Quitting finasteride Just After Hair Transplant


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I have recently undergone a hair transplant of 5000 grafts. The doctor who performed it prescribed me 3 months worth of 1mg finasteride and said that I should start taking these starting 1 month after my procedure and recommended Regaine too.

My procedure was exactly 2 months ago so I've been taking the finasteride for a month once daily and have been applying the rogaine twice daily since about 2 weeks after the procedure. My plan was to take both meds until my transplanted hair grew in and then I would quit and go about my life as normal. This is mainly due to fear of sides.

However I seem to be having some side effects of finasteride and my experience with it thus far is as follows:-

- For the first week or so of taking it my libido was high as hell, after that it has reduced a fair bit but not completely gone
- Morning erections are pretty much gone now
- Erections in general seem to be softer
- My penis seems to be shrivelling up a lot more and is feels and appears a fair bit smaller when flaccid. This is the one that worries me the most. It seems to be shrinking and getting thinner in general

Sorry about the full disclosure but they are essentially the main issues I have.

So basically I'm wondering will there be any major negative effects if I stop finasteride completely now in regards to my hair transplant and will I recover from these sides completely if I do stop it? Or am I better sticking it out for 3 - 5 months and then dropping it?


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If you have side effects, you have side effects. For me, never changed after 11 months, so i stopped.

Thanks Bearded. For me it's more about will the side effects resolve when I DO quit the drug which I 100% will when the hair transplant has grown in to a good extent.