Really itchy scalp - minoxidil?


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I started on minoxidil about 2 weeks ago. I hate the way it makes my hair look :evil:
My scalp is really itchy a lot of the time, im using nizoral which should help. Ive noticed a lot of flaky skin in my hair since starting, is this normal.?



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A slight itch and a little dandruff the first few weeks of using minoxidil sounds common and should stop.



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I've been on it for nearly four months now, can't say I ever really experinced side effects. All though I did once get some in my eye that bloody hurt. Its defainlty slowed down my loss, I think I've had a bit of regrowth at the front but its still all pretty short at the mo.


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ive been on minoxidil 2% and nizoral 1% for over a month now and it still irritates, flakes, and itches my scalp like a b**ch.

i asked this same question before and a lot of veteran posters told me that it took them up to 4 months to adjust to the minoxidil.

2 weeks... perfectly normal.. and i was given this advice by a veteran poster... even when it itches badly, don't scratch it and in a while it will go away.


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if you are using minoxidil and nizoral, use nizoral every third day. I use minoxidil and i was usuing nizoral like everyday and it was making my head itch and flake like a can of parmesan. Believe it or not. cut down the nizoral, you might be over medicating your scalp.