Real talk now guys, should I take the plunge and get a system?


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Hey you guys. I'm new here, and I should begin by introducing myself (without telling you my entire life story).
I'm a 23 year old male from Sweden (so english isn't my first language, BE NICE), and I started losing hair when I was around 17. I've had issues with self-esteem my entire life, and I used to be a huge ****ing pussy (I still am, to a lesser extent now though) and cry about my appearance even before I was balding. I noticed how my hairline was starting to recede and I freaked out completely. My mom told me that I was imagining things, that it wasn't noticeable, but one thing i'm gonna tell you is that it didn't matter. Because even when nobody else noticed it, _I_ did, so even though I'd kill now to have the hair I had when I was 17, I considered myself balding even then, and not a single day has passed since then where I didn't think too much about my hair.

Now I'm at a point in life where I've noticed that my self-esteem, while still bad, is less of an issue than before. I attract girls better than ever before (not to say that i'm anything over a 5.5-6/10), probably because I look manly with my big beard.

Anyway, fast forward to the now: I've worn toppik (ie a hair concealer) for more than a year, maybe two, and my hairloss with it is basically unnoticeable. I've told my friends, who are all amazed even now when they see me "WOAH DUDE, your hair looks great, how did you even manage to get more hair?" without me even beginning to ask them (because I try to not even think about what other people say about my hair).
But I can't stress this enough: Even though I barely look like i'm balding with concealers, I can't get my hair to look anything but half-decent. I can only have ONE haircut, I have to spray my hair down so the wind and weather doesn't reveal my completely blackened (by toppik) hairless temples.
Also it's a huge stress because sometimes I get like black specks of toppik on my forehead, I get black stains on my pillows, and essentially, I can't have sex without a huge part of my concealer coming off and making me look 5-10 years older in the process.
I've tried going bald, even bic-ing it off at one point, and while I don't look horrible with a shaved head (strangely enough I still attracted girls, but maybe not the kind that I want, not because of their appearance, but a lot of girls who like guys with shaved heads tend be attracted to the bad boy type, which is a category I do not fall into), it just doesn't feel like ME. Yadiyada, most of you guys have been through this. Some people just accept their hair loss and keep going with life. Anyway, I sported a shaved head for about 6 months without ever intending to grow it back, but I did it, and now i'm glad that I did, because I realized how much better I look with hair. I'm a musician, a singer and a frontman specifically, and I don't want to be linked together with Billy Corgan from The Smashing Pumpkins, the dude from REM, Moby, etc, just because i'm bald. What I want is for a chance to be as good-looking as I can while i'm still somewhat young. I won't ever stop caring as long as i'm alive, but I think i'm gonna accept it a bit later on when a lot of other people have gone bald with me. I'm legitimately the only balding guy I know out of my friends.

So, ON TO THE GENERAL POINT. I went to a consultation at a place that deals in hair replacement (the most renowned and well-known place here in Sweden), and I'm actually getting my hair replacement NEXT WEEK already. And i'm so torn.
On one hand, if it turns out great... i'll be one happy camper. I'll be getting quite a thick piece (but not too thick, I don't want people to react so much at my hair being thicker as I want them to be more like "you look better man, did you do something with your hair?" as in getting a haircut.)
But i'm so so so scared too, because I prefer looking like I do now than looking like I have a huge rug on my head, that's not what I want.
So tell it to me like it is. Should I keep going at it with my concealers and still being scared of people noticing it and having terrible anxiety the days where it's more noticeable than others, while still not looking good, or should I just take the plunge as planned and going for the hair replacement route?
I'm not afraid of the social stigma of wearing one, i've openly told a few of my friends that i'm going to get one, and well. I'm not ashamed since I view it as a cosmetic enhancement just like any other, make-up, surgical implants, anything like that. But I don't want people that i've just met to notice it, I want to be a guy who looks good with great "hair". Not so great that it gets people to compliment me on it all the time, but good enough that nobody would think twice other than "he has a good hairstyle, fits him well" etc.
I'm putting down quite a bit of money into this and I'm not really in the best financial situation right now, but if it looks good, it's completely worth it.
But will it look good? I know it can go both ways, but i'm terrified and I don't know what to expect really. I've read around on forums, watched youtube videos, and i've been wanting to get one for several years, not thinking that the day would ever come where I could afford one etc.
Anyway, I just want to look my best, because i'm a normal guy like a lot of other people here, I want to find love, I want sex, I want to be viewed as attractive, and while self-esteem and charisma tends to be almost as important as looks (for women at least), I don't have ANY of it without hair (as in being shaved). I can't go outside with a hat or anything while sporting a buzz cut or shave.
Anyway, I want to find love again (my last 3 girlfriends haven't had any trouble with my hair loss) and I know it's not going to get any easier, and I do like younger chicks (as in 18-22), and they expect their partners to have hair because most guys in that/my age do have hair. I'm just tired of feeling inferior and always having to worry. But despite that I feel like if I find the right girl she'll accept that i'm wearing a hair system, because if a girl would find that a dealbreaker, she's obviously not the right girl for me. I think results are results, no matter if they're achieved artificially or by nature. (But yes, more impressive if it's naturally, of course) Also, if I find someone I could see myself being completely happy with for a long time, i'd stop wearing a system if that's what SHE wants. Yeah, it's shallow but I do want to be attractive for possible partners/_a_ possible partner.

I'm going to post pictures of my hair today, without concealer, and I know that a lot of you guys might think that i'm overreacting since a lot of you have it worse than me. Right now I would ESTIMATE that i'm in between a norwood 3 and 4, my temples have receded badly, and it's really thin where my "bangs" are, I don't know what you call that part, but the hair at the top of my head, my vertex etc, is still there. It HAS thinned out of course, but it's not even that horrible without concealer, so I actually don't really look like a norwood 3 or 4, it's a mixture I would say.
WOW, i'm rambling on. I'm horrible. Sorry guys for being the most obnoxious and whiny user of the year, but I want your honest opinion about it.
But if you're trying to promote your company, or are horrible naysayers for no obvious reasons (like a certain user i've seen around here...), keep your lips zipped. I'm providing only a picture of my hairline, because that is my main concern. And also provided will be my hair with Toppik.

I'm thinking that _IF_ i should get a system, I should try one today, so I know if I can live like that, because If i get one today the transition wouldn't be so remarkable, because not many people have noticed my hair loss, and if they have, they have no clue how bad it really is.
So, thank you guys if you give me any advice.

OH yeah btw, hair transplants are too expensive and I do NOT trust the results of those, so don't even recommend me one.
Minoxidil did nothing for my hair, not one bit. Not a single hair returned to my head, so that's that. And I don't want to try finasteride.


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Experienced Member
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Hi there and welcome,

To cut straight to the point.

Will a hair system look good? Well it really depends on what information/spec was taken when ordering it.

You sound well read so hopefully, you have a large input on those details.

Do you know the specification i.e. density, base material, hair line graduated?

This is a third of the story, the rest is what is actually produced and how its cut in.

Is it being custom made or a stock piece? Is it a front partial or a full topper?

I agree that now seems the best time to try before it becomes ever more thin and noticeable


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Thank you for your answer, grincher.
It's a stock piece, one that they actually had there lying around. She said that it would take 3 months for a custom piece to get here, so it was either waiting or get that one "now". I opted to get one now, because it's either now or... not for quite some time. I'm getting a decent paycheck this month, but next month will be ****. So yeah.
I don't remember all the specifics, also because the swedish names for the types of systems aren't exactly directly translated from english. From what I can recall it was very thick/dense, which is what I want (but without it looking ridiculously thick), it wasn't just lace anyway, that's what I can remember. Very straight hair line I think.
I know that If i made the specs myself i'd get it 10% less dense in the front, and I'd want one that'll hold for awhile (something that can last roughly 3-4 months, not just 10 weeks), and i'd make the hairline as low as it is now (because strangely enough, my hairline in the front hasn't lifted that much), but I would go for a bit more natural look, ie not COMPLETELY straight, maybe just a bit curved or more "triangle"-shaped in the temple areas, if you know what I mean.

I'm glad that you agree on that part, it is really scary though. I'm almost in panic today because i'm so scared. I don't want to shave my head again because i've been getting tons of more compliments on my appearance, and more attention in general, lately. So this is like a make or break type of deal... Either it looks awesome and I can rest a bit easier know that nobody would think that i'm losing hair, and I would probably gain a few plus points on the attractiveness scale (which would raise my confidence and possibly make me even more attractive :p), OR, it looks awful, and in which case i'd shave my head completely instead of wearing something that looks like a dead animal. I want a bit of a fashionable hairstyle despite having a hair piece and that seems to be difficult to say the least, albeit not completely impossible. I wish I could meet some people irl who wears a hair piece, to see if I could notice that it is in fact a system. I'd say maybe not, because a lot of the people I see today i'm like "wow, that looks like it could be a hair system" when it probably even ISN'T. SOOO.
But yeah, it feels like a really important decision, and I only have a week to decide if I want to cancel the appointment or take the plunge. Because I don't want to have a shaved head again, I felt so awful whilst having it, I was getting compliments from people saying that it "fits me", that it makes me look a bit more badass/dangerous (and NO, I don't think that's awesome. Sure, looking a bit badass isn't wrong, but being shaved is not how I want to accomplish it), but I was ridiculously unhappy. It didn't feel like "my life was over" as some people say, but I was walking around, not recognizing the dude in the mirror and feeling like I so desperately wanted to have hair. It is that bad.

Some people say that "if you're an average dude with hair, you'll be an average dude bald" etc. Like, if you're hot you'll still be hot without hair, same goes for ugly. But I don't agree really. With good hair i'd probably go from average (some would maybe consider me average +, some... not even average, we'll, it all comes down to taste), but yeah, i'd go from average plus to above average (without being hot though), because I have a big head, a big face, and round cheeks, sort of baby face-ish, but the hair takes away from that and "frames" my face in really nicely. SO UH. HELP.


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I support you.

Density is really important. If its too thick (as often is the case) it is the biggest giveaway and the wearer will soon lose confidence in it. From your photos, I would be cautious about your piece being too dense. I would think starting on something light medium the best option then with your next piece adjusting up or down as you see fit.

On the positive side, I have been wearing quite a while now and I have been very happy with the results. Admittedly, my first piece was too dense, but with successive pieces I have tweaked here and there; improving all the time. It worth bearing that in mind that wearing is an ongoing relationship where the wearing should always be looking to improve the experience.

A custom made piece will more often than not be a better match in terms of size, contour and colour to your requirements. You can select exactly what you want rather than relying on one lying around. I am surprised that she said 3-months. Im in the UK and it takes 6-weeks. I would think that the additional postage time to Sweden a few days on top of that.

I would think a lace base better for a first piece. Its more durable, but still discrete. If its skin piece there, it will be invisible but has certain drawbacks for new wearers. The hair line should be graduated, as you pointed out to avoid the "wall of hair" look. Ultimately, a good hair system will give you 6-months peak use and with care longer.

1. density 2. colour 3. front hairline 4. the cut in - these are the key in no particular order to maintain a natural look.

Im self taught. I DIY and it can be daunting, but you will learn quick and realise there really isnt anything to fear. Moreover, the results, when done correctly, will boost your esteem and spur you on. All you need to do it successfully, is the right support.

Remember, it can change your life


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Getting a system is throwing in the towel. Good luck with sweating, maintenance, discomfort and the constant fear of it being blown off/pulled off or having someone realize youre wearing a wig.

Youre not a woman, so its not socially acceptable for you to wear one.


Senior Member
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Getting a system is throwing in the towel. Good luck with sweating, maintenance, discomfort and the constant fear of it being blown off/pulled off or having someone realize youre wearing a wig.

Youre not a woman, so its not socially acceptable for you to wear one.

I take it this is not an acceptable solution for you.

Vinton Harper

Established Member
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I take it this is not an acceptable solution for you.


Now to the OP. If you want to try it, do it! Don't let the naysayers get you down. It's really not that bad. In fact, it is a step up from where I was with using concealers. I have just started wearing, and I don't regret it. I have even been out on a pontoon boat on a very windy lake, using nothing but Got2Be Glued gel and Freezing Spray as adhesives, and didn't have any problem with it "blowing off". Was I concerned that it might? Sure, but now that I know it won't, even with using something other people just use as hair styling spray and gel, I don't even think about it anymore, even when I am out biking. Not all glues work the same for all people, but once you find which one(or ones) work for you, you'll be golden.