Quitting Propecia...Whats next?


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Well, it looks like this might have to happen. The sooner i accept it and move on, probably would be for the best :( so questions, ive never quit before ive only been on it less than 3 months. Will i shed? Should i taper, or just quit? Ive basically tapered the last few weeks trying lower doses. Im going back to the natural dht blockers. I know, i know but i have taken them for 2 years no sides prior to Propecia. I have a full bottle of life extension "ultra natural prostate" its got the good co2 saw palmetto 85% std. Stinging and dwarf neddles, beta sist, pumkin seed oil 85% and more. Also i have my daily methadone to just destroy my testosterone levels so how much dht can i have? ahhhhhhhhh god!!!! what do you guys think? This blows! Im thinking of trying rogaine very very slowly, like just temples for a month and see how my hair responds. Any tips, tricks, or thoughts much appreciated -Anthony

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I might try this next week .5 eod i cant do daily even at .25 after 4-5 days straight the pelvic pain and lower back pain gets bad. Idk tho i might just end it. I seem to feel better after 3-4 days off finasteride. Never went much longer off it


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1) I've never heard of anybody getting lower back pain from propecia. It could be that you have an injury, maybe a bulging spinal disk, maybe L5/S1. I would book an appointment with a physiotherapist, or go see a doctor first to try and see a good one, he'll refer you to a good physio.

2) If propecia gives you side effects, and if natural dht blockers actually block dht, then natural dht blockers will also give you side effects.


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1) I've never heard of anybody getting lower back pain from propecia. It could be that you have an injury, maybe a bulging spinal disk, maybe L5/S1. I would book an appointment with a physiotherapist, or go see a doctor first to try and see a good one, he'll refer you to a good physio.

2) If propecia gives you side effects, and if natural dht blockers actually block dht, then natural dht blockers will also give you side effects.
its the Propecia causing the sides. I think the back pain is actually from the pelvic pain as they dont happen typically at the same time. Saw palmetto and neddle root have never given me sides in 2 years, but they dont work anywhere near as good as Propecia of course. I dont have typical side effects and that makes this frustrating. Some of the day i feel 90% but always the pain comes back, always! I do not want to quit finasteride at all nor am i afraid to take it. It appears i physically cannot handle it after about 4 consecutive days

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Ive been to my dr 5 times, and have a urologist app March 22. Im not just talking out my ***. Ive researched all of this almost to much. It seems finasteride causes me some type of pelvic floor disorder. They thought it might be a uti at first but it wasnt and antibiotics did nothing. Male androgens effect the pelvic floor muscles apparently and all my symptoms fit. My Dr isnt 100 % sure, but agrees... Ugh


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Has anyone tried reducing the amount of finasteride to see if they still get the good results without the side effects?

g.i joey

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Propecia has a nearly dose-independent response. There's very little difference between 0.25mg and 1.00mg.

i think theres more of a difference than we think, i think anything under .5 isnt effective for hair loss. You never see any stories of someone who takes .25/day and experienced at the least some maintenance.


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i think theres more of a difference than we think, i think anything under .5 isnt effective for hair loss. You never see any stories of someone who takes .25/day and experienced at the least some maintenance.

That's because:

1) There are very few such people.
2) The people taking 0.25/day are afraid of sides, and thus are unlikely to stay on the drug for 24 months.


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Your plan B is actually a good idea, if you feel the side effects are too bad with DHT blockers.

Why are you trying pumpkin seed? To be honest, that sounds strange since zinc helps testosterone.

Have you tried minoxidil?

And if you are getting those side effects, why haven't you cut the dosage in half?
hey man, yeah i cut the dose in half, i just cant take it everyday... Im trying Monday, wed, Friday for now and i think i might be able to handle that actually! I talked to dr haber yesterday and he made me feel alot better about eod and its effectiveness. My hair loss is in very early stage, im a norwood 1.5 maybe and im 34 so its not super agressive and I dont have any sexual sides, thank god! So as long as the pelvic pain isnt real bad ill be good to go. I was kinda afraid to do eod in case it would throw my hormone levels all out of wack, but dr haber said alot of guys do it that way. So with a lil luck ill be in good shape with an eod regimen. Also i do take zinc daily. I also take a multi vitamin, and eat very healthy. And i throw viviscal in daily for good measure lol

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Also Thinking of trying rogaine just at my temples.(never used it before) Thats the only place i have miniaturization and id like to see how my hair and scalp respond to it before i put it all over ya know?


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Your plan B is actually a good idea, if you feel the side effects are too bad with DHT blockers.

Why are you trying pumpkin seed? To be honest, that sounds strange since zinc helps testosterone.

Have you tried minoxidil? End quote; Didn't catch your question about pumpkin seed and testosterone at first. I am trying to raise my testosterone because its to low 176... From the methadone i take. I believe the low t and now the low\lower dht is what is causing my pelvic pain, not the finasteride itself


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hey man, yeah i cut the dose in half, i just cant take it everyday... Im trying Monday, wed, Friday for now and i think i might be able to handle that actually! I talked to dr haber yesterday and he made me feel alot better about eod and its effectiveness. My hair loss is in very early stage, im a norwood 1.5 maybe and im 34 so its not super agressive and I dont have any sexual sides, thank god! So as long as the pelvic pain isnt real bad ill be good to go. I was kinda afraid to do eod in case it would throw my hormone levels all out of wack, but dr haber said alot of guys do it that way. So with a lil luck ill be in good shape with an eod regimen. Also i do take zinc daily. I also take a multi vitamin, and eat very healthy. And i throw viviscal in daily for good measure lol

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Also Thinking of trying rogaine just at my temples.(never used it before) Thats the only place i have miniaturization and id like to see how my hair and scalp respond to it before i put it all over ya know?

I took Propecia every day to start with and noticed some minor sides, mostly just stuff that's an annoyance such as brain fog and fatigue, but when I went to 1mg every other day I noticed a big difference in how I felt and for me it was a lot more effective in keeping the sides at bay. Hope it works the same for you as it did for me, but personally, if you've got good hair at 34 I'd just let it go mate, you're likely to have your hair until into your 40's so it's not a big deal, not worth taking the risk.


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Whats next is either getting back on propecia or accepting male pattern baldness for what it is and hoping in the future something better comes out. There isnt much else to say really its not like male pattern baldness has 10 proven treatments to pick from


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I took Propecia every day to start with and noticed some minor sides, mostly just stuff that's an annoyance such as brain fog and fatigue, but when I went to 1mg every other day I noticed a big difference in how I felt and for me it was a lot more effective in keeping the sides at bay. Hope it works the same for you as it did for me, but personally, if you've got good hair at 34 I'd just let it go mate, you're likely to have your hair until into your 40's so it's not a big deal, not worth taking the risk.
see i have fine textured hair, like a childs almost. Its always been that way. Any slight miniaturization causes it to get wispy and limp. Its hard to explain. Wish i had a picture. My hair is fine and straight so any loss is very noticeable. male pattern baldness runs on moms side, not dads tho, but my hair is exactly like my moms and my hair has gotten worse over the past year. Without intervention i truly believe my hair could be a train wreck in a year or two

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Im just gonna go back to 1/ 4 proscar but eod, and hope for the Best. This lil .5 eod just ain't cutting it. How long were taking the 1mg? And How long have you been doing eod? And hows the hair going eod? Sorry for all the questions