ray peat and reducing pgd2 - experimental ideas that I am reading about


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Stop spreading that nonsense. Do you realise you might be hurting young hair loss sufferers by preventing them to use proven treatment? You're irresponsible.
I do not see such a reciprocal relationship here.
I use 'proven' treatments myself despite the (first hand) knowledge of the influence of dietary parameters on the quality of my hair.
I do not pretend that diet can cause or heal Androgenetic Alopecia. But it does influence in either way. Just try it instead of speculating (if you do not believe the evidence).


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I made the stupid mistake of trying it already. I'm NW5 under my hair transplant.
Yeah, I know you from the immortalhair forum.
But it is a different thing to believe that one can cure Androgenetic Alopecia through diet (I have not tried that lol).
But again, diet can influence for better or worse.
There's several mechanisms, one being inflammatory processes originating from the gut. Consider the substance Astressin B.
Also the hair follicle is a target of stress hormone and autoimmune reactions: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20943348


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It does make sense. It's all about inflammation.
I have done a lot of dietary hocus-pocus, it's one of my hobbies not related to hair loss in particular.
And I found that the worst diet for my hair was a high ref. sugar diet (obviously high inflammatory); and best scored a low(er) carb, meat based diet.
Also people may react differently to particular diets. Also the notion of what is a 'healthy' diet may differ.


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Before/after pictures proving your claims or get out.
Because you say? lol
Anyway, I do not do dietary experiments in respect to hair loss. It's a coincidental observation from the past. And I never take pictures of anything, let alone my hair loss lol.


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im sure diet plays a role in your hair to some extent. i will go out on a short limb however and say it has nothing to do with male pattern baldness and can not prevent it but may however trigger it early if you are that unhealthy. i think it can affect the quality of the hair if dht isn't already killing the follicle. like i caught on fire years and i began losing hair years earlier than all my brothers;i caught on fire from the ankles of both my legs to my knees.so poor health can trigger it. if you got strong male pattern baldness genes and have a horrible diet(like maybe that of a hard drug addict) you may lose your hair earlier


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What a surprise.
Sure, nowadays people take pictures of everything all the time. I am a little bit different. I am weird, oh my.
But I do understand your ''killer argument'' lol. Just because you happened to not have a picture you turn out a quack. It's awsome. Poor guy.

lol this one guy in the picture board (2nd position) seems to have reversed his hair loss while being a drug addict..


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You seem like a smart guy psy, but diet does not effect hair loss in any significant way.

I think you might be falling victim to the 'feels' logic. I know it 'feels' like diet should be related to hair loss, but it just is not.

Think about body hair. It's very similar to head hair except it relies on different mechanism for survival. It 'feels' like body hair is infinitely stronger than head hair doesn't it?

Can you even imagine a diet that would cause you to start losing your body hair beside like eating uranium? No! it is a genetic process and has nothing to do with your food.

Heck, not even body hair. Just look at donor area on head. It's the same thing.

So for you new guys worried about your diet because hair loss...Don't! Go have a burger and relax.


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I think you might be falling victim to the 'feels' logic. I know it 'feels' like diet should be related to hair loss, but it just is not.
Diet may affect acne for example. Diet may affect sebum production and inflammation, via insulin induced steroidogenesis. And because my hair is sick it may react to these parameters. I have done food combining: first half of the day I would do low carb, then switch to low fat. Observation: first half of day my hair would feel great, have bounce, feel strong; after the switch it would 'drop', lose bounce. On another occasion I would do it the other way around. Observation: after the switch hair became great again, felt strong and had bounce again. In general I can 'read' the state of my digestive system by looking at my hair: When hair feels great I know GI system does well aswell; and when hair is 'like dead' and is elect. charged so that it 'sticks' together or sticks to comb (I think you know what I mean), then I know that my GI system is also whacked (and this will ultimatively prove right one way or other). I am not imagining things. Diet may affect the health of GI system. From there it may affect the rest of the body.- - - Updated - - -I can give you a picture of a person that changed her hair quality by switching diet ( to raw fruit only diet). http://www.30bananasaday.com/photo/image-360


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male pattern baldness is genetic.
Eye Color is genetic.

Can you change your eye color with diet?

I don't think you can kill hair with food.


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I also want to live in a world where bananas help hair loss.

Not reality.


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The hair follicle is a tiny little organ which is damaged by DHT. They don't need extra nutrients from food to heal and rejuvenate, they want ESTROGEN to grow unbound and be soft and silky and shiny and sh!t. Something that isn't available to them :sad:Loads of(not lots) Soy based diet(like 2-300g every meal) might help, but im more likely to bet you will grow some awesome meewbs while feminizing yourself before any hair.@Everyone besides psychotriaI believe psych is saying, diets could improve the hair quality BUT it won't stop or slow Androgenetic Alopecia.


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This thread seems to attract a lot of people that seem to be incapable of simple common sense.



Diet has zero influence on male pattern baldness.
fred whats the point of being a condescending dick on the internet? you deserve to be bald. and of course an over abundance of food won't cause hairloss. maybe if you're starving in a 3rd world country however it might attribute to it. as far as drugs go i don't believe nor implied it would cause baldness in someone who didnt have it in their family history. I have seen two sets of brothers where one got bad on drugs and lost their hair very early and the other held onto their thin hair for quite some time. this could be coincidence
but let me remind you of a post you made
...... My father had insanely thick donor hair while being a NW5 between 25 and 50 years old.
Then he had his heart attack and was fed 10 different pills a day. His donor started to thin. "Hair loss" is written on the side-effects list of most of his medication.

i'd also like to note the second guy either got on some hair meds or crystal meth grew his hair back


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Diet may affect acne for example. Diet may affect sebum production and inflammation, via insulin induced steroidogenesis. And because my hair is sick it may react to these parameters. I have done food combining: first half of the day I would do low carb, then switch to low fat. Observation: first half of day my hair would feel great, have bounce, feel strong; after the switch it would 'drop', lose bounce. http://www.30bananasaday.com/photo/image-360

Are you taking us as the ultimate morons? Do you speak for real? So your hair changes due to diet after only...half a day.. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttt??????
I can't believe it...it takes one month for the hair to grow 1 bloody centimeter, and you say that your hair quality changes after...a couple of hours...


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Are you taking us as the ultimate morons?
Do I? I think I have made myself clear. Diet can change the look&feel of my hair intraday so to speak. Maybe you try it yourself?


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My Regimen
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I don undersstand why does people try to prove this guy that diet does not have influence on male pattern baldness, if he is so sure that diet helps, and that he is smarter than every person on this forum, let him learn lesson on hard way :D


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Well, I have another ref for you guys.. Study was published in 1930 in the Journal of the American Medical Association: "Prolonged meat diets with a study of kidney function and ketosis". You can read about it here: http://inhumanexperiment.blogspot.de/2009/09/two-brave-men-who-ate-nothing-but-meat.html
tl;dr here's the good part:
Interestingly, Andersen reported that his hair stopped falling out shortly after the meat diet was started; Stefansson also noted his hair started growing thicker and his scalp was healthier.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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Do I? I think I have made myself clear. Diet can change the look&feel of my hair intraday so to speak. Maybe you try it yourself?


Diet and Androgenic Alopecia do not go together at all. The only way someone can suffer from hair loss due to a poor diet is if they suffer from incredibly severe malnutrition. You cannot state that diets have an influence because you noticed there is a change of 'look' and 'feel' to your hair from one day to the other since that is definitely nothing but a placebo effect. It is also not scientifically possible for major hair improvements to happen in one day.