Rapid Hair Loss. Telogen Effluvium Or Male Baldness Pattern?


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Hello, I'm 18 years old and I'm experiencing hair loss on the top of my head and on one side of my hairline. It's very noticeable when I wash my hair and lots of hair comes out. Both of my grandfathers, my father, my uncles and my mom have not experienced any hair loss. I started noticing hair loss a couple months ago, and my hair loss looks worse every day I look at it. I'm starting to get very concerned about my hair loss and I'm wondering whether it's Telogen Effluvium or male baldness pattern.

there's no way for us to tell whether you have male pattern baldness, Telogen Effluvium or both. It appears to me that you have male pattern baldness, because it is thinner in one area (the crown) than anywhere else. you could have Telogen Effluvium on top of that. did you experience any significant trauma a few months back that may have triggered it. Also, you would look A LOT better with shorter hair.