Ramblings of a crazy person and a thank you


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Hi everyone. I’ve been lurking around the forums for years, but have only just signed up so that I can post and share my story.

I am 26 this month and having always had a ridiculously thick head of hair I only noticed my hair loss about 3 years ago. I’m embarrassed to say that I found this absolutely devastating. I became literally obsessed with checking my hair and the thought that it would soon all be gone. It really did damage me quite severely, and I went from being an outgoing fun loving person, to a total introvert. I had underlying issues with depression and anxiety (although I’d never sought any sort of treatment or opened up to anyone about them), and the hair loss really just tipped me over the edge. I scraped through University but once that was over I became a recluse, stopped worrying or thinking about anything or anyone else, I also pretty much stopped eating, became addicted to some seriously nasty diet pills and took numerous things that I shouldn’t have (my weight went from a muscular 187lbs to a tiny 126lbs in around 5 months). I never let on to anyone that what was bothering me, and nobody ever noticed my hair was starting to thin out (even now I could probably get by without anyone noticing), but it’s a losing battle and the thought of going bald really did just cause me to spiral out of control. There are numerous other things that I haven’t mentioned but basically I ended up quite unwell and in a terrible place mentally.

After much deliberation I started on finasteride around a year ago. I’m not sure whether I experienced sides or if I just convinced myself that I was getting them (having read every scare story online for the preceding few months), either way I could not get on with finasteride at all. It did seem to stabalise my hair in fairness, but I was constantly confused and incredibly sad the entire time I was on it (although again I wasn’t exactly the happiest person when I began taking it – so don’t think this is an anti-finasteride rant because it isn’t). These side effects, along with a worrying low libido (which all returned to normal almost immediately once I stopped) finally led me to go and see my GP for the first time in about 10 years.

Long story short, when I got there I’m ashamed to say I pretty much broke down and told the guy literally everything that had been going on in my life that I should have talked to him about years ago. He suspected I had a combination of severe chronic depression, anxiety, maybe body dysmorphic disorder, and probably also some sort of eating disorder (I was/am really messed up I know). So I had therapy, sorted a few things out, and things are better now. As a result it kind of eventually put my hair situation into perspective, and I decided to just accept it and stop worrying about how bad it is/how much worse it would get. I buzzed it all off to a 0, which was a huge deal for me (as pathetic as that sounds), and happily I don’t think it’s too bad at all really. I don’t have the face for it and I do look a bit like a butch lesbian at the moment, but hopefully when I put back on a bit of muscle it will be fine :).

I’m sorry for this long, rambling and self indulgent post, but I just felt like finally saying hi, and that if there are others who get hit ridiculously hard mentally by their hair loss (I bet there's at least a couple), don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to go to your doctor. I put it off forever because I convinced myself he would just think I was a vain, narcissistic prick, but it was the best thing I ever did. Also I wanted to say thank you to everyone on this site, as reading it really helped me through some quite hard times (even though I never posted). Your advice, knowledge and kind words are an absolute godsend for everyone suffering with hair loss.

I don’t like to think that I’ve surrendered to my hair loss, just that I refuse to fight it. Of course if hair cloning comes along in the future I will get a full head of hair transplanted, but short of that I’m finished worrying about it. I have a new job, a beautiful and understanding girlfriend (I have no idea how), and the best mates a person could wish for.

Ultimately is my life in better shape having started to lose my hair and as a result ending up speaking to my GP about side effects of finasteride, which then led to me opening up about all of my problems?

Absolutely, yes.

So yeah that’s me, apologies for the huge and bizarrely positive hair loss post. Cheers, and thanks again for your wonderful forum.


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wow what a story! thank you for that! Good luck!