Receding hairline and thinning, should go right to Duta?


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im not so sure about minoxidil either as my hairline is still getting worse after 5 months on the big 3, even though it is happenning really slowly. but now im affraid of droping it.


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I added Promox and went back to a full pill of Propecia and I am shedding hairs like mad. The problem is what is causing this increase in shedding? The Promox or going back to a full pill? My bet is on the Promox. I am going to stick this out because it could mean some thickness in the future. This game to keep hair is either win or lose. :freaked2: I want to win but its no fun playing this game everyday.


Was by my Dermatologist

he said make further with minoxidil
i have many many little Hairs

he says stay on it let it Time
you are a older Men minoxidil needs more time

i see a long time this little Hairs
but not longer and thicking

I hope he is right and make my Hairs not worser

dutasteride is not for me
the side effects to big
finasteride and minoxidil my only chance
or cut my Hairs and stop all :(

Hairloss :firing:



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so now dutasteride isnt for you, and minoxidil is on again? come on! you cant be changing your mind every 2 weeks, you will never know what is helping you or not!


dresden said:
so now dutasteride isnt for you, and minoxidil is on again? come on! you cant be changing your mind every 2 weeks, you will never know what is helping you or not!

this says my Dermatologe
he mean i should not Stop minoxidil!

and the dutasteride side effects I have always said
so I can not live, rather bald
