Questions about growth/regrowth and what to use


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Hi everyone.

At about 19 my hair loss came on all of a sudden but in a really strange pattern. I Didn't lose much hair if any initially but the terminal lengths all became as short as a few inches, getting slightly shorter as they approached my forehead and longer towards the back. I'm 23 now and terminal length for each hair has gotten slightly shorter, to the point where I can't grow it long enough to have a fringe, to give you an idea of how short the terminal lengths are.

I've recently just started on RU and I've been using topical spironolactone for about 3 weeks so far, but I don't expect much from the spironolactone if these forums are anything to go by.

Anyway, my question is regarding what is actually meant be regrowth. Does regrowth mean regrowth of completely miniaturized hair or vellus/short terminal length hairs? I wondering because regrowth seems to be rare on the forums but I'm not sure if I understand what is meant exactly by regrowth..

Will my terminal lengths become longer theoretically If I resume using RU? I do have some thinner almost vellus hairs at the front of my hairline but I would be happy with just being able to grow longer hair over them to be honest and the hair behind them still looks like normal healthy hair, just with a short terminal length.

Is Nizoral really important? I used it for a little while but it completely dried out my hair even with loads of conditioner applied afterwards. My hair became really puffy and unmanageable so I stopped using it.

Finally, do you guys think I should use minoxidil along with RU and spironolactone? Keep in mind I really cant afford to spend more than I am on preventing my hair loss...but i could ditch spironolactone if minoxidil + RU would be a better option.



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regrowth is the enlargement of miniaturized hairs. And those hairs that can't grow as long as the others are not terminal, they are miniaturized. They are short because their life cycles can't last as long as a true terminal hair. To solve the problem of it growing shorter on top simply get a hair cut which leaves the top of your head longer than the sides. Nizoral is not very important, but you should only use it twice a week. Did you use it more often than that? I don't see why you want regrowth if your balding isn't even noticeable.

Why are you on RU and spironolactone? Did you try finasteride?


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Thanks for clearing that up.... well mostly. Is it easier to get more growth the less miniaturized the hairs are? Like very slim for white vellus...more chance for thinning and even more for healthy looking miniaturized hair? And if so Is this the realm of minoxidil only or anti androgens, or both?

My doctor wouldn't prescribe me finasteride because he didn't consider my hair loss serious. Thing is, I don't want to wait till it is to get on treatment so I just went for RU. I used spironolactone initially but thought (and probably rightly so) that it wouldn't do much on its own.

As far why I want regrowth? I've never felt good about my image with short hair and now especially so because it has receded a little over the years. So being able to grow them longer is important for me, I'll be happy with maintenance of course, things could get worse but I would really like them to grow a little longer. Every hair that has been affected by miniaturization will get worse over time as well won't it? So it would be best to prevent that now.

Off topic it really strange that I have a higher sex drive from anti androgens? I never felt like relieving myself more than once a day before...i would consider that pretty low but now it seems to be much higher. I'm only taking topicals so I cant imagine there's even much getting absorbed systemically. It cant just be a coincidence though because I've had a low libido for as long as I can remember.


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My Regimen
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you can get finasteride without a script online

your "increased sex drive" is placebo effect


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I guess this is partially bro science, but I'm pretty sure you can actually get increased sex drive from finasteride. Doesn't it have something to do with your body trying to compensate for lower DHT and boosting your testorone or something...
Well anyway I'm pretty sure it can happen, I only say that because a guy on here called swingline during his brief stint on propecia he said something about his sex drive doubled or whatever...

Though it didn't last forever, what supposedly ended up happening...well I'm paraphasing....was he woke up one day with a total complete lack of any sex drive. Like imagine being a sex-fueled maniac one day and the next day it completely disappearing.

Think you could post pictures? No one ever post pictures of there hair loss.


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I guess this is partially bro science, but I'm pretty sure you can actually get increased sex drive from finasteride. Doesn't it have something to do with your body trying to compensate for lower DHT and boosting your testorone or something...
Well anyway I'm pretty sure it can happen, I only say that because a guy on here called swingline during his brief stint on propecia he said something about his sex drive doubled or whatever...

Though it didn't last forever, what supposedly ended up happening...well I'm paraphasing....was he woke up one day with a total complete lack of any sex drive. Like imagine being a sex-fueled maniac one day and the next day it completely disappearing.

Think you could post pictures? No one ever post pictures of there hair loss.

Well thanks for putting that in my head...on the subject of placebo.

I might tomorrow as I'm just going off to bed here but there's not much to see really. I don't think its that bad relatively speaking. I Have the typical male pattern baldness widows peak or whatever its name is but it hasn't developed into an M shape, I still have quite a bit in front.