Quitting due to decreased libido


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I started taking 1mg of Propecia about 15 months ago, and for the first year, I hardly noticed any difference or effect. I was not shedding, and my sex drive was fine.

However, since September my libido has decreased and I feel worse than I did before I started taking it. I still don't "shed" much, I don't think I ever have.

My only concern is I may have not been taking the pills properly. While I DO take them everyday, it wouldn't always be at a consistent time. I'm not sure if this coincides with my crappy libido or not, as I sort of got lazy in my dosage the last couple months.

I love my woman very much and it kills me that we can't do normal things that every couple should. I don't think I'll be taking these pills any longer. I just hope I can get myself back to normal. This definitely is not worth it.


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Also, I am curious to know how long it generally takes for the side effects to go away. Anyone who has quit propecia for reasons similar to mine, please let me know.


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If you keep messing around with your doses or skipping days you will upset the delicate hormonal balance of your body and this is when problems can occur. If you take the drug properly as directed, you shouldnt have any problems. You certainely wouldnt suddenly develop loss of libido after 1 year of consistant use.


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Thanks for the replies.

I've decided to discontinue use. Yesterday will be my last day on it. I've decided I love my girlfriend more than I value my hair. I don't like taking this risk. I've been pretty depressed lately and I just feel insecure about my sexual prowess. It's not a good feeling.


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You have only 8 posts and the first post of this thread was an announcement and not a query- you were not asking for feedback, you were "telling" us.

Somehow, combined with you getting sides one year after, I find it extremely suspicious.


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Yeah it could be that the anti-Propecia Police are sending undercover agents to infiltrate us. Ive personally been suspious of you for a while SE-Freak. :wink:


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Well, I don't know what you wanted me to say. I'm a pretty emotional guy, and the last few days have been quite alarming for me.

My posts are genuine, and so is my fear.

What Brittania said makes sense. I have been taking the pills at crazy, inconsistent hours over the last month or two. Does that seem like a reasonable explanation for the sudden increase in side effects?


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netfile said:
I have been taking the pills at crazy, inconsistent hours over the last month or two. Does that seem like a reasonable explanation for the sudden increase in side effects?

YES IT IS!!!!!!!! This is something that really REALLY winds me up. You need DISCIPLINE with your regeimes, otherwise just dont BOTHER!
MaN Im AnGrY NoW!


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netfile said:
What Brittania said makes sense. I have been taking the pills at crazy, inconsistent hours over the last month or two. Does that seem like a reasonable explanation for the sudden increase in side effects?

If you are taking the pills with something like an 8 hour break then yes- I suppose it could.

I can't believe you guys. Bored to chop a pill, forget to take it a specific hour each day... it is really impressive. Doesn't your hair matter to you? What are you doing here?


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SE-freak said:
I can't believe you guys. Bored to chop a pill, forget to take it a specific hour each day... it is really impressive. Doesn't your hair matter to you? What are you doing here?

Its crazy isnt it! I feel like throwing these people to the snake oil salesman.