quick question lookin for a quick answer


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for you guys who use minoxidil just let me know if you are glad you started it
for example, tell me if the shed in the beginning was noticeable or and if your existing hair has thickened and if there is any regrowth after how long.......thanks im still vy curious


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I think I'm glad I started it. I never noticed a shed using it except for the massive shed 3months after I stopped taking it once (not smart). If you go on it, you probably want to go on it for life or until a real cure comes out.

My existing hair thickened and it took 2-4 months to notice any results.


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No shed, easy to use 1x at night 30 minutes before bed. Worth it to keep hair.

The Gardener

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fifty said:
I think I'm glad I started it. I never noticed a shed using it except for the massive shed 3months after I stopped taking it once (not smart). If you go on it, you probably want to go on it for life or until a real cure comes out.

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't quitting finasteride do the same thing? Once you start, you have to keep on taking it, or your hair will revert to what it would have looked like if you allowed your male pattern baldness to pregress?


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Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't quitting finasteride do the same thing? Once you start, you have to keep on taking it, or your hair will revert to what it would have looked like if you allowed your male pattern baldness to pregress?

I think this might be the case - for me anyway. I've been off finasteride for a little over 3 weeks after being on for 5 months and am going through a good shed right now which sucks.

I've been on minoxidil for 6 months and am definitely staying on. I've noticed marked improvement on the front sides and never really went through a shed before right now. Applying this sh*t is just a routine you get used to.

Do you guys agree with my thinking that my shed is due to coming off the finasteride? I think it does - its pretty convenient that my first big shed happens 3 weeks after going off the finasteride.

Anyway I think I want to get back on finasteride - the shed tells me something is working, just not sure what.


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thinstinks said:
for you guys who use minoxidil just let me know if you are glad you started it
for example, tell me if the shed in the beginning was noticeable or and if your existing hair has thickened and if there is any regrowth after how long.......thanks im still vy curious

Yup! I love it!

It only takes me a minute to apply it now. And that is when I am trying to be carefull.

My shed sucked bad, and it was very easy for me to tell I was shedding with looking at the density of my hair. Of course I am a Norwood 2.5 or a 3 depending on what Norwood scale you see. So a shed would be easy to spot with that kind of a hairline.

So far the hair are about 1 inch long that I have regrown. Still very thin, but then again I have only been using minoxidil for 3 months so I consider myself extremely lucky to have had the regrowth I have seen.

The Gardener

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Yes, I use it too and I am seeing results. Nothing shocking, it has only been two months or so, but I see NEW hairs in what were the bald corners of my temples, and all along the front of my hairline. And no, these were not hairs that I had before that I am only starting to notice, this is new growth. They are now about a quarter to half an inch long, and well pigmented.

The hair in the thinning area where I apply minoxidil (I am thinning front and center, in my 'widow's peak' area) is substantially longer. In the past, this frontal hair would always grow slower than the back, and after about an inch and a half of growth it got curly. Well, now this hair is growing out straight and LONG. Literally half way to my eyebrows and not a sign of curliness. The roots are thicker and stronger as well. On the down side, I have yet to see the hair density improve here... the existing hairs are thicker and straighter, but no new hair, or not enough new hair, to prevent an occasional glimpse of my scalp beneath it. I'm hoping that there is similar small hair growth in this area, but that the hairs are not yet mature enough to be making a visible difference. One thing I can definitely say is that I, thank God, appear to be an excellent Minoxidil responder! The extent of the improvement is yet to be determined. On the whole, my hairline has maintained, and I am hoping that continued use will at least thicken my hairline (my main objective) if not improve my hairline (would be nice if it happens).


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Fina is not like minoxidil rather you start to loose hair where you left off. That can take along time for some years in fact. minoxidil is like you re-grow the hair you have that has shrunk.

Propecia: Blocks DHT and allows hair to regrow

Minoxadil: grows hair that has thinned out by expanding the shaft.