Receding hairline at 19. What norwood am I?


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Hey guys, I'm new here. I've been worrying about my hairline a lot lately. Maybe there is nothing to be worried about, but I'd rather handle it sooner if there is an actual problem. My hairline is quite a bit receded, I think. Now the thing is I don't think it has been receding lately. I haven't really noticed any movement in the last 2 years, but I haven't been measuring it or anything. Just the occasional glance. I already noticed my deep temples at 16.

My grandfather on my mothers side still has a full head of hair and most of the men in my dad's side of the family still have hair too. My dad does have receded temples and I have heard people in his family say that deep temples are common, but it doesn't go any further than just deep temples. I do wonder what norwood I am and if I should seek out the advice of a specialist.

Normally I tend to keep to myself about my problems, but this has slowly been eating away at me and I would like at least some confirmation or advice on how to proceed next. Thanks for the time.


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Slightly beyond a solid NW2. I would start to be concerned too at just 19.


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I would consider starting finasteride to help slow down or stop any further loss.


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NW2 yes. Alarming no. Can’t see any miniaturisation except from at the hairline. If there was thinning further into scalp I would be concerned however this is absent