question to hair transplant patients....



That may have happened to you but it does not happen to everyone. Remember Mahair, you have shared with us before publicly that you did not do your research, you were not on any meds, and you blindly jumped into one of the worst surgical outcomes imagineable. You have shared with us that you realized you should have never nad a hair transplant until "after the fact".

It is really unfair for you to insist that every other patient is going to end up the same way. That's not true and you know that. You know that I for one have always supported you through thick and thin but I think we are seeing the synical side come out every now and then. The true facts are that most patients in the right hands do not experience permanent shockloss in massive amounts. So IMO for you to insist this will happen to everyone is more retalitory minded and simply self-serving. Don't get me wrong, I as an advocate know what you have been through BUT you have also been the recipient of some very talented repair work from a very talented and gracious hair transplant surgeon with one of the best reputations world-wide. What about your great results with those procedures? Why do you not share that with the hairloss community instead of breathing doom and gloom everywhere?

You know very recently you shared that you "now" are finally able to get out socially again, something you could not do before your top-shelf repair work was done. Why do you not expound on that? :roll:


Good for you tpeter! You're definitely using some good sense to all of this. :wink: