Questions for Newb: Nor 1, 2, or 3? (pic)


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I've looked extensively at the Norwood image scale, and am trying to figure out which one I am. Few questions:

- is there any absolute way to tell the difference between Norwood 2 and 3. what is the typical amount of temporal recession for Norwood 2 versus 3. If its 2, how will I know if it becomes a 3.
- I am only 20, but have went through a ton of stress between Aug. through now (I go to MIT and thats half the reason for my stress, my courses are difficult and I'm in charge of a few clubs). However, I've finished up my hard courses and am taking an easier courseload next semester. Will I have hair regrowth if stress levels go down during my next hair cycle, if stress is the main cause?
- I worked out sporadically this semester; I'd go to the gym and lift heavy weights for short bursts of 20-30 minutes and then just leave and start eating food. I'm guessing this increases DHT? Would adding in a mile run or so combat this?

Am I just a Norwood 1.5-2 who is paranoid about having his hairline mature? This is new to me, since I used to complain I was too hairy and looked forward to haircuts. I am South Asian, if that makes a difference. Dad has a lot of hair, but some baldness on both sides of my family.

I'd like to hear your replies; the people on this forum seem very knowledgeable. Here is a set of two pics; they aren't meant to show the hairline since they are just from my friends Yahoo photo album. However, my hairline forms sort of a roundish triangle that is typical of the Norwood pattern.


Hmm, I see the thinning as well. When you get a mature hairline, you usually aren´t thinning. So my advice would be to start Finasteride to combat DHT. Looks like male pattern baldness to me.


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Any thoughts on my questions about the effects of stress and working out with weights? And how to distinguish between Norwood 2 and 3 - I'm a bit worried about side effects of finasteride/minoxidil if I start them for no reason if my hairline is just maturing.

Thanks a bunch for your help. Isn't the thinning just miniaturization which occurs in the hairline maturing as well as male pattern baldness? Thanks again, I look forward to learning from you guys.


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Stress wouldnt cause thinning in a norwood pattern as far as I know. You probably dont need minoxidil if you started finasteride now, finasteride would probably be enough to stabalise and then thicken your temples.


Working out has no significant influence on your hair loss. I am sure of this even though I can´t prove it.

I don´t understand what you wanna know about the differences of Norwood 2 and Norwood 3. Norwood 3 means your hairline is more receded than a Norwood 2. Actually, the Norwood scale explains it quite good.

Oh, and no, when you get a mature hairline you don´t have miniaturization.

I suggest you to start Finasteride, otherwise you might regret it later. It is your choice.


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Dude you dont even have a NW2 never mind a NW3. The minituisation just seems to be about your sideburns unless you have had it cut shorter. You MAY develop a NW2 in later life but you dont have one at the moment


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Your hair looks good.... Speaking of working out, your hair would fall out if you are putting extreme and i mean extreme stress on your body, this would be your body's way of telling you something is wrong. I highly doubt the working out has anything to do with your situation. Your hairline looks like it might be maturing, but it is still too early to tell. And something that is off is that your sideburns are thinning(barely) way too far back into your sides. If you do not want to start finasteride like other have suggested i would start using saw plametto which is a natural supplement.
just my two cents.

PS i think your at NW1 right now


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hair looks great, I don't see no problem as yet.


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well, when I pull my hair back there is a roundish triangle that extends upwards about 2-3 inches into the division between the hair on the side of my head and on the top of my head. Is this normal for a mature hairline?

I will post pictures which may change the diagnosis some of you have given me, as my hairline looks receded at the temples a little more when I pull my hair back.

As soon as I get some double A batteries for my camera I will add some.


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No reason for treatments yet. I know you feel worried but trust me you got no problem yet. (unless you have a problem at the crown that we cant see in the pictures).

Is there any hair loss at you family? Father, brothers of your mother etc? If YES then keep a close eye and you might need to start treatments later.


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yeah just watch it. Its not bad at all yet. If your losing hair it will be obvious if you pay attention. If you can see hairs that miniaturizing and you have patches of them then id say your losing your hair. You will see a bald spot that wasnt there before then you know your losing hair and decide. Its pretty easy to know if you have lost hair or not. Its not so easy knowing how far it will progress or how fast hence you guess by looking at all relatives.