Re: James (27) 15 months at Apr 2010...NEW Photos.


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Hi guys,

Hope no-one particularly minds to me adding to all of this, but seen some of the work on here and was inspired to try it myself to see how things go and work out and to see it in a written form.

Well, I’m male, 25 and have been suffering from losing my hair since around the age of 22. Around that time, I dealt with losing my long-term girlfriend, passing my degree course and then starting to train to be a lawyer full-time while juggling a part-time job. The stress of that complete wiped me out, I was a bit of a zombie at times and started to suffer from anxiety (primarily based on the tiredness and stress looking back now, although at the time I was sent for blood-tests and everything). A few months before this though, I had started to notice a change in my hair but still had enough to pay £25 for haircuts and straighten the damn stuff for nights out on the town (I know...I know).

At points it was relatively slow but noticeable to me but my hair has declined over time, I’ve had brief periods (6-8 months on a couple of occasions) with minodoxil but the hassle of putting it on in the daytime and it making my hair lifeless put me off, although nighttime wasn’t too much of a problem apart from nightsout at weekends. It did seem to do a bit of a decent enough job though. My last go on it ended in April this year as I decided to ‘go brave’, save the money and let nature take its course.

Well, after my wild summer holiday in Greece this year, my hair-loss has increased rapidly in the last few months to the levels you can see in these first few pictures. My haircuts have become shorter and shorter as theres been less for my hairdresser to do and now I can’t leave the house without either nanofibres on my head (which adds to the stress of fearing what it looks like to everyone else and how it looks under certain lights) or a cap (which has its own drawbacks). So I’m treating this a bit like my last-chance saloon, I’ll accept hair-loss in the future but not at the age of 25 so I’m on a course of propecia, prescribed by my doctor which I'm starting today, I have minodoxil which I’m going to apply just once-a-day in the nighttime (solving that problem of how it makes me look) and also will use nizoral shampoo 2-3 times per week when not using l’oreal for men thickening hair shampoo.

I shall give this 3-4 months and see how it goes from there but will report in from time-to-time with thoughts and things. Hopefully you guys will be able to chip in with encouragement and advice and hopefully I can report back with positive news.

Enclosed are a few pictures taken today. Hopefully it'll give you a bit of an idea of where I'm working from.








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Re: Here we go!- James. 25- keeping his fingers crossed..(+Pics)

Well, first couple of days on propecia, well....taken two so far and amazed that the tiny size that they are! I always have this vision of really strong things such as this being far larger. Ah well, settled for taking first thing in the morning, no sides yet although I’d expect that to take far longer to become apparent.

optimus prime

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Re: Here we go!- James. 25- keeping his fingers crossed..(+Pics)

ok. Get back on the rogaine, take it once a day at night before you sleep. If you are worried about it on a night out then do it Saturday morning or afternoon. Use foam if you can, less hassle.

If you want to save on money buy proscar. Its the same drug as propecia, but 5mg rather than 1mg. Then chop the pill into 5 and take once a day for 5 days. This will save you tons of money.


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Re: Jame's Story - ( 25 keeping his fingers crossed..+Pics)

You're 2nd pic looking like my hair :)

My advice is you mind as well try...if it doesn't work then you know you actually tried...

and what he said^^^^ buy proscar and cut it into 5ths...thats what i do.


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Re: Jame's Story - ( 25 keeping his fingers crossed..+Pics)

good luck, my fellow balding brother!


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Re: Jame's Story - ( 25 keeping his fingers crossed..+Pics)

Cheers for the help and advice fellas. I’ll stick to what I have for now as it’s a 3-month supply anyway and I wanted to get it through the right channels on this occasion to be on the safe side. However, it’s definitely something I’ll be looking into in the next couple of months!

Looks like the first side has hit in anyway unfortunately. Acne. I don’t know whether it’s linked in anyway, seeing as though I’ve only taken 3 so far, but I’ve had a slight outbreak of 5-6 spots on my face which look pretty red and angry, although I do get this from time-to-time anyway, so it’s hard to tell what it is down to.


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Re: Jame's Story - ( 25 keeping his fingers crossed..+Pics)

Ok...just a quick update and a slight issue for concern perhaps? The propecia seems to have been fine really, the only difference I could actually say that has happened has been a heavier orgasm if you catch my drift ;) not a particular bad thing! :bravo:

haha, the minodoxil and/or nizoral is perhaps an issue though, I'm applying the mino once a night 2 hours before bed time and using the nizoral 2-3 times per week but going down to twice per week this week onwards, however parts of my head are really itchy and irratated and I know full well I'm scratching hell out of my head in my sleep and has drawn a couple of small cuts on my scalp....I'm also unsure as to whether this could negate any good work from the regime and whether its making any shedding (which seems to be happening on a subtle scale even worse) as in am I ripping out more hair?!


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Re: Jame's Story - ( 25 keeping his fingers crossed..+Pics)

Just out of interest did your old man start losing his hair at the same age? (roughly)


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Re: Jame's Story - ( 25 keeping his fingers crossed..+Pics)

Good luck.


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Re: Jame's Story - ( 25 keeping his fingers crossed..+Pics)

Right...getting up to a month now and I'll get some pics of Month 1 in the next few days up here. Hair has definitely shed, the pictures will probably reveal this and theres a couple of thinner patches around now. I'll let you see and maybe you can give me your opinions?

Still having problems with the itchy head and tearing the head off myself at points during the night, I'm doing it now though and it's pulling a couple of hairs out at a time along with the nanofibres I'm wearing during the daytime....should I stick it out.....?

As for previous hairloss, I can't actually say to be honest.


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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

Well, first month over and done with and pics are enclosed here- I know its early days guys, but anything? if anything I think I've shed more but can see that as working I guess? Any input? :)

No sides from the finasteride yet- just the itching and scratching which has drew a couple of cuts on my scalp but I've already mentioned that.

Anyway, so yeah, month 1 down, roll on month 2.







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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

Could you update us on your progress?
Maybe take another pic?..Im just starting using propecia :)


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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

think you have shed a bit dude. i would buzz dude in the mean time. Your hair is quite miniaturized. Dont expect miracles.


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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

How do you mean, sorry? You mean you don't think it's going to work?


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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

no no. i just mean dont expect to achieve thick hair.You could get coverage tho. You have shed so expect better hair soon. You can def achieve some thickening and maintenance. Though the ppl that get the best results are those who havent lost that badly. Your receeded and quite diffuse in the nw6 area. Keep your head up and stick to your regime and it should be better. Just remember.. maintenance is often regarded as success and regrowth a bonus.


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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

Got you. To an extent I'd be kind of happy just to get it to the level that it is when nanofibres are applied...just without having to apply the nanofibres. This was my hair just under a year ago after around 5 months worth of minoxidil...if I could get it to something like this, I'd be far far happier...I wouldn't have said it was particularly thick then but at least I could do more with it....


  • n763265532_2492614_428.jpg
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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

Very achievable. Just dont miss any apps and try not to think about hair much.

Good that your geting shed over with now. Should thicken soon.

Your from uk right? ok.. get yourself down to boots and pick up some Alpecin caffiene shampoo man. Use on nizoral off days. Its only like 4.80. Helps with inflammation and stops itch. Also thickens hair.My scalp feels amazing after it.


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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

I saw an advert for a caffeine-based shampoo in a newspaper a few days ago actually...what's the main benefits of it, do you know? I've tended to use the nizoral 3 times a week and not washed my hair the other times...part of my thinking is that overwashing could be a small part of the problem as in my hands are rubbing through my hair and possibly causing damage?

Either way though, that caffeine based product sounds like it should be invested in. Thanks, I'll have a look in boots :)


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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

It stimulates hair roots and is a mild dht inhibitor. I thinks its great to be honest. Wash your hair everyday. With this stuff your doing your hair some good. The shampoo also thickens hair like nizoral without the dryness. Trust me its good. Google it.


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Re: James' Story - (25)- Month 1 Update Pics inside.

Cheers man, bought a bottle of that shampoo, smells quite nice and seems to have made a small difference. It seems as though it’s the evenings on the days that I’ve put in Nizoral in the morning that are most irritable and scratchable. I’m waking up in the night and realising that I’m scratching my head.

A couple of quick questions. I apply nanofibres onto my head every morning to conceal my hairloss and then I apply Minodoxil on top of that in the evening as part of my regime.
Is this in fact causing a problem? I do get itches so could there be some reaction at play here? Plus, will be render applying the minodoxil useless or is it actually getting to where it needs to be. I rub it in quite well so it gets onto and into the hair.

If not, I would need to wash out he majority of the nanofibres in the evening, apply minodoxil and possibly wear a cap afterwards as I live in a shared house and this would prove difficult. But would the cap then cause a problem?