Question for guys who have been buzzed...


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I am going to buzz/shave my head for the first time in my life tomorrow morning (by a professional barber to try and get it looking decent).

My question is, how long does it take to get your head decently tanned? Do I need to buy anything to put on it?
Any other suggestions?


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yeah it could take a little less than a week (if you just casually go into the sun) get some good sun screen...I'm using a spray on/oil free neutragena product.


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I was planning on taking it with no guard, but the guy who buzzed it said he had the same type of thinning I did and offered to try what he does and I could just buzz it off if I didn't like it.

He buzzed the sides really short - half an inch or less and scissor-cut the top (where I have diffuse thinning all over) and left it about an inch.

At first, I was not too happy but the more people I talked to who knew about my hairloss situation, the better I felt. Everyone has said it looks really good on me. The only part I don't like is that it shows off my receding hairline a little more, but the more I look at dudes with buzzed heads, the more I think I look normal.

Short history: I've been wearing a ball cap for about a year now, all the time except when i absolutely couldn't. Prolly averaged 8 hours of cap-wearing a day. I buzzed it Tuesday morning and I've felt so good about it that I haven't put one on since then. It really has taken my mind off of it so much.

Don't get me wrong, it prolly shows that I'm losing my hair but I feel like this way, I am saying "I know and I don't care." I really feel more confident and am enjoying life a lot more now.

I've been on Propecia/nizoral for about 18 months now. I'm going to continue using it and hope for the best I know I am going to eventually lose what I have and I feel better about it now.

Good luck to everyone!


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Worried, your situation sounds like mine. I too wore a cap, for a year or little more. Just about a month and a half ago I got my hair cut pretty much the same way you described how he cut yours. I too feel better now. It still sucks but I'm able to deal with it better now. Actually I'm going in for a cut today, probably going even a little shorter so I'm hoping it will still look decent. Anyways, everyone have a good one.


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It depends on your skin type to determine how fast you'll tan on your head. For me, I tan fairly easy so even after a few hours in the sun I'm able to get a good enough tan on my head. Basically, the skin on your head will tan at almost the same rate as the rest of your body. If you can get a good enough tan on your body within 2 days in the sun, then most likely your head will respond in the same way.....

btw, be careful you don't stay in the sun too long (unless you put sunblock on your head, but I don't even know if you can even do that).... last time I was getting a tan, I ended up staying too long and my head got burnt. So for a whole week the skin on my head started peeling off and I must say, it didn't look very pleasing.