Questions about Regaine

Bald Dave

Established Member
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I've just seen some Regaine in the chemist and it says on the box that if you don't suffer from hereditary baldness then it may not work. I don't suffer from hereditary baldness (only going bald in the temple area and not on the crown) but I was thinking about buying some and trying it out. Does it work for men that is balding in the temple and front part of the head? Can I expect any side effects? It contains 2% minoxidil so is this enough strength?

Bald Dave

Established Member
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Also, I am worried about shedding so would it be a good idea to use the Regaine in the area that is thinning only?


Senior Member
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you do have hereditary baldness dave they just phrase it that way because they only tested it on the back so they cant legitimately say itll work on the front because they didnt test it there.
i use it on the front yeah hasnt worked but it does make my hair look thicker so ive stuck with it.

i personally dont think 2% would do much on the front no. id try the foam
- £40 for four cans.

Bald Dave

Established Member
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Thanks for your advice Sean. Do you know where I can purchase some of this foam?