Rate my shaved head


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Been shaving head for over a month, better than decomposing like a zombie, what do you think?


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Looks okay. You'd look better with hair, but so would anybody given a choice, even Jason Statham. For what it's worth, you pull it off well and don't look old, intimidating or weird so that's a plus. Have you tried finasteride?


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What a self looting community this is. You look fine. Weather or not you'd look better with hair would be down to the hair you've had (texture etc.)

There are definitely more girls that are into bald men than heavily balding men. Looks aren't just about hair ... but of course this forum is so hair centered, that no one would acknowledge that fact!

The only thing: I think bald doesn't really go with a messed up look. Try to dess a bit more stylish (collar shirts maybe, or some cool stuff). If bald then try to be very clean and sharp looking. Messy look including messy hair can definitely work ... messy look and bald ... don't even try.


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Looks good you pull it off well. Obviously we would all prefer to have a full head of hair (or we wouldnt be here) but we have to make best with cards we were delt.

Getting in shape, confidence, drive, and personality are more important with women over 21 than a full head of hair. A well dressed man with a shaved bald head, six pack, a career, and personality is going to do better with women than a broke slob with a full head of hair.


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It's ALWAYS the people with such minimal hair loss themselves (and are on medication to ensure that they will not go bald themselves) who are preaching about how hair loss is not that bad.


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Wrong, she would chose the NW1 slob. Nothing compensates for being bald other than hair.

A shaved bald head is always a bad idea, it makes you lose your identity completely, it makes you look generic. Don't listen to this popular advice.

A six pack is never healthy or natural. I would never be able to have a "six pack" naturally for that matter. And women don't have x-ray vision.

A career doesn't mean jack if you're not looking for long-term commitment. What does a "career" bring? Money. And most women have enough of that through their own career or thanks to the welfare state.

Personality does not even come into play if you don't meet a woman's looks threshold. And most women over 21 require a full head of hair, hell some will demand it until they're 49!

Confidence has to come from positive experiences with women, and you won't get any if you're a bald try-hard nosferatu-looking man in his 20's who works from 9 to 9 (how did you think you would get a successful career by the way?).

With your successful career, all the time you spend in the gym to maintain that six pack women will never see, all the time you spend shaving with a blade (you have to do it almost everyday!), when exactly are you going to meet the women that will find you repulsive anyway?

Thanks but try again with the delusion. "Hacking baldness" doesn't work that way.

This sounds like the talk of a broken man. Obviously if the will to move forward is no longer there then even the simplest task can feel impossible and real help is needed.

Having a career, going to the gym and finding time for a life is absolutely possible several of us do it. It is easy to be cynical and find excuses not to do something. If that's how you choose to live so be it.


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This sounds like the talk of a broken man. Obviously if the will to move forward is no longer there then even the simplest task can feel impossible and real help is needed.

Having a career, going to the gym and finding time for a life is absolutely possible several of us do it. It is easy to be cynical and find excuses not to do something. If that's how you choose to live so be it.

What Norwood are you? It seems like a lot of the early Norwoods seem to think baldness is not that big of a deal because they have not really experienced true baldness for themselves. Experiencing it for yourself is believing.


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I don't really fit on norwood scale I have some crown thinning and diffuse loss in NW5 shape but hairline is intact. Noticed hairloss round 20 whem random assholes in college would "joke" with me and call me friar tuck. Started finasteride and began hitting the gym religiously and haven't looked back.

My hair thickened up some on finasteride and stopped the loss which was a miracle. Getting a shorter almost buz cut instead of the denial comb over helped as well.

Also, going from a scrawny 150lbs to 190lbs cut helped a lot with my confidence. It changed the whole look of my face and how I carried myself. My success with women completely turned around. I dont look like a lolipop on legs anymore. While it wont replace hair you DO look better..and people are lot less likely to attempt to publicly humiliate you when they feel there is a risk theyll get their face smashed in.

finasteride does work, so does going to the gym in your overall appearance. Been doing it over 10 years and there is time even working 10 hours a day 6 days a week at your own business. If you refuse to take the only proven treatment or improve your looks by training in the gym then so be it.


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I don't really fit on norwood scale I have some crown thinning and diffuse loss in NW5 shape but hairline is intact. Noticed hairloss round 20 whem random assholes in college would "joke" with me and call me friar tuck. Started finasteride and began hitting the gym religiously and haven't looked back.

My hair thickened up some on finasteride and stopped the loss which was a miracle. Getting a shorter almost buz cut instead of the denial comb over helped as well.

Also, going from a scrawny 150lbs to 190lbs cut helped a lot with my confidence. It changed the whole look of my face and how I carried myself. My success with women completely turned around. I dont look like a lolipop on legs anymore. While it wont replace hair you DO look better..and people are lot less likely to attempt to publicly humiliate you when they feel there is a risk theyll get their face smashed in.

finasteride does work, so does going to the gym in your overall appearance. Been doing it over 10 years and there is time even working 10 hours a day 6 days a week at your own business. If you refuse to take the only proven treatment or improve your looks by training in the gym then so be it.

I've been an avid weight-lifter for about 20 years now and I just got back from the gym a couple of hours ago. I am about 6'0 225 pounds right now and when I was power-lifting, I used to be even heavier. I also started running recently to trim up a bit too. Despite all this, nothing really does replace a reasonably full head of hair. Going bald really takes a drastic hit on a person's looks and really affects nearly every aspect of a person's life. Despite my lifelong love of lifting and being a big guy, nothing compensates for being comfortable in one's own skin and being satisfied with the way you look in the mirror every day.

Why I asked what Norwood you are is because a lot of people with very minimal hair loss (which you seem to have) seem to always give the "get to the gym, improve your wardrobe, have a nice personality", mainly because they haven't experienced the devastating effects of significant hair loss. Feeling is believing. Spencer Kobren recently said how people without hair loss will never understand the struggles of hair loss sufferers. Similarly, I believe that those with very minimal hair loss will never understand the struggles of those with more noticeable hair loss.

Lastly, I've exhausted today's options, which I believe are very limited. Minoxidil didn't do a damn thing and finasteride gave me terrible side effects. And I am not about to wear a wig.


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you razor shaving it bud? I've been buzzing mine down to a number 1 and i gotta say, you look a lot better than i do. Also, i'm 22 years old, so we're about the same age. Sucks for us! but moving forward, my friend :)


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Damn fredthebelgian, you need to reevaluate what constitutes success within a career and relationships. If losing all your hair is such a factor that it diminishes your life as much as you claim, then there are some underlying problems.


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Wrong, she would chose the NW1 slob. Nothing compensates for being bald other than hair.

A shaved bald head is always a bad idea, it makes you lose your identity completely, it makes you look generic. Don't listen to this popular advice.

A six pack is never healthy or natural. I would never be able to have a "six pack" naturally for that matter. And women don't have x-ray vision.

A career doesn't mean jack if you're not looking for long-term commitment. What does a "career" bring? Money. And most women have enough of that through their own career or thanks to the welfare state.

Personality does not even come into play if you don't meet a woman's looks threshold. And most women over 21 require a full head of hair, hell some will demand it until they're 49!

Confidence has to come from positive experiences with women, and you won't get any if you're a bald try-hard nosferatu-looking man in his 20's who works from 9 to 9 (how did you think you would get a successful career by the way?).

With your successful career, all the time you spend in the gym to maintain that six pack women will never see, all the time you spend shaving with a blade (you have to do it almost everyday!), when exactly are you going to meet the women that will find you repulsive anyway?

Thanks but try again with the delusion. "Hacking baldness" doesn't work that way.

you are ****ing retarded.


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A wig is not an option, I don't want to put you down but you'll give up on it in a matter of weeks, maybe days.

If you really go that route (which I highly doubt because a lot fo members say they will be wigging it up), please document your journey.

I still think you should try a FUE.
Op please dont follow this guys advice he doesnt get any girls because hes ugly and negative. he looks like a clown with that transplant, your better of shaving or going to a top hair transplant


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Any argument to refute my claim instead of an empty ad hominem attack?

yes i have 6 pack abs and i dont take steroids, in fact i dont even train my ab muscles , i just have decent genetics i guess where my Bodyfat is relativley low (190lbs btw) now im not freaky shredded though at all. but i do indeed have a natural looking 6 pac


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A wig is not an option, I don't want to put you down but you'll give up on it in a matter of weeks, maybe days.

If you really go that route (which I highly doubt because a lot fo members say they will be wigging it up), please document your journey.

I still think you should try a FUE.

Oh believe me, there is no way I am getting a wig. I think I said that in a few previous posts, that wearing a wig is not an acceptable option either. So many flaws: fear of detection (from a girlfriend), the sweat, gluing, and bonding issues, etc. There is no way I could do it. I was just pointing out why some people would do it over an hair transplant. I think I was just making a point before that I don't think any of today's options are optimal, whether it be a wig, hair transplant, minoxidil, or finasteride. But I am happy for you that you are enjoying the results of your hair transplant.

I respect your opinion when you say that I should "try an FUE". Unfortunately this is not something that I could just simply "try". As Spencer Kobren has stated: "once you're cut, you're cut". And in order for me to accept that, I would need to have way more density than an hair transplant could possibly ever give.