Question about skin and DHT blockers


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I was thinking that if a DHT blocker such as spironolactone or RU is used would it mean that DHT levels in the body would rise due to the DHT not being able to bind to the receptor and having to go somewhere else. The reason I ask is I suffer from mild to moderate acne (mostly mild nowadays) and I fear that if DHT levels do raise it could lead to the worsening of my acne. Any input would be appreciated.


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Try to use the same medical terminology that doctors and scientists use. Spironolactone and RU58841 are "antiandrogens" or "androgen receptor blockers", they aren't "DHT blockers". Drugs like finasteride and dutasteride are "5a-reductase inhibitors", which stop the bodily formation of DHT from testosterone. They aren't antiandrogens at all.