Reactivated My Dating Profiles, Trying To Be Enthusiastic Without Being Obsessed


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I went on 16 first dates last year and then I took a hiatus because I was getting bitter.
I decided to focus my time on other things, but now it's time to get experience again. In the meantime I did have fun with cooking classes, dance classes, travel, and walking dogs. There is always value in living life.

The most important thing in online dating is to write a good profile text so as to impress women with one's mastery of English. Women value a man of great intellect as it increases his odds of success as a provider, and of passing on the IQ gene to one's offspring. I kept it concise with this clever poem:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Come to kinky Dave's bed,
He'll give you a booboo.

Just kidding guys, that's not actually my profile text.

I'm going to keep it simple, hopefully, relax, and take it easy. I used photofeeler to select better photos than I had last year, and I'm going to be more selective as apparently the online dating algorithm rewards that. My teeth look better (from invisalign), and I've had a year of therapy so hypothetically my behavior should be better.

I don't have a lot of matches, mostly cause I'm deliberately spending very little time on this, as a coping mechanism to stay chill. Right now I have messages from three women to respond to, but I have not read them yet due to apprehension . I'm afraid it's a disinterested "what's up?" or a "That's really flattering. But I'm busy this weekend. Can we spend more time getting to know each other prior to meeting up? I'd like that."


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Damn!! I thought you were serious there for a second with that pithy little poem.

I was even going to PM you, beginning with "Dave, we need to talk...."



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I'll just leave this here...



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It's a fake, lol. I have some more if you're interested.
i still stand by what i said. i also bank on the r/nice guys type to be way more likely to be abusive and possessive. he seems cool, i see these types of guys on some 4chan type groups i'm in on facebook

hot and get laid, but still red pilled. the thing about 4chan and PSL is 4chan eventually adjusted and got jobs and sex and sh*t but PSL never did. but they all started out as the nerds and outcasts in middle school/high school


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i still stand by what i said. i also bank on the r/nice guys type to be way more likely to be abusive and possessive. he seems cool, i see these types of guys on some 4chan type groups i'm in on facebook

hot and get laid, but still red pilled. the thing about 4chan and PSL is 4chan eventually adjusted and got jobs and sex and sh*t but PSL never did. but they all started out as the nerds and outcasts in middle school/high school

I question how red pilled a Chad really could be, though. They live life on cloud 9 and don't know what it's like to be treated like a leper because of their looks. Don't get me wrong however, I 100% believe "nice" guys are anything but nice and tend to fall into the "m'lady" camp.

I could go into a 20 minute rant on how 4chan got ruined by normies but I'd rather not at this moment.


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I'm looking forward to hearing your results this time around.

Do let us know how variables such as location and bio affect the outcome.

If you ever want to chat about dating feel free to pm me because I've had many, many dates over the years.


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I question how red pilled a Chad really could be, though. They live life on cloud 9 and don't know what it's like to be treated like a leper because of their looks. Don't get me wrong however, I 100% believe "nice" guys are anything but nice and tend to fall into the "m'lady" camp.

I could go into a 20 minute rant on how 4chan got ruined by normies but I'd rather not at this moment.
chad could easily be red pilled, they just take a different route to the red pill than incels, the opposite route. especially past incels who turned into chads through weight loss, acne, etc.

and i agree about 4chan, i used to go there back in the days of 0 females and "tits or gtfo", now half of em are girls lmfao.

i figure as long as these normans keep the red pill in daily life i dont mind it, they can help spread it


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Good luck. Out of curiosity with the other brahs, how long are your opening convos until you decide to ask for a number or date? I feel there's a sort of sweet spot, waiting too long to move next level increase the probability of a Chad beating you to the punch. Of course it doesn't matter if you're male model tier.


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Good luck. Out of curiosity with the other brahs, how long are your opening convos until you decide to ask for a number or date? I feel there's a sort of sweet spot, waiting too long to move next level increase the probability of a Chad beating you to the punch. Of course it doesn't matter if you're male model tier.

I figure not too fast and not too long, somewhere between 10 and 20 messages.

In my own experience, women who say that they "I would like more time to get to know each other prior to meeting up" never end up meeting up with you. I think it's a subconscious thing, where they're not interested, they feel guilty about that, and so they're waiting for an excuse to deliver a rejection.

It's also an irrational statement, as you cannot really get to know somebody by texting, you have to meet them.


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Good luck. Out of curiosity with the other brahs, how long are your opening convos until you decide to ask for a number or date? I feel there's a sort of sweet spot, waiting too long to move next level increase the probability of a Chad beating you to the punch. Of course it doesn't matter if you're male model tier.
I tend to wait a day or two - usually within 20 messages.

I've noticed in the last year women are asking me for my number a lot more.

I think women are becoming more forward which is awesome.


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My optimal "strategy" when it came to the amount of back and forth went more or less like this:

- How are you?
- What are you looking for?
- What do you do for a living?
- Would you like to meet in real life sometime?

If she isn't up for it after that, it's over, she's just not interested.

I've tested insisting dozens of time, the girls who say no once remain a once forever, do no insist, I repeat, do not insist!

And the ones who agree well, that's pretty much self-explanatory.

Less questions would make you seem like you're impatient, and more questions will make her feel like she's being interrogated.

You can incorporate humor if that matches your personality.

You're right to work on the text on your profile, I often got compliments on my profile text. But of course the most important criteria remains your looks. I know you're 6' tall so don't hesitate to indicate it on your profile too. And your job, chicks dig astrophysicists.

I remember thinking that your profile text was quite good and compelling actually. I don't remember what it said, only that I approved, lol.

The idea that men should beg women is some bullshit that, I think, we get from Hollywood. In a lot of Hollywood films, the story is about the woman changing her mind and eventually coming around. They recently made a time travel movie (When we First Met) with Alexandra Daddario, where the main character (played by Adam Levine) keeps going back in time and trying to make her fall in love with him by saying and doing the right thing. What's wrong with this picture?

What I got from some feminists (your favorite people) is that this plot might actually work as a horror film.


I'm not sure about chicks digging astrophysicists :)


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I figure not too fast and not too long, somewhere between 10 and 20 messages.

In my own experience, women who say that they "I would like more time to get to know each other prior to meeting up" never end up meeting up with you. I think it's a subconscious thing, where they're not interested, they feel guilty about that, and so they're waiting for an excuse to deliver a rejection.

It's also an irrational statement, as you cannot really get to know somebody by texting, you have to meet them.
idk you can get to know someone pretty well through messaging. we do that here!


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Why not run a professor game?