it, then my nightmare began. i'm 24 now, have brain fog, numbness in penis, testicle shrinkage, swollen hands, continued hair loss, among other devastating effects.

seriously man. goto and see how people lives are *RUINED* by this pharmacetical crap. oh yeah, only 2% of the population gets it bla bla bla. tell that to me, to my face, or the other thousands of people suffering from this drug.

it kills your DHT and it shrinks your prostate. do you really think that is good for your sexual health? you better taper off while you are still in good shape.. and for the love of god don't promote something that could potentially destroy someone's life.

disgusting you promote this.


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bagel said:
Ben said:
seriously man. goto and see how people lives are *RUINED* by this pharmacetical crap. oh yeah, only 2% of the population gets it bla bla bla. tell that to me, to my face, or the other thousands of people suffering from this drug.

disgusting you promote this.

First post and you hit a thread that died out 2 months ago,seriously man what are you trying to promote,if you got a story to tell take it to the side effect forum and start your own thread.


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sc64 said:
bagel said:
Ben said:
seriously man. goto and see how people lives are *RUINED* by this pharmacetical crap. oh yeah, only 2% of the population gets it bla bla bla. tell that to me, to my face, or the other thousands of people suffering from this drug.

disgusting you promote this.

First post and you hit a thread that died out 2 months ago,seriously man what are you trying to promote,if you got a story to tell take it to the side effect forum and start your own thread.

the guy asked about side effects. plus that post absolutely disgusted me and i had to make an account to inform this person if they ever came back to look. what is with the attitude? just because i talked about the cold reality of the drug you put into your body everyday? people should know both sides of the story, especially regarding a drug where a person actually killed themselves over the depression that was caused by it.

research bro.. research.

Man in Space

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Just for record, if its the case that everyone else from propeciahelp talks about that was on the telly there is no proof that finesteride caused him to kill himself. Though thats obviously not what the lawyers trying to strong arm merk into an out of court settlement at the behest of the grieving parents desperately trying to make some sense of there loss would have you believe. That is a complicated and emotional subject, much more complex than you are making it appear. Its all well and good trying to protect people but this is scaremongering.

Ben is not disgusting, he is a considerate member of the forum who urges people to make their own minds up about the drug. There is evidence to suggest that finasteride sides are overblown, some studies show finasteride sides as being present in less than 2% of people who use it, yet they certainly get more than 2% share of the boardspace when its being discussed. Does that mean there arent people who dont get side effects, obviously not. All people should make there own minds up and proceed with caution and not be swayed by either people urging you to get on it, or telling you not to.


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Ben said:
Oh sorry, I should think carefully about what I write so I dont offend anyone by honest advice. :whistle:

He's trolling and sounds like the guy who had 4 user names here a few months back, is a one way street and you could have ten user names at this place and as long as you kept it about sides they would never know the diff,try hi-jacking a thread over there with honest advice with good points about finasteride and see how fast it get deleted,it would go over like a fart in church :shock: it's not a site for hearing both sides.


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Man in Space said:
Just for record, if its the case that everyone else from propeciahelp talks about that was on the telly there is no proof that finesteride caused him to kill himself. Though thats obviously not what the lawyers trying to strong arm merk into an out of court settlement at the behest of the grieving parents desperately trying to make some sense of there loss would have you believe. That is a complicated and emotional subject, much more complex than you are making it appear. Its all well and good trying to protect people but this is scaremongering.

Ben is not disgusting, he is a considerate member of the forum who urges people to make their own minds up about the drug. There is evidence to suggest that finasteride sides are overblown, some studies show finasteride sides as being present in less than 2% of people who use it, yet they certainly get more than 2% share of the boardspace when its being discussed. Does that mean there arent people who dont get side effects, obviously not. All people should make there own minds up and proceed with caution and not be swayed by either people urging you to get on it, or telling you not to.

oh my god i almost threw up in my mouth. are you seriously trying to defend merck on this? finasteride recently added the side effect of depression to their label. how dare you insult that family. disgraceful.

Ben said:
Yeah its so disgusting that I promote a drug that is FDA approved and gives people a real shot at helping the keep their hair. Am I forcing people to stick it in their mouths and swollow it? No I am not.

People on here are old enough to make up their own minds. I never said its a perfectly fine drug, there are side effects so you have to wiegh it up and decide if its worth the risk.

Oh sorry, I should think carefully about what I write so I dont offend anyone by by honest advice. :whistle:

Seriously this a forum where people can voice their opinions whether people agree with it or not.

Your "honest advice" is biased because you only look at the aesthetic benefits of the drug you are taking without looking at the consequences at what you are doing. This is what makes me shake my head about you because you take a pill that your doctor prescribed, then see positive benefits, and then just assume that everything is all handy dandy and now you consider yourself having some kind of knowledge on the subject when in reality you have no idea why your hair loss is happening and putting your sexual health at risk. The propecia website is down in case you didn't notice and the FDA is taking notice. It may be approved for now... the FDA doesn't screw around when people start getting injured.

sc64 said:
Ben said:
Oh sorry, I should think carefully about what I write so I dont offend anyone by honest advice. :whistle:

He's trolling and sounds like the guy who had 4 user names here a few months back, is a one way street and you could have ten user names at this place and as long as you kept it about sides they would never know the diff,try hi-jacking a thread over there with honest advice with good points about finasteride and see how fast it get deleted,it would go over like a fart in church :shock: it's not a site for hearing both sides.

Please inform me of these "good points" on finasteride.

Man in Space

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bagel said:
oh my god i almost threw up in my mouth. are you seriously trying to defend merck on this? finasteride recently added the side effect of depression to their label. how dare you insult that family. disgraceful.

Sorry but Im not the one who brought up the death of a young man and drew and unsubstantiated claim that the drug killed him simply to make my point, that was all your work.


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bagel said:

Please inform me of these "good points" on finasteride.

Simply really, if you have no sides and most don't,better texture,maintaining,regrowth for some and slows loss to a craw in most men some better then others but it varies, also works really well with hair transplants and keeping the hair around the transplanted hair so less time in the chair and a better over all result.IMO I would not have a transplant without taking it just to end up chasing my tail and running out of donor hair because I'm not fighting off what's causing my male pattern baldness in the first place.


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Man in Space said:
bagel said:
oh my god i almost threw up in my mouth. are you seriously trying to defend merck on this? finasteride recently added the side effect of depression to their label. how dare you insult that family. disgraceful.

Sorry but Im not the one who brought up the death of a young man and drew and unsubstantiated claim that the drug killed him simply to make my point, that was all your work.

It was absolutely not an unsubstantiated claim. That user frequently posted on PH exclaiming his depression and sadness that came post finasteride. He had many, MANY horrible side effects and was much younger than many of the users. Shrinkage and numbness come to mind. I can't believe you are so insensitive. You have no idea what it's like to wake up with a completely numb penis. You don't know what it feels like to walk into doctor after doctor hearing that they have no idea how to help you. Finasteride is a completely devasting drug.

I'm done responding to you. My point was made and people reading this forum can make an educated decision on this matter.

sc64 said:
bagel said:

Please inform me of these "good points" on finasteride.

Simply really, if you have no sides and most don't,better texture,maintaining,regrowth for some and slows loss to a craw in most men some better then others but it varies, also works really well with hair transplants and keeping the hair around the transplanted hair so less time in the chair and a better over all result.IMO I would not have a transplant without taking it just to end up chasing my tail and running out of donor hair because I'm not fighting off what's causing my male pattern baldness in the first place.

When I said good points, I wanted actual science on what it did, but I knew this is exactly what would happen. You just look at your hair. Here, let me help you out. finasteride is a 5AR2 inhibitor, which means it stops the 5AR enzyme in your liver from converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. While DHT has a role in hair growth, it also has another purpose, it develops male's secondary sex characteristics.

Finasteride in recent studies has been shown to INCREASE the risk of high grade prostate CANCER, SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION, and DEPRESSION. This is a *SCIENTIFIC STUDY*. If you really want to risk that just for some hair for a little bit, then be my guest, but people LIKE ME are stuck with these devasting side effects trying desperately to fix ourselves because we didn't know of these risks ahead of time. If I had known about all this stuff, I wouldn't have touched this drug. PERSISTENT SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION is NOT on the side effect label of propecia in the United States. But guess what? It is OUTSIDE of the United States.

Doctors at two of this country’s leading medical schools have linked the hair growth drug Propecia to prolonged and possibly irreversible male sexual dysfunction, clinical depression, breast cancer and high-grade prostate cancer. The drug was approved by the FDA in 1997 to promote hair growth in men suffering from male pattern baldness.

Continue reading on Doctors link hair growth drug to sexual dysfunction, depression and cancer - Baltimore Courts | ... z1p6SSiVAK ... and-cancer

Man in Space

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Is that honestly the best evidence you can put forward?.

Posters like you dont realise that you ruin your credibility when you post stuff like that. Everyone would have thought a lot more of you had you come on here and explained your story politely instead of attacking everyone and producing biased press releases as pseudo-scientific evidence

For the record, I have full sympathy to anyone experiencing side effects, I just dont like the agressive nature of your posts, your hostility toward other forum members and your happiness to use the death of someone to vindicate your argument even though it cannot be proven that finesteride caused his problems. Of course I could also point to all the people who havent died using the drug but then i would once again be accused of being unsympathetic.

Anyway as you said, I have no desire to engage with you either, just providing the boards with the necessary checks and balances for people who read them, you have the right to express your view, you have no right to monopolise the thread with them.


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My Regimen
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This thread should be locked.


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bagel said:
Man in Space said:
bagel said:
PERSISTENT SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION is NOT on the side effect label of propecia in the United States. But guess what? It is OUTSIDE of the United States.

Well guess what your full of sh*t it does,I just went for a consultation about having a transplant last week and pick up some proscar under a doctors care I might add and while I was there I had to sign a consent form saying that I understood everything I had read and the doctor was present and did answer or explain to me any question I had with what was on the consent.

Now here's a few thing that are on this form,More recently a small number of men reported presistent sexual dysfunction symptoms including a loss of sexual drive and impotence. It is unclear whether these symptoms were due to finasteride or due to some other cause as the patient sampling was not part of a larger research studies.

Infertility,Recently some patients reported that propecia reduced their sperm count and interfered with their capacity to have children. This affect as long term and resulted in infertility of men. It is uncertain at this time if finasteride was the cause of infertility,but patients should be advised of this risk should they elect to take finasteride.

But believe it or not the vast majority of men still have no problems with the drug and there is still no real studies to prove some of the above just reports,finasteride not going anywhere it's like the Cig makers that got the sh*t sued out of them and you can still buy them at any conner store,they just tighten the screws on the warning labels,I think you're a sh*t stirrer on the subject and only see it from your bad shitty luck and can't believe that people can take finasteride without side effects it happens.