Questions About Finasteride And Development


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Hi everyone, im a 19yr old male who is starting to notice early stages of hair loss like temple thining.
I'm okay with the Idea of taking finasteride now (or for the rest of my life), but i have some questions before.
In the past 2 years i've gained a lot of facial hair, but i cant grow a full beard yet, so, my question is: Will finasteride stop any further beard growth? I really want a beard, and dont want to choose between beard or hair.
And a last question. It can sounds ridiculous, i am satisfied with my penis size, but if wouldn't mind to gain some extra inches, so, will it stop any possible growth down there too?
Sorry for my bad english, its not my main language.


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Hey, i was thinking and maybe a long-term fianasteride user can answer me, saying if his beard has improved or stayed the same.
The only problem is that i don't know if im still developing and if dht take a big part on this late-development or Testosterone can do the job in this stage.


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Hey man. I started using finasteride 9 months ago, I was 19. I did not have beard, It was just starting to grow some. If I compare my beard situation 9 months ago and now, I think I have a little more beard than 9 months ago but I really don't know.


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Hey. I've been using finasteride for 14yrs so far (25 to 39). I was already late on my development, as I had a thin (still developing) beard at 25.

For me, finasteride slowed down the beard development. A LOT. But it still developed.

BUT, I had a couple of breaks from finasteride during this time (4 months each). And, during this time, my beard started to grow super fast. And started to get thicker too. So you have an idea, I shave once a month! Off finasteride, I was shaving every week, and i'm sure I would get to every couple days...

My hair was getting thinner as f*** too.. So, went back to finasteride.